Framateam : libérez vos équipes des groupes Facebook (et de Slack)

Voilà un service de discussion qui se destinait, au départ, aux « dév », aux gens qui codent. Mais quand nous avons vu ses incroyables possibilités, on s’est dit que ce serait  dommage que la famille Dupuis-Morizeau passe à côté… Prêts à chatter comme vous ne l’avez jamais fait ?

Pour vous expliquer notre nouveau service Framateam, on s’est dit qu’une histoire et des images seraient bien plus efficaces qu’une longue liste à puces. Mais adressons-nous d’abord un court instant aux spécialistes de la programmation, aux plus barbu-e-s d’entre nous.

Pour les geek-e-s qui veulent aller à l’essentiel

Connaissez-vous Slack ? C’est encore un service propriétaire qui, à l’instar de Github, prend de plus en plus de place dans le paysage des développeurs. Mattermost en est une alternative libre et — bonus — qui est livrée avec Gitlab depuis quelques versions. Voici ses fonctionnalités :

  • service de discussion en temps réel basé sur le logiciel libre Mattermost
  • fonctionnement optimal sur les mobiles (il existe des applications Android/iPhone/WindowsPhone, mais Mattermost fonctionne très bien sans)
  • création d’équipes, qui contiendront des « canaux »
  • création de canaux soit publics (tous les membres de l’équipe) soit privés (le créateur du canal invite les membres de son choix)
  • possibilité de partager l’administration d’une équipe ou d’un canal
  • conservation de l’historique des canaux
  • mise en forme du texte à l’aide de la syntaxe Markdown
  • possibilité de chercher dans des discussions
  • possibilité de notifier les membres par email (notifier l’utilisateur « Camille » par @camille ; notifier tous les membres du canal en utilisant @channel)
  • possibilité d’ajouter des fichiers (images ou autres)
  • utilisateurs avancés : liaison possible avec (notification à l’ouverture d’une issue, d’un commentaire, etc.)
  • utilisateurs avancés : importations depuis Slack

Notre Mattermost est accessible sur

Voilà. Bisous.

Pour les autres, laissez-nous vous raconter une histoire…

L’asso LICORNES veut quitter son groupe Facebook

Vous ne connaissez pas la Ligue des Infatigables Comparses Optimistes Reniant le Nihilisme et Éclatants de Sollicitude…? Si, en réalité, cette association n’existe pas… elle devrait !

Sandrine, la présidente, en a marre d’utiliser Facebook pour discuter avec les membres, sans compter le Skype ouvert en permanence à côté pour chatter en privé avec le Conseil d’Administration ou le bureau de l’asso.

Créer sa team

Elle décide donc de se créer un compte Framateam. Ça, c’est facile : le truc classique, en trois étapes :

  1. Créer sa team (chouette : c’est elle qui décide si la team entre dans l’annuaire public ou non !)
  2. Se créer un compte (elle, elle utilise son compte Gitlab chez Framagit, parce que c’est une pro du Perl)
  3. Inviter les membres de l’asso avec leur email (elle teste avec l’email de Gérard, elle invitera les autres quand ce sera prêt)

Très vite, elle se rend compte que Framateam marche sous forme de canaux de discussion : il y a déjà le Centre Ville, pour la vie de l’asso, et le Hors Sujet, pour les galéjades. Ça tombe bien, chez les LICORNES, ça galèje souvent.

Elle décide de créer en plus un canal pour son équipe de graphistes tout terrain, qui font des affiches à paillettes et des sites web mirifiques.

framateam nouveau canal zoom

Premiers échanges

Et voilà que pendant qu’elle mitonnait ses canaux de discussion dans son coin, Gérard est déjà arrivé sur leur Framateam et y poste le lien vers une image de licorne musclée qu’il a trouvée… Magie de Mattermost : l’image s’affiche automatiquement !

Sandrine répond — forcément — avec un chaton-licorne (mieux connu sous le nom de « Dieu des Zinternetz »).

Framateam images

Création de canaux

Framateam canaux
Faut dire que pendant ce temps, Sandrine a eu le temps de créer plusieurs canaux de conversations.

  • Des publics (ouverts à tout membre de la team) :
    • Le Centre Ville et le Hors Sujet, qu’elle a décidé de garder
    • Le canal pour les Graphistes tout terrain est prêt.
    • Il en fallait un pour les Événements de l’asso (les soirées Paillettes et autres rencontres Arc-En-Ciel : c’est de l’orga !)
    • Pour la Trésorerie (laissons-les parler sous de leur côté, se dit-elle…)


  • Mais aussi des groupes privés (où il faut sélectionner les membres de la team qui y participeront) :
    • Un pour le Conseil d’Administration
    • Un pour le Bureau
    • Un pour préparer l’anniversaire de Gérard dans son dos 😉

Mise en forme des messages

D’ailleurs, pendant que Gérard s’amuse à inviter les autres membres du groupe sur Framateam (en leur envoyant un simple lien d’invitation à l’équipe !), elle décide de préparer le message pour organiser la surprise-party de l’anniversaire de son comparse :

Framateam canal secret

Alors comment a-t-elle fait pour mettre en page un aussi joli message ? Sandrine avait tout simplement cliqué sur « aide » en bas à droite et a lu, dans la documentation (traduite avec brio par le groupe Framalang), qu’il suffisait d’écrire son message en Markdown (LA syntaxe facile à retenir et utiliser). D’ailleurs elle a fait une coquille sur son message, elle clique donc sur le [...] à droite de son message pour le modifier :

Framateam markdown zoom

Fil de discussion et recherche

De retour sur la discussion principale, Sandrine se rend compte que sa question à Gérard (« Mais où sont passés nos flyers ? ») s’est un petit peu perdue dans les échanges.

Néanmoins Gégé a eu la bonne idée de répondre directement à sa demande en utilisant la flèche à droite de son message.

Framateam conversation 2

Car oui : le logiciel Mattermost qui fait tourner Framateam permet de conserver tous les messages et de faire des recherches dans les discussions.

Quelques jours plus tard, Sandrine fait une simple recherche du mot « flyer », ce qui lui permet de retrouver son message ainsi la réponse de Gérard. Elle le relance donc :

Framateam conversation


Sandrine connaît son Gégé-accros-aux-emails : elle a donc mis une arobase devant son pseudo :

Framateam conversation zoom 2Gérard n’était pas devant son écran, il a reçu un joli email de Framateam pour lui signaler qu’il a été mentionné dans une conversation.

Framateam email notification

La morale de cette histoire…?

C’est que les flyers étaient bien dans le coffre de la voiture de Gérard.

C’est surtout que les LICORNES se sont un peu plus libérées de Facebook, et peuvent désormais organiser leurs distributions de paillettes sans craindre de nourrir de leurs data l’ogre bleu de Zuckerberg.

Et même si vous croyez que les LICORNES n’existent pas (à vous de les créer comme on l’a fait pour le Framablog ^^), Framateam existe bel et bien.

À vous d’y créer votre (ou vos) équipe(s) sur !


Mise à jour du 5/08/2016 :
Le tutoriel d’installation de Mattermost est -enfin- disponible sur le Framacloud.
Notez que cette installation est conjointe à celle de Gitlab (Framagit) puisque c’est ainsi que nous avons procédé 😉

Framasoft in cifre, edizione 2023

Qual è l’impatto concreto delle azioni della nostra associazione? È questa la domanda a cui ci piace rispondere alla fine dell’anno (vedi dati 2022): prendersi il tempo per quantificare le nostre azioni è essenziale per rendersi conto del servizio che possiamo fornire agli altri. Iniziamo con le Framastatistiche 2023!

🦆 VS 😈 : Riprendiamo terreno ai giganti del web!

Grazie alle vostre donazioni (66% deducibili dalle tasse), l’associazione Framasoft lavora per far progredire il web etico e conviviale. Una sintesi dei nostri progressi nel 2023 è disponibile sul sito web Support Framasoft..

➡️ Leggete la serie di articoli di questa campagna (novembre-dicembre 2023).


Illustration de Hydroffice, un monstre serpentin à cinq têtes avec des crocs, ornées des logos des outils de la Google Suite
Clicca per sostenerci e contribuire a respingere Hydrooffice – Illustrazione CC-By David Revoy

Grazie a Nilocram per la traduzione!

Per quanto riguarda i nostri servizi online…

Più di 1,8 milioni di persone visitano i nostri siti web ogni mese: è il doppio delle visite che Disneyland Paris riceve ogni mese! Questa cifra è aumentata del 16% rispetto all’anno scorso, quindi è pazzesco (e molto motivante) pensare che ciò che facciamo sia utile a così tante persone. E cosa significa questo, per ogni singolo servizio?

Dessin d'un piaf sur la tête d'un éléphant, tous deux en position de kung fu.
Clicca per sostenerci e aiutare Espéhef e Ahèmvé – Illustrazione CC-By David Revoy


Framadate consente di creare dei mini-sondaggi, in particolare per trovare la fascia oraria giusta per gli appuntamenti. E in cifre, Framadate significa:

  • 33.785.780 visite nel 2023
  • 1,2 milioni di sondaggi ospitati nel 2023
  • 80.000 sondaggi creati in più rispetto al 2022

Grafico che mostra il numero di visite a Framadate


Framapad consente a più persone di scrivere sullo stesso documento. Framapad è senza dubbio uno dei più grandi servizi Etherpad al mondo, con:

  • 510.900 pad ospitati attualmente
  • Diversi milioni di pad ospitati dal lancio del servizio
  • 309.000 account su MyPads (+ 60.000 rispetto al 2022)
  • Oltre 5 milioni di visite nel 2023

Grafico che mostra la distribuzione dei pad in base alle nostre istanze Framapad (pad annuali, bimestrali, settimanali, semestrali, mensili e account Mypads)


Framalistes e Framagroupes

Framalistes e Framagroupes consentono di creare liste di discussione via e-mail. Poiché il server di Framalistes ha raggiunto la sua capacità massima, nel giugno 2023 abbiamo aperto Framagroupes per continuare a offrire questo servizio, che riteniamo indispensabile. Framalistes e Framagroupes sono senza dubbio i più grandi server di liste di discussione (esclusi i giganti del Web) esistenti, con:

  • Più di 1,1 milioni di utenti
  • 63.900 liste aperte
  • Circa 280.000 e-mail inviate in media ogni giorno lavorativo


Framaforms semplifica la creazione di questionari online. Framaforms in cifre:

  • 867.000 visite al mese
  • 418.628 moduli attualmente ospitati
  • 172.289 moduli creati quest’anno

Grafico che mostra il numero di visite a Framaforms (in aumento!)


