You are invited to contribute to the future « Contributing to Free-Libre Open Source Software » MOOC by Télécom Paris and Framasoft

Interested in contributing to the contents production of a MOOC about FLOSS contribution? You already have a contribution experience and think it can be useful to new contributors? Join us!

The French original version of this article has been published on this blog on Feb. 4th, 2021.

Leading Internet users into the world of contribution

Last September we were so delighted to learn that Marc Jeanmougin, a research engineer at Télécom Paris, wanted Framasoft to be associated with his online course projet on FLOSS contributions that had just been funded by the Institut Mines-Télécom.

We have been dreaming about it: a MOOC to learn how to contribute to free-libre software

Developing digital tools that facilitate individuals’ contributions is one of the lines of our Contributopia campaign. On this subject we already have set up Contribateliers (and their online version Confinateliers): workshops to discover how each of us can contribute to free-libre software. Implemented in 2018 in Lyon, those interventions now take place in cities (Lyon, Paris, Toulouse, Grenoble and Nantes) allowing people to contribute to the free-libre software and free culture in a user-friendly way.

This is also the case with the Contribulle project we are hosting: a platform where projects with the same free-libre software values are connected with those without enough skills and contributors who could give them a hand. This nice initiative is slowly taking shape and we think it will be a great success in the coming months.

Finally, the aim with this Contributing to FLOSS MOOC is to allow developers to get both a theoretical (what is it about?) and practical introduction (how to contact somebody? and how to contribute?) to the world of FLOSS contribution.

All these initiatives allow users of free-libre services to learn how to contribute and to stop using a software only as if it were a finished product.

Contributing to develop the Contributing to FLOSS MOOC

After a first day in October, talking about pedagogical sequencing in a small committee, the prefiguration team decided that given the MOOC subject, it would not be totally far-fetched to allow people who want to co-produce contents with us to do so.

That’s why we have created a project on the Gitlab software forge. For now, few contents have been published on this contribution space. But you can still read the general outline of this future course.

The of the GitLab project

We also have created a dedicated Matrix chatroom in order to have a daily and more informal exchange with you. Do not hesitate to join us there to learn more about this project.

We invite you to exchange in video conference on this project on February, 10th at 6:30pm. At the same time we will present you the general organization of the MOOC and the choices we have made both educationally (what angle on FLOSS we will try to take) and technically. We will also discuss how we envisage contributions to contents production.

If after this first exchange you want to help us with contents preparation, you can participate in 6 other online brainstorming sessions, each one dedicated to the contents of one week of the MOOC. They will take place on Mondays and Thursdays between 6:30pm and 8pm from February 11th to March 1st (details of access and contents will be published on the gitlab issues with each session).

GitLab issues with details of access and contents of the 6 meetings we offer.

We hope we will see many of you at those different events. But as we know it’s not always easy to be available on a set time slot, we offer to collect your reactions, feedbacks or comments before each session on our repository. Do not hesitate to write down whatever comes to your mind!