Framacalc consente di creare fogli di calcolo collaborativi. È forse il più grande istanza Ethercalc del mondo, con:

  • 4.235.879 visite nel 2023
  • 218.000 calcoli ospitati

Grafico che mostra il numero di visite a Framacalc


Framateam è un servizio di chat che consente di organizzare dei team suddivisi per canale. È probabilmente una delle più grandi istanze pubbliche di Mattermost al mondo, con:

  • 148.870 utenti del servizio (di cui 5.582 si collegano ogni giorno)
  • 29.665 team
  • 168.102 canali di discussione
  • Più di 43 milioni di messaggi scambiati dal lancio del servizio

Grafico che mostra la distribuzione dei messaggi inviati a Framateam nell’arco di un mese (notare l’utilizzo molto elevato durante la settimana!)


Framagit è una fucina di software dove gli sviluppatori possono pubblicare il proprio codice e contribuire a quello degli altri. Framagit è probabilmente uno dei più grandi server Gitlab pubblici in Francia, con:

  • 70 679 progetti ospitati
  • 49 642 utenti
  • 8 966 fork
  • 149 789 issues
  • 91 623 Merge requests
  • 1 764 909 note

Screenshot della home page di Framagit


Framacarte consente di creare mappe online. E in cifre, è:

  • 2 770 510 visite nel 2023
  • 6 690 utenti (+ 1 246 in un anno)
  • 170 845 mappe ospitate (+ 33.476 in un anno)

Grafico del numero di visite a Framacarte


Framatalk consente di creare o di unirsi a una sala di videoconferenza. E in cifre, questo è:

  • 656 765 visite nel 2023 (+ 45 % rispetto all’anno scorso)
  • Una media di 75 conferenze attive per 200 partecipanti per giorno lavorativo

Grafico che mostra l’evoluzione delle visite a Framatalk (si noti l’enorme picco durante l’anno di confinamento!)


Framindmap consente di creare mappe mentali. In cifre, Framindmap è:

  • 295 379 visite nel 2023
  • 1,13  milioni di mappe mentali ospitate
  • 489 690 utenti

Grafico che mostra il numero di visite a Framindmap



Framavox consente a un gruppo di persone di incontrarsi, discutere e prendere decisioni in un unico luogo. Framavox è probabilmente una delle più grandi istanze esistenti dell’eccellente software Loomio, con:

  • 119 633 utenti
  • 124 566 visite nel 2023
  • 12 265 comunità

Framavox – Illustrazione di David Revoy


Framagenda consente di creare calendari online. In cifre, si tratta di:

  • 260 000 calendari
  • 122 919 utenti


Framaspace è un ambiente di lavoro collaborativo per piccole associazioni e gruppi. In cifre, si tratta di:

  • 850 associazioni e piccoli gruppi non organizzati da Google
  • 750 nuovi spazi aperti entro il 2023
  • 16 server (dedicati e macchine virtuali) per 640 TB di spazio su disco
  • Più di 800.000 file ospitati su Framaspace

Une licorne déguisée en cosmonaute (avec une passoire sur la tête) marche sur les nuages et souffle des bulles. Dans ces bulles, on retrouve des cubes symbolisant le travail en commun (dossiers, boite à outils, livres, machine à écrire, boulier, etc.).
Framaspace – Illustrazione di David Revoy


PeerTube è un’alternativa alle piattaforme video. E in cifre è:

  • 300 000 utenti
  • 893 000 video
  • 1 151 istanze pubbliche
  • 287 000 commenti ai video
  • 231 milioni di visualizzazioni (una visualizzazione viene conteggiata a partire da 30 secondi)
  • 434 To di file
  • 413 issues risolti nel 2023 (su un totale di 4.360 issues trattate)
  • 363 591 visite a
  • 2 sviluppatori stipendiati (il secondo si è unito al team a settembre!)

Statistiche di PeerTube per gli ultimi 3 mesi del 2023: istanze, utenti, commenti, video, visualizzazioni e peso dei video


Mobilizon è la nostra alternativa ai gruppi e agli eventi di Facebook. In cifre, è:

  • 313 554 eventi
  • 29 789 utenti
  • 86 istanze
  • 3 438 gruppi
  • 1 sviluppatore (nemmeno a tempo pieno!)

Mobilizon – Illustrazione di David Revoy


Framadrive, il servizio di archiviazione di documenti, non è più aperto alle iscrizioni, ma funziona ancora! In cifre, si tratta di:

  • 10,8 milioni di file
  • 4 794 utenti
  • 2,6 TB di spazio su disco utilizzato


Framapiaf, un’istanza del software di micro-blogging Mastodon, non è più aperta a nuove registrazioni ma rimane molto attiva. In cifre, si tratta di:

  • 1 500 utenti che si sono collegati negli ultimi 30 giorni
  • 850 utenti che hanno postato almeno un messaggio negli ultimi 30 giorni

Dorlotons Dégooglisons – Illustrazione di David Revoy

Infrastruttura tecnica

Per quanto ne sappiamo, Framasoft è il più grande fornitore associativo di servizi online al mondo. E a priori, questo modello di funzionamento associativo non esiste da nessun’altra parte! In cifre:

  • 58 server e 60 macchine virtuali che ospitano i nostri servizi online
  • 0,6 tonnellate di CO2 equivalenti per il consumo annuale di elettricità della nostra infrastruttura tecnica (il nostro host, Hetzner, utilizza energia idroelettrica ed eolica rinnovabile)
  • 1 amministratore di sistema a tempo pieno e 2 addetti al supporto tecnico
  • 1 persona di supporto a tempo pieno

Partecipo a finanziare i (Frama-)servizi


L’associazione e i comuni culturali

I servizi online che forniamo al pubblico non sono le uniche cose che ci tengono occupati. Ecco qualche dato su alcune delle altre attività che abbiamo svolto quest’anno.

Dessin dans le style d'un jeu vidéo de combat, où s'affronte l'éléphant et le piaf de Dégooglisonse et le monstre de Google Suite.
È grazie alle vostre donazioni che Espéhef e Ahèmvé sono in grado di tenere testa a Hydrooffice! Illustrazione di David Revoy

Attività interna

  • Framasoft conta 28 membri volontari e 11 dipendenti.
  • 45 presentazioni nel 2023, in presenza e/o online, sulle tecnologie digitali, i beni culturali comuni e le questioni in gioco.
  • Più di 130 articoli pubblicati sul Framablog nel 2023
  • 2 autori⋅ices accompagnati⋅ dalla nostra casa editrice Des Livres en Communs

I progetti in comune

  • 1 097 voci nell’annuario Framalibre
  • Un corso di formazione e un MOOC creato per chi ospita servizi etici
  • 21 operatori in grado di supportare le associazioni nella loro emancipazione digitale elencati sul sito
  • 5 visite di studio in 5 Paesi europei per il progetto ECHO Network
  • 8 anni di coordinamento del collettivo CHATONS, che attualmente comprende 91 fornitori di hosting alternativi

Abbiamo bisogno del vostro aiuto!

È grazie alle vostre donazioni che possiamo garantire la totale indipendenza finanziaria dell’associazione: la libertà di sperimentare, di continuare, di fallire, di fermarci, di portare avanti i nostri progetti, dai più seri ai più strampalati, sempre in linea con il nostro progetto associativo di educazione popolare ai temi del digitale e dei beni culturali comuni. E in cifre:

  • Il 93% del nostro bilancio è finanziato dalle donazioni
  • 5 463 donatori finanziano iniziative di cui beneficiano più di 1,8 milioni di persone ogni mese
  • Il70 % del bilancio è destinato al pagamento degli stipendi.

Ripartizione del bilancio di Framasoft


Framasoft è un’associazione di interesse generale: tutte le donazioni fatte a noi sono deducibili fino al 66% per i contribuenti francesi. Quindi una donazione di 100 euro vi costerà in realtà solo 34 euro dopo gli sgravi fiscali.

Barre de dons Framasoft le 28 décembre 2023, à 76% - 151079 €

Se vogliamo raggiungere il nostro budget per il 2024, abbiamo solo 3 giorni per raccogliere 48 000 € : non possiamo farlo senza il vostro aiuto!


Fai una donazione


Framasoft in figures, 2023 edition

What is the concrete impact of our association’s actions? That’s the question we like to answer at the end of the year: taking the time to quantify our actions is essential if we are to realise the service we can provide to others. Let’s get ready for Framastats 2023!

🦆 VS 😈: Let’s take back some ground from the tech giants!

Thanks to your donations to our not-for-profit, Framasoft is taking action to advance the ethical, user-friendly web. Find a summary of our progress in 2023 on our Support Framasoft page.

➡️ Read the series of articles from this campaign (Nov. – Dec. 2023)

Illustration de Hydroffice, un monstre serpentin à cinq têtes avec des crocs, ornées des logos des outils de la Google Suite
Click to support us and help push back Hydrooffice – Illustration CC-By David Revoy


As for our online services…

More than 1.8 million people visit our websites every month: that’s twice as many people as visit Disneyland Paris every month! This figure is up 16% on last year, so it’s pretty crazy (and very motivating) to think that what we do is useful to so many people. And what about service by service?

Dessin d'un piaf sur la tête d'un éléphant, tous deux en position de kung fu.
Click here to support us and help Espéhef and Ahèmvé – Illustration CC-By David Revoy


Framadate allows you to create mini-surveys, for example to find the right appointment time. And in figures, Framadate is:

  • 33,785,780 visits in 2023
  • 1.2 million hosted surveys in 2023
  • 80,000 more surveys created than in 2022

Graph showing the number of visits (blue) and page views (orange) to Framadate


Framapad allows several people to write on the same document. Framapad is undoubtedly one of the largest Etherpad services in the world, with:

  • 510,900 pads currently hosted
  • Several million pads hosted since the launch of the service
  • 309,000 accounts on MyPads (+ 60,000 compared to 2022)
  • More than 5 million visits in 2023

Graph showing the distribution of pads according to our Framapad instances (annual, bimonthly, weekly, half-yearly, monthly pads and Mypads accounts).

Framalistes and Framagroupes

Framalistes and Framagroupes allow you to create email discussion lists. As the Framalistes server had reached its maximum capacity, we opened Framagroupes in June 2023 to continue offering this service, which we consider essential. Framalistes and Framagroupes are undoubtedly the largest discussion list servers in existence (excluding the web giants), with:

  • more than 1.1 million users
  • 63,900 open lists
  • An average of 280,000 messages sent per working day


Framaforms makes it easy to create online forms. Framaforms in figures:

  • 867,000 visits per month
  • 418,628 forms currently hosted
  • 172.289 forms created this year

Graph showing the evolution of visits (blue) and page views (orange) to Framforms (it’s going up!)


Framacalc allows you to create collaborative spreadsheets. It may also be the largest Ethercalc database in the world, with:

  • 4,235,879 visits in 2023
  • 218,000 hosted spreadsheets

Graph showing the number of visits (blue) and page views (orange) to Framacalc


Framateam is a chat service that allows teams to be organised by channel. It is probably one of the largest public Mattermost instances in the world, with:

  • 148,870 users of the service (5,582 of which log on daily)
  • 29,665 teams
  • 168,102 discussion channels
  • More than 43 million messages exchanged since the launch of the service

Graph showing the distribution of messages sent to Framateam over a month (note the very high usage during the week!).


Framagit is a software forge where developers can publish their code and contribute to the code of others. Framagit is probably one of the largest public Gitlab servers in France, with:

  • 70,679 hosted projects
  • 49,642 users
  • 8,966 forks
  • 149,789 issues
  • 91,623 merge requests
  • 1,764,909 commit notes

Screenshot of the Framagit homepage


Framacarte allows you to create maps online. And in figures, it’s:

  • 2,770,510 visits in 2023
  • 6,690 users (+ 1,246 in one year)
  • 170,845 hosted maps (+ 33,476 in one year)

Graph showing the number of visits (blue) and page views (orange) to Framacarte


Framatalk allows you to create or join a video conference room. And in numbers, that’s

  • 656,765 visits in 2023 (+45% compared to last year)
  • An average of 75 active conferences with 200 participants per working day

Graph showing the number of visits (blue) and page views (orange) to Framatalk (note the huge spike during the year of lockdowns!)


Framindmap allows you to create mind maps. In numbers, Framindmap is:

  • 295,379 visits in 2023
  • 1.13 million hosted mind maps
  • 489,690 users

Graph showing the number of visits (blue) and page views (orange) to Framindmap


Framavox allows a group of people to meet, discuss and make decisions in one place. Framavox is probably one of the largest existing instances of the excellent Loomio software, with:

  • 119,633 users
  • 124.566 visits in 2023
  • 12.265 communities

Framavox – Illustration by David Revoy


Framagenda allows you to create online calendars. In numbers, that’s:

  • 260,000 calendars
  • 122.919 users


Framaspace is a collaborative working environment for small associations and groups. In numbers, that’s:

  • 850 associations and small groups not organised by Google
  • 750 new spaces to be opened by 2023
  • 16 servers (dedicated and virtual machines) providing 640 TB of storage
  • More than 800,000 hosted files

Une licorne déguisée en cosmonaute (avec une passoire sur la tête) marche sur les nuages et souffle des bulles. Dans ces bulles, on retrouve des cubes symbolisant le travail en commun (dossiers, boite à outils, livres, machine à écrire, boulier, etc.).
Framaspace – Illustration by David Revoy


PeerTube is the alternative to video platforms. And in numbers, it’s:

  • 300,000 users
  • 893,000 videos
  • 1,151 public entities
  • 287,000 comments on videos
  • 231 million views (a view is counted from 30 seconds)
  • 434 TB of files
  • 413 issues resolved in 2023 (out of a total of 4,360 issues handled)
  • 363,591 visits to
  • 2 employees (the 2nd joined the team in September!)

PeerTube statistics for the last 3 months of 2023: instances, users, comments, videos, views and weight of videos


Mobilizon is our alternative to Facebook Groups and Events. In numbers, it’s:

  • 313,554 events
  • 29,789 users
  • 86 instances
  • 3,438 groups
  • 1 developer (not even full-time!)

Mobilizon – Illustration by David Revoy


Framadrive, the document storage service, is no longer open for registration, but it’s still working! And in numbers, that’s:

  • 10.8 million files
  • 4,794 users
  • 2.6 TB of storage used


Framapiaf, an installation of the microblogging software Mastodon, is no longer open to new registrations, but remains very active. In figures, there are:

  • 1,500 users who have registered in the last 30 days
  • 850 users who have posted at least one message in the last 30 days

The care given to our online services – Illustration by David Revoy

Technical infrastructure

To the best of our knowledge, Framasoft is the world’s largest web host for online services. And a priori, this associative operating model doesn’t exist anywhere else! In figures:

  • 58 servers and 60 virtual machines hosting our online services
  • 0.6 tonnes of CO2 equivalent for the annual electricity consumption of our technical infrastructure (our host, Hetzner, uses renewable hydro and wind energy)
  • 1 full-time sysadmin and 2 technical support staff
  • 1 full-time support person

Support Framasoft

The association and the cultural commons

The online services we provide to the public are not the only things that keep us busy. Here are some figures on some of the other things we’ve been up to this year.

Dessin dans le style d'un jeu vidéo de combat, où s'affronte l'éléphant et le piaf de Dégooglisonse et le monstre de Google Suite.
It’s thanks to your donations that Espéhef and Ahèmvé are facing Hydrooffice. Illustration de David Revoy


  • Framasoft has 28 volunteers and 11 paid employees
  • 45 presentations in 2023, face-to-face and/or online, on digital technology, the cultural commons and related issues
  • over 130 articles published on the Framablog in 2023
  • 2 books published by our publishing house Des Livres en Communs (in French)

Shared projects

  • 1,097 entries in the Framalibre directory
  • A training course and a MOOC created for ethical service providers
  • 21 service providers able to support associations in their digital emancipation, listed on the website
  • 5 study visits in 5 European countries for the ECHO Network project
  • 8 years of coordinating the CHATONS collective, which currently includes 91 alternative hosting providers

Support Framasoft

We need your help!

It’s thanks to your donations that we can guarantee the total financial independence of the association: the freedom to experiment, to continue, to fail, to stop, to continue our projects, from the most serious to the most mad, always in line with our associative project of popular education on digital issues and the cultural commons. And in figures:

  • 93% of our budget comes from donations
  • 5,463 donors finance initiatives that benefit more than 1.8 million people every month
  • 70% of the budget is spent on salaries

Breakdown of Framasoft’s budget (in order: Human resources, Servers and domains, Operating costs, Interventions, Communication, Project services, Bank charges and tax)


Once again this year, we need you, your support, your sharing to help us regain ground on the toxic GAFAM web and multiply the number of ethical digital spaces.

Barre de dons Framasoft le 28 décembre 2023, à 76% - 151079 €

If we want to balance our budget for 2024, we only have 3 days left to raise €48 000: we can’t do it without your help!

Support Framasoft


Framasoft en chiffres, édition 2023

Quel est l’impact concret des actions de notre association ? C’est la question à laquelle nous aimons répondre en fin d’année (cf. chiffres 2022) : prendre le temps de chiffrer nos actions est essentiel pour réaliser le service que l’on peut rendre aux autres. En route pour les Framastats 2023 !

🦆 VS 😈 : Reprenons du terrain aux géants du web !

Grâce à vos dons (défiscalisables à 66 %), l’association Framasoft agit pour faire avancer le web éthique et convivial. Retrouvez un résumé de nos avancées en 2023 sur le site Soutenir Framasoft.

➡️ Lire la série d’articles de cette campagne (nov. – déc. 2023)


Illustration de Hydroffice, un monstre serpentin à cinq têtes avec des crocs, ornées des logos des outils de la Google Suite
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider à repousser Hydrooffice – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Du côté de nos services en ligne…

Plus de 1,8 million de personnes naviguent sur nos sites internet chaque mois : c’est deux fois plus de visites que n’en reçoit Disneyland Paris par mois ! Ce chiffre a augmenté de 16 % par rapport à l’année dernière, c’est assez fou (et très motivant) d’imaginer que ce que nous faisons est utile à tant de monde. Et service par service, ça donne quoi ?

Dessin d'un piaf sur la tête d'un éléphant, tous deux en position de kung fu.
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Espéhef et Ahèmvé – Illustration CC-By David Revoy


Framadate permet de créer des mini-sondages, notamment pour trouver le bon créneau de rendez-vous. Et en chiffres, Framadate c’est :

  • 33 785 780 visites en 2023
  • 1,2 million de sondages hébergés en 2023
  • 80 000 sondages créés de plus par rapport à l’année 2022

Graphique présentant l’évolution des visites sur Framadate


Framapad permet de rédiger à plusieurs sur un même document. Framapad est sans doute l’un des plus gros services Etherpad au monde avec :

  • 510 900 pads hébergés actuellement
  • Plusieurs millions de pads hébergés depuis le lancement du service
  • 309 000 comptes sur MyPads (+ 60 000 par rapport à 2022)
  • Plus de 5 millions de visites en 2023

Graphique présentant la répartition des pads selon nos instances Framapad (pads annuels, bimestriels, hebdomadaires, semestriels, mensuels et comptes Mypads)


Framalistes et Framagroupes

Framalistes et Framagroupes permettent de créer des listes de discussion par email. Le serveur de Framalistes étant arrivé au maximum de ses capacités, nous avons ouvert Framagroupes en juin 2023, pour continuer à proposer ce service que nous trouvons indispensable. Framalistes et Framagroupes sont certainement les plus gros serveurs de listes de discussion (hors géants du Web) qui existent, avec :

  • Plus d’1,1 million d’utilisateurs et utilisatrices
  • 63 900 listes ouvertes
  • Environ 280 000 mails envoyés en moyenne par jour ouvré


Framaforms permet de créer simplement des questionnaires en ligne. Framaforms en chiffres c’est :

  • 867 000 visites par mois
  • 418 628 formulaires actuellement hébergés
  • 172 289 formulaires créés cette année

Graphique présentant l’évolution des visites sur Framforms (ça grimpe !)


Framacalc permet de créer des tableurs collaboratifs. C’est peut-être là encore la plus grosse base Ethercalc au monde avec :

  • 4 235 879 visites en 2023
  • 218 000 calcs hébergés

Graphique présentant l’évolution des visites sur Framacalc


Framateam est un service de tchat, et permet une organisation d’équipe par canaux. C’est probablement l’une des plus grosses instances Mattermost publique au monde avec :

  • 148 870 utilisateurs et utilisatrices sur le service (dont 5 582 se connectent tous les jours)
  • 29 665 équipes qui s’organisent
  • 168 102 canaux de discussions
  • Plus de 43 millions de messages échangés depuis le lancement du service

Graphique présentant la répartition des messages envoyés sur Framateam sur un mois (on remarque une très forte utilisation en semaine !)


Framagit est une forge logicielle, où développeurs et développeuses peuvent publier leur code et contribuer à celui des autres. Framagit est probablement un des plus gros serveurs Gitlab publics de France avec :

  • 70 679 projets hébergés
  • 49 642 utilisateurs et utilisatrices
  • 8 966 forks
  • 149 789 issues
  • 91 623 Merge requests
  • 1 764 909 notes

Capture écran du tableau d’accueil de Framagit


Framacarte permet de créer des cartes géographiques en ligne. Et en chiffres, c’est :

  • 2 770 510 visites en 2023
  • 6 690 utilisateurs et utilisatrices (+ 1 246 en un an)
  • 170 845 cartes hébergées (+ 33 476 en un an)

Graphique présentant l’évolution des visites sur Framacarte


Framatalk permet de créer ou rejoindre un salon de vidéoconférence. Et en chiffres, c’est :

  • 656 765 visites en 2023 (+ 45 % par rapport à l’an passé)
  • En moyenne 75 conférences actives pour 200 participant⋅es par jour ouvré

Graphique présentant l’évolution des visites sur Framatalk (remarquez cet énorme pic pendant l’année des confinements !)


Framindmap permet de créer des cartes mentales. En chiffres, Framindmap c’est :

  • 295 379 visites en 2023
  • 1,13 million de cartes mentales hébergées
  • 489 690 utilisateurs et utilisatrices

Graphique présentant l’évolution des visites sur Framindmap



Framavox permet à un collectif de se réunir, débattre et prendre des décisions, dans un seul endroit. Framavox est probablement une des plus grosses instances existantes de l’excellent logiciel Loomio, avec :

  • 119 633 utilisateurs et utilisatrices
  • 124 566 visites en 2023
  • 12 265 communautés

Framavox – Illustration de David Revoy


Framagenda permet de créer des calendriers en ligne. Et en chiffres, c’est :

  • 260 000 calendriers
  • 122 919 utilisateurices


Framaspace est un environnement de travail collaboratif pour les petites associations et collectifs. En chiffres, c’est :

  • 850 associations et petits collectifs qui ne s’organisent pas chez Google
  • 750 nouveaux espaces ouverts en 2023
  • 16 serveurs (dédiés et machines virtuelles) pour 640 To d’espace disque provisionné
  • Plus de 800 000 fichiers hébergés

Une licorne déguisée en cosmonaute (avec une passoire sur la tête) marche sur les nuages et souffle des bulles. Dans ces bulles, on retrouve des cubes symbolisant le travail en commun (dossiers, boite à outils, livres, machine à écrire, boulier, etc.).
Framaspace – Illustration de David Revoy


PeerTube est une alternative aux plateformes vidéo. Et en chiffres c’est :

  • 300 000 utilisateurs et utilisatrices
  • 893 000 vidéos
  • 1 151 instances publiques
  • 287 000 commentaires sur les vidéos
  • 231 millions de vues (on compte une vue à partir de 30 secondes sur la vidéo)
  • 434 To de fichiers
  • 413 issues résolues en 2023 (sur 4 360 issues traitées au total)
  • 363 591 visites sur
  • 2 développeurs salariés (le 2e a rejoint l’équipe en septembre !)

Statistiques PeerTube des 3 derniers mois de 2023 : instances, utilisateurices, commentaires, vidéos, vues et poids des vidéos


Mobilizon est l’alternative que nous proposons aux groupes et événements Facebook. En chiffres, c’est :

  • 313 554 événements
  • 29 789 utilisateurs et utilisatrices
  • 86 instances
  • 3 438 groupes
  • 1 seul développeur (même pas à temps plein !)

Mobilizon – Illustration de David Revoy


Framadrive, service de stockage de documents, n’est plus ouvert aux inscriptions, mais fonctionne toujours ! Et en chiffres, c’est :

  • 10,8 millions de fichiers
  • 4 794 utilisateurs et utilisatrices
  • 2,6 To d’espace disque utilisé


Framapiaf, installation du logiciel de micro-bloging Mastodon, n’est plus ouvert aux nouvelles inscriptions mais reste bien actif. En chiffres, c’est :

  • 1 500 utilisateurs et utilisatrices s’étant connecté·es dans les 30 derniers jours
  • 850 utilisateurs et utilisatrices ayant posté au moins un message dans les 30 derniers jours

Dorlotons Dégooglisons – Illustration de David Revoy

Infrastructure technique

Framasoft est, à notre connaissance, le plus gros hébergeur associatif de services en ligne au monde. Et a priori, ce modèle de fonctionnement associatif n’existe nulle part ailleurs ! En chiffres :

  • 58 serveurs et 60 machines virtuelles qui hébergent nos services en ligne
  • 0,6 tonne équivalent CO2 pour la consommation électrique annuelle de notre infrastructure technique (notre hébergeur Hetzner utilisant des énergies renouvelables hydroélectriques et éoliennes)
  • 1 admin sys à temps plein et 2 personnes tech en soutien
  • 1 personne au support à temps plein

Je participe au financement des Framaservices


L’association et les communs culturels

Les services en ligne que nous mettons à disposition du public ne sont pas les seuls à occuper nos journées. Voilà quelques chiffres concernant d’autres actions que nous avons menées à bien cette année.

Dessin dans le style d'un jeu vidéo de combat, où s'affronte l'éléphant et le piaf de Dégooglisonse et le monstre de Google Suite.
C’est grâce à vos dons que Espéhef et Ahèmvé font face à Hydrooffice ! Illustration de David Revoy

En interne

  • Framasoft c’est 28 membres bénévoles et 11 salarié⋅es
  • 45 interventions en 2023, en présentiel et/ou en ligne sur le numérique, les communs culturels et leurs enjeux
  • Plus de 130 articles publiés sur le Framablog en 2023
  • 2 auteur⋅ices accompagné⋅es par notre maison d’édition Des Livres en Communs

Les projets partagés

  • 1 097 notices sur l’annuaire Framalibre
  • Une formation et un MOOC créés à destination d’hébergeurs de services éthiques
  • 21 prestataires en capacité d’accompagner des associations dans leur émancipation numérique recensés sur le site
  • 5 visites d’étude dans 5 pays d’Europe pour le projet ECHO Network
  • 8 années de coordination du collectif CHATONS regroupant actuellement 91 hébergeurs alternatifs

Je soutiens les actions de Framasoft

Nous avons besoin de vous !

C’est grâce à vos dons que nous pouvons garantir une totale indépendance financière de l’association : liberté d’expérimenter, de poursuivre, de rater, d’arrêter, de continuer nos projets, des plus sérieux aux plus loufoques, toujours en gardant le cap de notre projet associatif d’éducation populaire aux enjeux du numérique et des communs culturels. Et en chiffres :

  • 93 % de notre budget est financé par des dons
  • 5 463 donateur⋅ices financent des actions utiles à plus de 1,8 million de personnes chaque mois
  • 70 % du budget est consacré à la masse salariale

Répartition du budget de Framasoft


Framasoft est une association d’intérêt général : tous les dons qui nous sont faits sont défiscalisables à hauteur de 66 % pour les contribuables français⋅es. Ainsi un don de 100 € ne vous coûtera en réalité que 34 € après défiscalisation.

Barre de dons Framasoft le 28 décembre 2023, à 76% - 151079 €

Si nous voulons boucler notre budget pour 2024, il ne nous reste que 3 jours pour récolter 48 000 € : nous n’y arriverons pas sans votre aide !


Je fais un don à Framasoft


Dorlotons Dégooglisons : pour des framaservices bichonnés !

« Dorlotons Dégooglisons » consiste à prendre soin de nos services en ligne et à mettre en lumière le travail trop peu visible des personnes qui s’en occupent. La collecte en cours nous permettra de voir si ce nouveau cap vous motive autant que nous !

« Dorlotons Dégooglisons »

Consacrer plus de temps et d’énergie à nos services en ligne, c’est un nouveau cap que nous voulons suivre. Et nous pourrons le garder grâce à vous, grâce à vos dons ! En savoir plus sur le site Soutenir Framasoft.

➡️ Lire les articles en lien

Dorlotons Dégooglisons – Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0

Un dorlotage régulier pour nos services en ligne

Nous le savons : nos services « Dégooglisons Internet » ne sont pas parfaits.

Oui, Framadate n’est pas idéal sur mobile (avez-vous essayé de basculer votre smartphone à l’horizontale ?).

Oui, mettre des cellules en gras sur Framacalc n’est pas le plus intuitif (mais si ! Vous voyez en haut « Format » ? Ensuite vous repérez « Polices » et vous choisissez dans la liste « Gras & Italique ». Facile !).

Non, le partage d’administration sur Framaforms n’est pas possible (quoi ? Vous avez vraiment besoin d’être plusieurs à modifier vos formulaires ?).

Bref nous avons en interne une « liste au Père Noël » qui s’allonge au fil des ans… Et c’est normal : certains services « Dégooglisons Internet » vont bientôt fêter leurs 10 ans ! Ces services que vous utilisez tant – vous êtes près de 1,5 million de personnes par mois à naviguer sur nos sites (nous on trouve ça dingue !) – nous ne les oublions pas.

Même si nous les chouchoutons déjà, nous souhaitons en faire encore plus. Nous voulons leur consacrer plus de temps et d’énergie. Et du temps, de l’énergie, ce sont des ressources précieuses, qui ne sont pas gratuites. C’est pour cela que nous avons besoin de vous, et de votre soutien !

Participer à la collecte Dorlotons Dégooglisons


Sortir de l’ombre le travail invisibilisé

Nous souhaitons aussi rendre visible le soin humain apporté à nos services, sans lequel la magie n’opérerait pas ! Un « dorlotage » humain essentiel au bon fonctionnement de nos services, que nous voulons mettre en lumière.

Les envoûtements de la gestion. C’est nécessaire pour toute association : des petites mains s’activent au quotidien pour payer les factures (eh oui, louer des serveurs n’est pas gratuit !), faire du lien avec les îles de notre archipel et orchestrer tous ces esprits volontaires. Du boulot essentiel auquel on ne pense pas en écrivant sur un pad !

Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0

Les incantations techniques. Que ce soit pour la mise en place d’une belle page d’accueil, pour les mises à jour et en sécurité de services, pour des développements ponctuels ou pour se dépatouiller des problèmes rencontrés avec les géants fournisseurs de mail (calinternets bienvenus dans cette éventualité plus que réaliste !), une expertise technique est indispensable pour le bon fonctionnement de nos services. Sans elle, les services ne dureraient pas !

Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0

Les enchantements du support. « Pourquoi mon mail met du temps à être reçu ? », si vous n’avez pas trouvé la réponse dans notre documentation ou notre Foire Aux Questions, il vous arrive de contacter notre support. Et derrière toute réponse envoyée par notre support, ce sont des humains et des humaines qui s’activent pour trouver des solutions à vos questions parfois épineuses (processus souvent accompagné de quelques litres de café pour motiver les troupes lors des heures matinales – mais quelle idée de commencer la journée avant midi…!).

Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0

Le charme de la communication. Nos membres s’activent pour sensibiliser à des outils numériques éthiques, rassurent les inquiet⋅es en rappelant que tout changement prend du temps et, lors d’évènements, prennent plaisir à papoter de leurs militances avec passion (qu’elles concernent la défense du secteur associatif, les communs culturels ou le dernier rapport du GIEC).

Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0


« Dorlotons Dégooglisons », c’est aussi une manière de financer ce travail de soin à nos services bien trop souvent invisible et pourtant absolument essentiel.

Participer à la collecte Dorlotons Dégooglisons


Du dorlotage grande cuvée pour 2023 !

Dès cette année nous bichonnons nos services en ligne, pour qu’ils puissent durer dans le temps et être plus pratiques pour vous, comme pour nous. Concrètement, voilà ce qui s’est passé cette année en coulisses :

Des réparations. Nous avons passé de nombreuses heures à trouver des solutions pour gérer les spams, que ce soit sur Framaforms, Framagit, ou Framalistes (coucou Orange qui ne laisse toujours pas passer nos mails de façon fluide…!). Nous avons aussi dû séparer Framagit sur 2 machines (la base de données du service devenait trop importante et pénalisait l’ensemble du service…). Pour Framacalc, nous avons dû corriger un bug Ethercalc (le logiciel derrière le service) qui générait un problème de saturation de la mémoire et faisait tomber le service.

Des mises à jour conséquentes. Nous avons (enfin !) pu mettre à jour Framavox en début d’année, vers une version récente particulièrement lourde à gérer pour nous (une mise à jour que nous avions reportée d’un an pour non disponibilité interne…), et nous en avons profité pour mettre mettre un bon coup de pinceau sur la page d’accueil du service. Framateam, Framindmap, Framagenda, Framadrive,, et Framapiaf ont également été mis à jour, corrigeant des bugs ou apportant de nouvelles fonctionnalités.



Framavox – Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0


Des contributions aux logiciels libres qui font tourner nos services. Nous avons apporté des contributions à différents logiciels libres qui sont en coulisses de nos services – améliorations qui sont maintenant disponibles pour l’ensemble des utilisateur⋅ices de ces logiciels :

Des ouvertures de services. Nous avons ouvert Framaspace, un espace de cloud collaboratif pour petites associations (en savoir plus ici). Enfin, en soutien à un Framalistes archi plein ayant atteint ses limites physiques, nous ouvrons le service Framagroupes (plus d’infos par ici).

Nos dorlotages de l’année vous inspirent ? Vous voulez participer à les rendre possibles ?

Soutenir nos actions de dorlotage


Prenons-nous le bon cap ?

Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0

Prioriser nos services en ligne, c’est le choix que feraient 82% des 12 664 répondant⋅es à l’enquête lancée l’année dernière, s’iels étaient aux manettes de notre association. Et ça tombe plutôt bien car nous partageons cette envie !

Cette collecte, c’est aussi pour nous une manière de voir si nous prenons la bonne direction. Nous estimons que cette première année de dorlotage coûte 60 000 € (« estimons », car c’est très difficile de chiffrer précisément un travail de soin humain), et nous vous lançons le défi de les récolter en 3 semaines, du 23 mai au 13 juin. La suite ?

  • La semaine prochaine, le 7 juin, nous ouvrons et vous présentons le service Framagroupes.
  • Dans deux semaines, le 13 juin, nous ferons le bilan de ces 3 semaines de collecte.

Vous utilisez nos services en ligne ? C’est parce que d’autres (ou vous !) les ont financés, en nous faisant un don. Vous pouvez, vous aussi, soutenir « Dorlotons Dégooglisons », et nous conforter sur le choix de prendre cette nouvelle direction, celle du soin à nos services et une mise en valeur du travail qu’il demande. D’avance, merci de votre soutien !

Pour relayer ou participer à la collecte, une seule adresse à retenir :

Participer à la collecte Dorlotons Dégooglisons


Liens utiles

Collectivise the Internet : Three years to Ruffle the Feathers of Surveillance Capitalism

If the major issue in the digital world is systemic (a system called Surveillance Capitalism), then the answer cannot be limited to  » individual degoogleizing initiatives ». Our new roadmap Collectivise the Internet / Convivialise the Internet 🦆🦆  is all out on providing digital tools for non-profit organizations and collectives that work for the common good and the good of the Commons.

Let us tell you this story…

This article was published in French in October 2022 as part of the launch of Framasoft’s new roadmap Collectivise the Internet / Convivialise the Internet.

Simple banquet, in a shared garden, where free-software mascot animals are being served by Collectivise, convivialise ducks - Illustration by David Revoy - Licence: CC-By 4.0
Collectivise, convivialise – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

Emancipating Ourselves from Googles’ Industrial Animal Farmland

At Framasoft, we learn by doing. With every new campaign, with every new three-year roadmap, we try to apply lessons from the past. And every time, we discover more about our own misconceptions, our mistakes and ways forward to fix them.

During the Degoogleize The Internet campaign (2014-2017), we have learned that, although our small association could not degoogleize the whole planet, there is still a great deal of people who show interest in web-based tools that respect their values and integrity. Providing Free and open-source services to a as many people as possible ensures a large-scale deployment, even if that means risking focusing the demand and expectations on us. During this time period, we also initiated the alternative hosting collective CHATONS (an acronym that also means « kitties », in French), so that other hosts could join us in this adventure.

Then, we started the Contributopia roadmap (2017-2020), in which we contributed to many collective, popular and federated project, therereby meeting like-minded contributors, with whom we share the common values of sharing, fairness, caring, and emancipation, free and open-source software (FOSS) values that attracted us. We’ve come to realize, walking down this path, gathering and relating, that digital choices are societal choices, and that the choices made by FANGs are the pillars of a system: surveillance capitalism.

Illustration Quit planet GAFAM NATU BATX , CC BY David Revoy
« Quit planet GAFAM NATU BATX » Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

Entire books are merely attempting to define what surveillance capitalism is, so what we are sharing here is just a rough summary of what it actually is. Surveillance capitalism is a system that transforms collective behaviours into data sets by prioritizing profit and power above all. The aim is to sell prediction and manipulation of our future behaviours, generally as commercial, cultural or electoral propaganda. In order to do so, some mega corporations try to establish monopolies on digital tools that maximize the acquisition and monopoly on our attention.

Simply put, surveillance capitalism creates industrial data farms, where we are the cattle. On the one hand, we are force-fed with attention mush (enriched with ads), and, on the other, part of our lives and our social behaviours are snatched from us to be resold to prosperous buyers at premium price.

That is why, at Framasoft, we have developped tools designed away from the values pushed by this system. Among the solutions we developed are PeerTube, a video platform software, and Mobilizon, a group and events management system. However, these tools require an entire group of people managing, maintaining, drafting and ensuring its editorial policy, and moderating: many small organizations do not have the human ressources to handle this in-house.

🦆 Discover the projects we want to carry out  🦆 Support Framasoft

Requiring digital tools that do not give goose bumps

From 2019 to 2022, we also ran the Déframasoftisons Internet action plan. We closed several projects which were underused or available through other trusted « CHATONS » hosts. This allowed us to save some energy for future projects, to reinforce our will to take care of our organization by avoiding unreasonable growth or restructuring that would disrupt our collective and the way it operates – which has made us pretty effective so far! – but especially to promote the decentralization of ethical digital tools.

Between 2020 and 2022, right in the middle of a gobal pandemic that confirmed our general dependency on online services, we intensified our efforts in maintaining our actions. Incidentally, we revised our plans for « Let’s deframasoftize » and chose to maintain some of the tools we intended to restrain or close: Framalistes, Framagit, Framateam, Framacalc…. We made that choice because we could see little to no other alternatives, and we did not want to let so many people down.

During this period of forced isolation, a pressing need began to be voiced more and more:

I am willing to ‘degoogle-ize’ myself, but I need someone to assist me, who can be here, in person to help me throughout this transition.

a pastry chef kitten presenting a cake-cloud prepared on demand, while in the background other kittens cook another cake-cloud in the middle of their cat-scratching tree village
Emancip’Asso – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

We have been hearing this need for this kind of human, tangible support for a while, and this is not unexpected. One of the mechanisms of capitalism is to individualize (« the customer is always right ») so as to better isolate and place the responsibility on each of us. For example, the information that we name « personal data » is neither personal nor data: it is more accurately the digital harvesting of our lives linked to those of others. Those are our social behaviours.

Conversely, if so many organizations, federations, etc. are so efficient in their task for the common good (whether they help us discover knitting or fighti climate inaction), it is precisely because they rest on the enjoyment of being and doing together, on the joy of meeting and exchanging, on the human warmth we find in the collective.

🦆 Discover the projects we want to carry out  🦆 Support Framasoft

Ducking out the slump thanks to conviviality

The future Big Tech is designing for us is one where humans are being:
* isolated – so that connections between humans rely solely upon their tools
* exploited – so that more and more tools are being created for us to consume
* singled out – so that no collective action is put in place that challenges their methods
* dependent – on their system of absolute monopoly
* greedy – so our lack of money can be weaponized against us
* competing – to pit us against each other and justify the rise of their elite class

This future that surveillance capitalism is designing for us as we speak, is neither engaging nor sustainable.. It treats both people and the Earth as a liability and will lead us straight to destruction.

On the other hand, trying to step out of our comfortable FOSS-enthusiasts’ bubble to try and reach out to other communities that are changing the world, has proved to be not as desorienting as we might have thought. We found that oftentime we shared the same utopias and the same definition of society: one based on contributing.

Drawing of five isles in a circle, each with buildings from different cultures. They are communicating together using waves and echoes.
ECHO Network – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

These « Contributopians » share the same dream as us: a future where humans are proud, autonomous, emancipated, knowledgeable, sharing and helpful to each other… a future where digital tools are under control, transparent, user-friendly and enhance the emancipation of human beings.

Thus, let’s summarize the lessons learned from our previous endeavours:

  • We did not yet have tools that fit the needs of the small organizations and associations that do so much with so little, but most of all with a lot of good will.
  • We are aware of the risk of remaining isolated, singled out in our « small, individual ‘degoogleization’ initiatives » against a whole system that can only be faced effectively through collective action.
  • We can see how crucial it is to put humans back at the center, the need for human presence and kindness when assisting others throughout their transition towards ethical digital practises.
  •  We have been able to confirm that a good number of associations and organizations from civil society which are working for the commons share with us these common values.

These patrons/champions of a « society of contribution » work hard to make our common dreams a reality.

 Long story short: it’s high time we degooglized the Contributopians!

(… those who wish to be, of course. We have never forced anyone to do anything, and we won’t start now!)

🦆 Discover the projects we want to carry out  🦆 Support Framasoft

Finding warmth with the jolly fellows

The four long-term actions we introduced in the article « Convivialise the Internet » 🦆(Framaspace, Émancip’Asso, ECHO Network, all serve the same purpose: to equip organizations with online tools that fit their values.

These four projects rely on the strength of the collective while also taking into account the known constraints and limits that associations face. Kindness alone cannot magically and miraculously provide people with knowledge, time and means to train to use Nextcloud, PeerTube and other ethical tools.


Sepia, PeerTube cuttlefish mascot, is by the sea shore. She invites us on the pier where many sailboats berthed. Movies are played on the sails.
Peer.Tube – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

Similarly, the 39 members that compose Framasoft (10 of whom are employees) cannot spawn everywhere to personally train each and every new organization that wants to use, let’s say Framaspace, especially as that number could rise – with the help of your generous donations – up to thousands of organizations within 3 years!

That is why all of these projects are both about building a sense of community through shared spaces and some time allocated to community-building activities and sharing practices, challenges, etc., and providing support via coaching, improvements tailored for specific needs, and learning content to help people to be more autonomous and master the different tools, etc. Going blindly ahead with preconceived notions and a “we know best what works best for you” kind of attitude does not seem to be the most suitable — let alone humane — approach.


🦆 Discover the projects we want to carry out  🦆 Support Framasoft

Let’s steer our ship into a virtuous circle

We want to be efficient, so we want our tools to actually be used. Our goal is thus to make our tools useful – yeah, because designing tools that are actually useful is what disruptive innovation is all about, to make Tech for good that is community-owned and still very much online!)

We are thus planning not to plan everything, except time and space dedicated to your feedback. We also want to be available to tackle issues we might face on each of the actions that we feel ready to take. In other words, if we already plan to develop new features, create tutorials, host webinars and draft learning content, we do not want to predefine everything upfront, so as to save some time to help our users, our main target.

A unicorn dressed as an astronaut (with a spaghetti strainer on its head) is walking on the clouds and is blowing bubbles. Inside the bubbles, we can see cubes that represent collective work (files, toolboxes, books, typewriters, abacus, etc.) – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

This is the virtuous circle that we defined over the course of our various experimentations and that best fits our workflow:

1. Launch a first draft of our project, although imperfect

It’s OK if the paint is still fresh, or if it’s still a rough sketch. It’s absolutely OK too to start with a very small target audience. We have 3 years ahead of us to improve all that, and we have time and resources in store to do so.

For example, while we hope to provide millions of organizations with Framaspace within 3 years, it will be a good start to offer it to 200-300 organizations by the end of 2022!

2. Take users’ feedback into account

The forum, the PeerTube community the study programs on ECHO Network and the comments received on Emancip’Asso are all important resources to gather feedback on our tools. It’d be too easy to lock ourselves in an echo chamber and avoid the reality of those who are actually fighting on the battlefield.
We go as far as considering the creation of an Observatory of Practices and Free Open-Source Digital Experiences, basing ourselves on the organizations that make up the Frama.sapce user community. Codename: OPEN-L. Stay tuned for that… And let’s hope we manage to set it up!

3. Improve our solutions step by step

Our goal is to improve each of those actions over time. This could be done by creating documentation and pedagogical tools, moderating and facilitating user communities, working on the ergonomy or on new features to be developed.
We want to keep total freedom to improve each action depending on the feedback we get from users.

4. Link humans to tools, and to other humans

Here’s another important, yet often overlooked aspect: connections. Such a shame, considering that the Web is, by definition, designed to connect people, ideas and things. This step can take many forms. It may mean taking the time to introduce our users to the new improvements brought about by each of our actions. It may also mean broadening our user community for any given project. Finally, it may mean taking advantage of having organizations share a common tool by sharing with them, offering them and informing them on what their fellows are doing.

Additionally, it will take some journaling: to summarize experiences, the lessons learned, to gather the relevant resources… and share all of that with the community. Whatever the form, this connecting step is when we take the time to reflect, to review our actions so as to better start a new virtuous circle and launch a better version of the project.

🦆 Discover the projects we want to carry out  🦆 Support Framasoft

We ain’t no quacks. Please support us!

Ain’t gonna beat around the bush: Collectivise the Internet / Convivialise the Internet 🦆🦆 is a roadmap with a clear political purpose, in the sense that it shall contribute to changing the world (if only one byte at a time).

After eight years spent observing and informing the public on the future that Big Tech is already materializing for us day by day and the political choices that they are forcing on our societies, it feels more and more crucial to keep one corner of the Web free from their influence.

Such is « also » our role, because these new actions do not and will not replace the ones we are already conducting. All the ‘degoogleized » software already available to everyone, the development of PeerTube and Mobilizon, the FOSS collective CHATONS, the common cultural resources… All of these projects are still ongoing and will still require more work over the upcoming three years.


Portrait of a duck cheering in the foreground, while other ducks in the background are having a lantern-lit celebration among trees.
Quack-quack – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

If you agree with our set goals and strategy, if the actions that we are currently undertaking seem important to you, then we would like to remind you that Framasoft is exclusively funded by… You. It is only your kind contributions, eligible to a 66% tax cut for French taxpayers, that allow us to keep going in total independence.

If you can (as we are well aware that our current times are particularly harsh), and if you wish to, please support us.


🦆 Support Framasoft

This page has been translated from French to English by Framalang volunteers: Bastien, Bromind, Ellébore (proofreading), Goofy, GPSqueeek, Mathilde (proofreading), Stan, Susy

#Framastats – Framasoft en chiffres, édition 2022

Vous aimez les chiffres ? Ça tombe bien, nous aussi ! Framasoft sert à combien de personnes ? Combien de Framadate, Framapads, d’emails envoyés par Framalistes ?

Nous reprenons dans cet article les données fournies récemment dans un long fil Twitter (« thread » en anglais), ce qui explique sa forme de rédaction un peu particulière.

« Collectivisons Internet / Convivialisons Internet 🦆🦆 »Les actions de notre nouvelle feuille de route étant financées par vos dons (défiscalisables à 66 %), vous pouvez en trouver un résumé complet sur le site Soutenir Framasoft.

➡️ Lire la série d’articles de cette campagne (oct. – déc. 2022)

[💥 Attention Mega Thread 💥]

Framasoft est en campagne de dons pour pouvoir vous offrir de nouveaux services et maintenir l’existant. Vous trouverez plus d’explications dans cet article bilan :

Framasoft 2022 : une tambouille mijotée grâce à vous, grâce à vos dons


Mais au fait, Framasoft : ça donne quoi en chiffres ?

L’idée de cet article n’est pas (que) de montrer qu’on a de gros bras.
Mais aussi qu’on est peut-être légitimes à accueillir vos dons. Non pas parce qu’on les mériteraient plus qu’une autre asso, mais parce qu’un tel résultat ne peut s’obtenir qu’avec beaucoup de temps, d’énergie, voire d’amour ❤️

Les mascotte des actions de Framasoft (Un chatons, la licorne, Sepia de PeerTube, Rose de Mobilizon, un canard) sont réunies autour d'un écriteau. Elles font la fête, avec grands sourires et confettis. Sur l'écriteau il y a marqué : "Merci à nos donateurs et donatrices de rendre toutes nos actions possibles - L'équipe de Framasoft".
Merci – Illustration de David Revoy – Licence : CC-By 4.0

Commençons par les services les plus connus.

#Framastats #Framadate

  • 623 000 sondages hébergés (les sondages sont automatiquement supprimés au bout de 6 mois au plus).
  • 200K sondages de + qu’en février dernier.
  • Et environ 💥 30 millions de visites en 2022. Et ça continue de monter…

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#Framastats #Framapad

  • Quasiment 💥 500 000 pads hébergés à l’instant t
  • Plusieurs millions de pads hébergés depuis le lancement du service
  • 💥 250k comptes MyPads

De ce fait, Framasoft héberge sans doute l’un des plus gros services au monde ! 🌍

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#Framastats #Framalistes

  • 💥 56 400 listes ouvertes
  • + de 💥 1 million d’utilisateurs
  • ~ 120 000 mails envoyés par jour ouvré

Sans doute l’un des + gros services de listes de discussions (hors big tech, évidemment) au monde 🌍

#gallery-3 { margin: auto; } #gallery-3 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-3 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-3 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framaforms

  • +700 000 visites / mois
  • 💥 150 000 formulaires créés cette année
  • ~70 000 nouveaux utilisateurs en 2022
  • une base de données de +50GB

#gallery-4 { margin: auto; } #gallery-4 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-4 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-4 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framacalc

  • 4 millions de visites en 2022
  • 💥 200 000 calcs hébergés

Peut-être la plus grosse base au monde 🌍 (?)

#gallery-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framateam

  • 133 195 utilisateurs
  • 💥 27 329 équipes
  • 150 438 canaux
  • 💥 37 millions de messages
  • 4 240 users quotidiens
  • 11 151 users mensuels

On se demande si on n’est pas une des + grosses instances du monde 🌍 🤔

#gallery-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framagit

  • 💥 65 261 projets hébergés !
  • 41 788 users
  • 4 686 groups
  • Forks 7 204
  • Issues 138 063
  • Merge requests 82 984
  • Notes 1 691 000

Là encore, probablement un des + gros de France (Europe ? Monde ? 🌍 )

#gallery-7 { margin: auto; } #gallery-7 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-7 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-7 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framacarte

  • 2,7 millions de pages vues en 2022
  • 5 444 users
  • 💥 137 369 cartes hébergés

On doit être encore assez loin des stats du service mais ça chiffre déjà pas mal.

#gallery-8 { margin: auto; } #gallery-8 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-8 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-8 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framatalk

  • 450 000 visites en 2022
  • 💥 ~ 4 700 visioconférences créées
  • 💥 ~ 15 000 personnes accueillies sur l’année

Merci à <3

#gallery-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framindmap

  • – ~300 000 visites en 2022
  • 💥 1 206 433 cartes hébergées
  • 💥 522 667 utilisateurs

#gallery-10 { margin: auto; } #gallery-10 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-10 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-10 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framavox

  • – 175k visites en 2022
  • 💥 15 319 groupes principaux (93 494 groupes/forums au total)
  • 💥 109 030 users (17 413 coordinateurs)

#gallery-11 { margin: auto; } #gallery-11 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-11 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-11 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

→ Merci à pour cet excellent logiciel, dont doit être une des plus grosses instances existantes

#Framastats #Framapiaf

  • 💥 2,21 millions de Toots/Pouets/Messages
  • environ 10 000 comptes sur la plateforme, mais…
  • … seulement 800 utilisateurs réguliers (actifs les 7 derniers jours)

#gallery-12 { margin: auto; } #gallery-12 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-12 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-12 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Framalibre

  • – 800 000 visites en 2022
  • 💥 plus de 1 000 notices logicielles dans l’annuaire
  • 💥 1 (!) bénévole pour modérer/animer le site :-/ (😘 et 💪 @GavyNum )

#Framastats #Framablog

  • – 222k visites en 2022
  • 💥 2 758 articles (dont 💥 106 en 2022)
  • 31 000 commentaires

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#Framastats #PeerTube

Notre alternative éthique aux YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo & co.

  • ~ 400k visites sur
  • 💥 1 000 instances
  • 398k users
  • 💥 805k videos
  • 472 M vues
  • 350 TB fichiers
  • 4 300 issues (dont 3 800 fermées)
  • 💥 1 (!) dév salarié

#gallery-14 { margin: auto; } #gallery-14 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-14 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-14 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */

#Framastats #Mobilizon

Notre alternative aux groupes et événements Facebook.

  • ~ 90 instances
  • ~ 2 000 groupes
  • 💥 573k événements
  • ~ 14k users
  • 💥 1 seul développeur (même pas à temps plein !)

#Framastats #CHATONS

  • 💥 + de 100 chatons (membres du collectif)
  • 1/3 temps de coordination salarié par Framasoft
  • 321 services hébergés de façon décentralisés
  • 117 logiciels différents proposés par les membres du collectif

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#Framastats #Framasoft

  • bientôt 20 ans d’existence de l’asso @framasoft
  • 💥 38 adhérent⋅es
  • dont 10 salarié⋅es
  • ~40 interventions en 2022
  • 💥 115 serveurs (dont 57 physiques)
  • 171 domaines (!) chez @gandi_net
  • 💥 448 000 abonné⋅es à la NL

Voilà !

Vous pouvez aimer ou pas ce que Framasoft fait, mais en (presque) toute objectivité, pour une micro-asso francophone, on pense qu’on peut être fier⋅es du travail accompli cette année !

Framasoft souhaite, dans les années à venir, continuer à vous outiller numériquement, vous aider à développer vos compétences collaboratives et coopératives afin de transformer le monde.

Pour cela, nous avons besoin de vos dons.

Je soutiens les actions de Framasoft

(bonus) #Framastats #Framasous

Barre de dons de la campagne de dons 2022 de Framasoft, remplie à 80 % soient 160 849 € sur 200 000 €

Notre budget 2021, c’est (on a arrondi, mais nos rapports financiers et d’activités sont publiés ici) 640 000 € de dépenses, financées par les dons (à 98,5 %) avec 80 000 € de dons de fondations (NLnet, Fondation pour le Progrès de l’Homme), cela signifie que 86 % des dons qui ont financé notre année viennent… de vous !

À Framasoft, nous sommes fiers de ce modèle solidaire où les dons de quelques milliers de personnes permettent à plus d’un million de bénéficier de tout ce que l’on fait. Rappelons d’ailleurs que Framasoft est reconnue d’intérêt général. Ainsi, un don de 100 € revient, après déduction fiscale, à 34 € pour les contribuables de France.

À l’heure où nous publions ces lignes, nous estimons qu’il nous manque 39 100 € pour boucler notre budget annuel et nous lancer sereinement dans nos actions en 2023.

Si vous le pouvez (eh oui, en ce moment c’est particulièrement compliqué), et si vous le voulez, merci de soutenir les actions de notre association.


Je fais un don à Framasoft


Framasoft 2022 : a casserole cooked up thanks to you, thanks to your donations

Did you know that 98% of Framasoft’s budget is based on donations (86% of which are from individuals). It is therefore thanks to you and your support (thank you!) that all our actions are possible. So we wanted to give you a summary of what we have done in 2022. A look back at 12 months of popular education on the challenges of digital and cultural commons, which we wanted to be rich in flavours to please your (and our!) taste buds.

« Collectivise Internet / Convivialise Internet🦆🦆 » The actions of our new roadmap are funded by your donations, You will find a short presentation of this roadmap on our Support Framasoft website.

➡️ Read all blogposts of this campaign (oct. – déc. 2022, mostly in French)

Illustration CC BY David Revoy

But who is behind the stove?

Behind this little feast, who is there? A small group of 38 people: 28 volunteers and 10 employees, convinced that a world where digital technology allows us to gain freedom is possible! We tell you here what we did, thought about and moved forward in the kitchens. And the ovens are still hot!

Sharing our values, intentions and actions loud and clear

After 3 years of work, workshops guided by Marie-Cécile Godwin and fine-tuning by the association, we published our manifesto in November. This long work made us think a lot and allowed us to highlight very simply the political dimension of our associative project: we want to change the current world for a better one, where the Commons are favoured, where social justice is a fundamental value and where our liberties are preserved.

The second part of this important work was to make sure that our manifesto intentions are understood as soon as they arrive on We have therefore completely redesigned our main website to make our associative project clear, fluid and easily understandable.

Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Collectivise Internet / Convivialise Internet: our new roadmap 2023-2025

After 5 years on course with Contributopia, we needed to refine our compass and review our direction: where do we want to continue our exploration for the next few years? This is how the new roadmap Collectivise Internet / Convivialise Internet (code name: COIN / COIN – quack in french) was created: we want to address more directly the collectives and associations committed to a better world (without putting aside the thousands of people who use our tools!).

4 projects have been unveiled and will be progressively improved as the months go by thanks to the beneficiaries’ feedback, with the idea of creating more links between the tools and the people:

  • offering liberated cloud to small activist collectives
  • to promote the PeerTube for which we are working
  • Emancip’Asso: to promote the digital emancipation of the associative world
  • ECHO Network: to understand the needs of popular education in different European countries.

We have detailed the actions of this roadmap and why we are undertaking them on the Framablog (in french…!).

Banquet simple, dans une jardin partagé, où des animaux mascottes du libre sont servis par des canards
Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Seeing each other again and seeing you again: it’s a real boost!

This year 2022 will also have been marked by a more intense resumption of shared moments, in the flesh (with good airing!): GAs, Framacamp, events, fairs, conferences, festivals, film screenings, round tables… Because as much as we love doing all this, seeing you and us motivates us, boosts us and encourages us to continue testing new, ambitious, wacky and funny projects (Remember Proutify? The extension has just been updated by one of our volunteers)… it’s so important to have fun doing all this!

Dessin d'un Canard qui sourie en très gros plan, de manière comique, tandis que derrière lui des canards font la fête dans une kermesse champêtre
Illustration CC BY David Revoy


Without you, everything we do would not be possible: 98% of the association’s resources come from donations. Do you think that our reflections are going in the right direction? If you have the means, if you have the desire, we thank you in advance for your support.


Support Framasoft


As an appetizer: popular education buffet

For us, popular education is the basis for a better world: everyone can share their knowledge and access it, in all simplicity. We present here the different popular education actions carried out this year.

Sharing knowledge and points of view

To begin with, Framasoft intervened, in person or remotely, in various spaces, to talk about digital emancipation, alternative digital, or how to be free online. Our members have made more than 70 interventions, for different structures, associations or groups, in different regions of France. You can watch some of these interventions on our Framatube channel.

Then, Framasoft keeps the pen active on the Framablog. More than 100 articles have been published this year, between presentations of our different actions, translations of Framalang, weekly press review, guest keyboards, interviews of various emancipatory projects, audio articles… The Framablog is a space where we express ourselves without limits.

We also intervened about twenty times in the media when we were asked to share our points of view on digital issues: video interviews, podcasts, articles… You will find the different links accessible on this page.

Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Des Livres en Communs: the publishing house that breaks the rules

Our publishing house, Des Livres en Communs (formerly Framabook), is turning the publishing codes upside down by offering a grant to authors upstream of the writing process, as well as the publication of the work under a free licence, in digital form only.

Following the first call for publication launched in January: « Towards a more contributive, more united, more ethical and more free world: how to equip and organise ourselves together », the project « L’amour en Commun », by Margaux Lallemant and Timothé Allanche was selected. The objective of this publication is to question how the commonality of love, as a means of organisation and a motor of commitment, allows us to build an alternative to capitalist society.

The book is currently being created, between fieldwork and immersions, while being accompanied by our publishing committee.

Des Livres en Communs also participated in the co-editing and proofreading of the « Guide du connard professionnel », a work carried out with PtiloukEditions.

Illustration CC BY David Revoy

UPLOAD: a free university that is growing

The Free, Open, Autonomous and Decentralised Popular University (UPLOAD: standing for Université Populaire Libre, Ouverte, Autonome, et Décentralisée in french) is a large popular education project initiated and coordinated by Framasoft (for the moment), in a decentralised and networked logic. The objective is to contribute (on our scale) to making society more just and our world more liveable, by focusing on the training of citizens by citizens.

This project is largely formed by the LibreCourses, online courses allowing access to different knowledge and skills. Stéph offered us a conference (in french) to present the topic during the Free Software Days.

This year’s Librecourses will have been punctuated by the theme « Low-tech and digital »: a first session between April and June and a second between November and January 2023. Do you also find the exponential growth of digital technology problematic? Are you interested in reducing the technical footprint of a tool? You can find the videos of the courses here.

Illustration CC BY David Revoy a showcase for PeerTube that looks like us

With, we want to create a showcase for PeerTube, with quality content selected in advance. It’s our answer to a question we’re often asked: « But where do I find interesting content on PeerTube? The site is already available with a first selection of channels and videos, but the project will only really move forward next year.

Sepia, læ poulple mascotte de PeerTube, est au bord de la mer. Iel nous invite sur un ponton menant à une plein de voiliers. Un film est projeté sur chacune des voiles de ces voiliers.
Illustration CC BY David Revoy


Has our popular education buffet piqued your curiosity? Do you think our contributions are going in the right direction? Then we’d like to reiterate that all this was made possible thanks to you and your donations – thank you!

I support Framasoft’s popular education actions


Main course: digital empowerment frying pan

Enabling citizens to become digitally empowered and free their practices is the core of our actions. But what is this good pan made of? Liberated ingredients, quality, and a good pinch of love. We tell you all about it.

Online services to do without the digital giants

Our online services are often the reason why people know us: more than 9 out of 10 people told us so during our survey « What you think of Framasoft » launched at the end of May. And to tell the truth, we were not very surprised. To give you some figures, we count more than 50 million visits on all our sites since the beginning of the year, more than 350 surveys are created every day on Framadate, nearly 15,000 forms are created every month on Framaforms, nearly 110,000 collaborative writing pads are active on Framapad. We still find this incredible!

Between 2014 and 2019, our little association has made around 40 free and trusted online services available to Internet users (yes, 40!). For many reasons, this was too much, and we have gradually closed, between 2019 and 2022, a part of these services, while proposing alternatives. This period of closure is now over: our 16 online services are available to anyone who wants to use tools that respect our freedoms. We have therefore decided to update and redesign the website to make it an easily accessible gateway, to make it reflect our image and above all to reassure our users.

Keeping these services up to date, managing the machines that run them or answering your questions about support, is a daily job, and we try to put our best efforts into it!

Illustration « Quittons la planète GAFAM NATU BATX », CC BY David Revoy
Illustration CC BY David Revoy


PeerTube: freeing your videos and channels is getting easier

PeerTube is the software we develop (well, one of our employees, yes, one!) to offer an alternative to video platforms. And 2022 will have been a year rich in evolutions, where we now count more than 1000 active PeerTube platforms.

Let’s go to V5!

To begin with, version 4.1 was released in February, bringing interface improvements, new mobile features, an improved plugin system, new search filters and new instance customization possibilities for admins.

In June, we released version 4.2, which brought a great new feature: the Studio, or the possibility to edit videos directly from the web interface. This version also brought more detailed viewing statistics, the possibility to adjust the latency during a broadcast or the direct editing of subtitles (thanks Lutangar!)

In September, version 4.3 was released, allowing the automatic import of videos from a remote channel (thanks to Florent, one of the administrators of the PeerTube Skeptikón instance) and new improvements to the interface and the integration of live videos (a collaborative effort with a designer from la Coopérative des Internets).

And we can already tell you that the new major version, v5, will be released in a few days with (exclusive information!) two-factor authentication or the possibility to send live files to the cloud for admins…

Edit of December 13th : V5 is released ! Find all the information on this article.

Collecting your ideas to enrich the software

Do you create content on PeerTube? Do you enjoy watching videos on PeerTube? In July, we launched the tool (in english) to collect your needs for the software and help us identify new features to develop to make PeerTube more enjoyable to use.

Please feel free to take a look around, to vote for one of the features already proposed or to propose a new one. A big thank you to everyone who took the time to share their opinion! easier access to PeerTube is THE site that introduces PeerTube, THE gateway to information about this alternative to centralized video platforms, and we want to leave it wide open!

The previous version of was mainly focused on the technical features of PeerTube, and therefore addressed to technical profiles. However, now that there are more than 1,000 PeerTube platforms, we felt that it was necessary to promote the software to a wider audience who may be less digitally literate.

After an audit of the site via user tests carried out by La Coopérative des Internets, the web agency proposed improvements to allow a better understanding of PeerTube. You will find all the details of this version on this article of the Framablog: and we hope that this redesign will be useful and will facilitate the use of PeerTube!

Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Mobilizon: we make it easy for you to search

Mobilizon is the software that Framasoft is developing (well, one of our employees⋅es and not even full time!) to offer an alternative to Facebook events and groups.

Mobilizon Search Index, a search engine in the fediverse

As we did before with Sepia Search (our search engine for discovering content published on PeerTube), we want to offer a gateway to Mobilizon to show its emancipatory potential.

Mobilizon Search Index references the events and server groups that we have approved on (currently a little over 80 instances, and we hope the list will grow!). The search engine then allows you to explore the events and groups of all these servers, and in different ways: search bar (well, it’s rather classic), by categories (interesting, isn’t it?) or even by geolocating yourself to find events nearby (crazy!).

The source code is free-libre : anyone (with some computer skills, anyway…!) can install a Mobilizon Search Index, and adapt it to their needs.

So, does this make you want to test it?

A v3 focused on research

We released the 3rd major version of Mobilizon in November. The software has reached the maturity we wanted it to have, and that is very motivating!

In the new features: many elements of the software have been modified to avoid accumulating technical debt, the design of the homepage has evolved in design, and the search results page has also been revised (hello Mobilizon Search Index!). Increasing the possibilities of discovering events and groups to make the diversity of content published on Mobilizon more visible was also the goal of this v3.

This v3 was able to evolve thanks to the various contributions (thanks to the community!), was partly financed by a grant from NLNet (thanks to them!), and of course by you, and your donations (again a big thank you).

gros plan sur Rose, la fennec mascotte de Mobilizon, qui tient une loupe à la main. En fond, une carte représentant un village où des chemins mènent à un poitn commun. Au dessus d'elle, le symbole d'un lieu estampillé "v3"
Illustration CC BY David Revoy emancipating small associations and activist collectives is a new service (in french) that we offer to small associations and activist collectives, to allow them to match their strong internal values (of social justice and emancipation) with digital tools in the same direction (free and non-monopolistic tools). We want to empower associations and activist collectives by opening digital spaces for sharing, working and organising (up to 50 accounts per collective, based on the free software Nextcloud with: office suite, 40 GB of storage, synchronisation of diaries and contacts, video tools, etc.).

Announced on 15 October when our roadmap Collectivisons / Convivialisons Internet was released, pre-registration has been open since 18 November. Currently, applications are being reviewed (by real⋅es human⋅es!) to open 250 first spaces by the end of the year. Our ultimate goal (a tad ambitious, yes!) being to make 10,000 spaces available by the end of 2025.

Do you want to read more about the political aim of the project? We invite you to read this article or to watch this conference, which provides all the important details.

Une licorne déguisée en cosmonaute (avec une passoire sur la tête) marche sur les nuages et souffle des bulles. Dans ces bulles, on retrouve des cubes symbolisant le travail en commun (dossiers, boite à outils, livres, machine à écrire, boulier, etc.).
Illustration CC BY David Revoy


Do you find our actions to empower citizens through digital technology interesting? Do you think we are going in the right direction? All this was possible thanks to you and your donations. Thank you!


I support Framasoft’s digital empowerment actions


For dessert: farandole of a better world (to share!)

Because a good meal is always better when shared. And because it’s by sharing our know-how that we can go further. We act with other structures, which, like independent islands, bathe in the common waters of the same archipelago (can you also imagine floating islands with a good custard?): we keep our independence while sharing values of social justice. Acting together is obvious!

From the kittens’ side

The CHATONS (kittens in french) collective is a bit like a network of online service CSA(Community Supported Agriculture). Where Google, Facebook or Microsoft would represent the agri-food industry, the members of CHATONS would be computer farmers offering organic online services without GMOs, pesticides, aggressive marketing, in short: without a « race for purchasing power ».

At the end of this year, after already 14 litters of kittens, we count 97 members in the collective, i.e. 97 alternative hosts working in the same direction: resisting the gafamisation of the Internet and proposing alternatives respectful of our private lives.

The collective was present on different events during the year (Free Software Days, Digital Accessibility Workshop, Geek Faeries, Freedom Not Fear, Fête de l’Huma, Capitole du Libre), to present its actions. The second CHATONS camp took place this summer, a great time to meet and to relaunch great collective dynamics. Different working groups were created, in particular the group « An association for the CHATONS collective » aiming at an autonomization of the collective with the aim that we (Framasoft) leave little by little the coordination of the collective to the collective itself.

Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Emancip’Asso: promoting the digital emancipation of the associative world

The aim of Emancip’Asso is to help associations to find support to help their digital practices evolve towards more ethical practices. Designed in partnership with Animafac, 2022 will have been a year of… paperwork (yes, this is often the beginning of ambitious projects!).

We spent some time putting together a steering committee (20 members) that was varied, heterogeneous and representative of the diversity of the associative world. Then, as the project was intended to be financially independent, the first six months of the year were devoted to fundraising, which bore fruit (hurrah!). We currently have four funders (and we hope that the list will continue to grow!): the Charles Léopold Mayer Foundation for the Progress of Humankind, the Crédit Coopératif Foundation, the Un monde par Tous Foundation and the Libérons nos ordis Association.

The first funding allowed us to work on the first stage of the project: a training course for ethical hosts to help them accompany associations in their digital transition. Search for speakers, preparation of the programme and logistics: the training (it’s full!) will take place in Paris, from 16 to 20 January 2023 (the programme in detail is here).

Finally, at the end of this year, we applied to different student programs to set up two working groups: one on the graphic identity of Emancip’Asso (in progress!), and a second one on the realization of the website (to come).

You can find Angie and Anne-Laure presenting the project on video here.

un chaton patissier qui présente un nuage-gateau fait sur commande, tansdi qu'en arrière plan d'autres chatons cuisinent un autre nuage gâteau au millieu de leur village arbre-à-chats
Illustration CC BY David Revoy

ECHO Network: understanding the digital needs of popular education, here and elsewhere

2022 will also have been the year of the development of the European project « Ethical, Commons, Humans, Open-Source Network » (ECHO Network, it’s a bit easier to remember…). Led by the popular education movement CEMÉA France, the project brings together 7 structures from 5 European countries (France, Belgium, Croatia, Germany, Italy). What do they have in common? The support, each at its own level, of the public in their autonomy and emancipation.

The objective of the project is to exchange on the difficulties, opportunities and ways to accompany the public that our associations serve towards a digital transition. And the background: how to accompany this emancipation in (or even by) a digital world centralised by the web giants?

The first meeting of the exchange will take place in Paris from 14 to 17 January 2023. This opening seminar will allow us to unpack the general theme: supporting the digital transition of associations that train citizens. Read more here.

Dessin de cinq iles en cercle, chacune avec des constructions d'une culture différente. Elles communiquent ensemble en s'envoyant des ondes, des échos.
Illustration CC BY David Revoy

And that’s not all!

Knowledge transfer

With Hubikoop (territorial hub of the New Aquitaine region for an inclusive digital environment) we started in September the animation of the course « Accompaniment to the discovery of ethical digital services » : 8 workshops for the actors of the digital mediation in New Aquitaine. This partnership is starting to give rise to new ideas, which we will tell you about next year!

In the framework of the PENSA project with Aix-Marseille University, we intervened in June for a training of trainers on the theme « Free software and services for the digital emancipation of citizens ». The final objective is to enable teachers to develop their skills for a critical use of digital technology in education.

We have also carried out various actions in connection with AFPA and more specifically the people in charge of the training of Digital Mediation Space Managers, to transmit more knowledge on ethical digital.

Framasoft also became a member of the MedNum. Our ambitions behind this? To raise awareness of free tools among digital mediation actors, to train digital mediators in ethical alternatives and to equip the cooperative itself with free tools.

Finally, you will find us in the booklet « Le temps des conquêtes, les nouveaux horizons de l’ESS » published by ESS France.

Important statements taken

The L.A. Coalition (of which Framasoft is a member) took a position in April on the Republican Commitment Contract: the collective denounced it as a potential source of litigation and abusive sanctions by the administration or public authorities to the detriment of associations and foundations.

The first abuses of the republican commitment contract quickly emerged. We signed the tribune «Civil disobedience is part of the freedom of expression and the repertoire of legitimate actions of associations », published in l’Humanité in September: associative freedoms are essential and currently in danger.

We also signed the tribune « For the digital commons to become a pillar of European digital sovereignty » by Wikimedia France in June. Cultural commons are an integral part of Framasoft’s social purpose, defending them is essential!

Support by conviction

Following the announcement of its very difficult financial situation this summer, we supported the media NextINpact (very qualitative digital watch) by buying « suspended » subscriptions that we drew at random.

We also supported (qualitative content on digital and relevant social issues) by migrating its blog from a non-free tool (Typepad) to a free tool (WordPress), all hosted by us.

We proposed a Signal proxy (free messaging) following a call from the structure informing of the blocking of its application by the Iranian regime in the face of the current revolts.

Illustration CC BY David Revoy


Did you like our shared dessert? You think that these actions carried out with other islands of our archipelago are to be encouraged? Know that they are also only possible thanks to you and your donations. Thank you again!


I support Framasoft’s archipelago actions


Framasoft, today, is more than 50 000 € of expenses per month. We closed the 2021 accounting year with a deficit of €60,000 (which donations – more generous during the 2020 confinements – fortunately allowed us to absorb).

At the time of writing, we estimate that we are €127,500 short of our annual budget and can confidently launch our actions in 2023.
If you can (yes, at the moment it is particularly complicated), and if you want to, please support the actions of our association.

I support the actions of Framasoft