700 organisations already up in the (free) clouds : Framaspace’s first year in review

The aim of this long article is to take stock of the Framaspace project (an associative cloud based on Nextcloud) a little over a year after its announcement.

🩆 VS 😈: Let’s take back some ground from the tech giants!

Thanks to your donations to our not-for-profit, Framasoft is taking action to advance the ethical, user-friendly web. Find a summary of our progress in 2023 on our Support Framasoft page.

âžĄïž Read the series of articles from this campaign (Nov. – Dec. 2023)


Once upon a time there was Frama.space

Remember, a year ago we announced (in French, sorry!) one of Framasoft’s most ambitious projects: Frama.space.

For those of you who weren’t there, or who don’t remember, the desire to set up Frama.space was based on three things.

The first is that things are fucked. Politically, socially, geopolitically, ecologically and so on. Of course, you may think otherwise, but we don’t think the world is going very well…

The second observation is that civil society, caricatured here as associations and trade unions, is under attack from all sides. The pressure to depoliticise associations, the reduction of their funding in favour of « impact companies » or the start-up nation, the attacks on freedom of association… All this is eroding the capacity of the voluntary sector to respond to needs that the market cannot meet. It is becoming increasingly difficult to balance a social contract that is being undermined by both business and government.

The two buttons meme, illustrating Associations choosing between "Selling out to corporations" and "Bowing to the state"


Finally, closer to Framasoft, digital technology has become a tool for organising people, but also for taking action. However, this rather positive observation is countered by two more negative observations. Firstly, digital technology is a tool for surveillance and alienation. And secondly, associations are lagging behind both in terms of use and consistency (The report in the link is in French, sorry!). Associations working for an ecological transition, for example, will use the tools and services of GAFAM, which play a large part in the problem they are trying to solve.

Frama.space: (Next)cloud for non-profit organisations

A year ago we announced a new Framasoft service: Frama.space.

Its mission? To equip the ‘contributing society’. In other words, to digitally equip « off-market » associations and groups. Whether it’s the AMAP in FarFarAway-town, the community cafĂ© in Bernache-sur-Yvette or the queer theatre collective in Cygne-lĂšs-Lavaur.

We believe that these associations and collectives need (and even want) to rediscover the coherence between their values, their actions and their tools. It seems contradictory to us, for example, to be an association committed to « zero waste » and still use Google or Microsoft tools.

Please note that this is not a value judgement on our part. We fully understand that there may be contradictions and legitimate objections (it is perfectly possible to be concerned about the fate of the planet and still drive your children to a weekly sports activity 20km away).

However, we believe it is important that these structures have the choice to have easy access to tools that are not based on the mechanisms of surveillance capitalism.

Interface d'un Framaspace (application "Fichiers")
Framaspace interface (« Files » application)

Nextcloud: an imperfect solution (but a solution nonetheless)

Framaspace embarque les suites bureautiques en ligne collaboratives Collabora Online et OnlyOffice. Ici, une capture Ă©cran de l'Ă©dition d'un fichier de type Tableur, directement dans le navigateur.
Framaspace includes the collaborative online office suites Collabora Online and OnlyOffice. Here is a screenshot of a spreadsheet being edited directly in the browser.


The software has a lot of room for improvement (in terms of UX, technical debt, performance, etc.), but… it’s still the best horse in the stable.

What’s more, its community is large (over 60 million users worldwide) and quite active, which gives us hope for the future.

We have therefore decided to base our Framaspace offering on this software, proposing a technically ambitious offering capable of eventually hosting up to 10,000 Framaspace spaces (and therefore as many instances of the Nextcloud software). To achieve this, we have built a substantial technical infrastructure (the video link is in French, sorry!) and developed homemade software tools (free of charge, of course) to validate registration requests and automatically provision new spaces very quickly, with just a few clicks.

Interface de CHARON, logiciel qui nous permet de gérer les candidatures Framaspace
Commented interface for CHARON, the software developed by Framasoft that allows us to manage Framaspace applications. (Commentary in French, but if you want more information on this point, ask us in the comments section bellow!)


But enough of reminiscing: if you want to know more about the ambitions behind Framaspace, you can watch two videos:

Taking stock, calmly

Frama.space becomes Framaspace.org

First of all, we already had to change the name because the .space extension increased the likelihood that emails containing frama.space addresses would be considered spam. This was obviously the fault of the email giants (article in French, sorry!), but we couldn’t accept a solution that would interfere with the normal use of the platform. So we decided to use a domain name with a more traditional but longer extension: framaspace.org.The transition is underway and will take place in stages as there is no rush.We also announced that we have four objectives:

  1. Facilitate access to Nextcloud/Framaspace
  2. Raise awareness of Nextcloud/Framaspace
  3. Contribute to the creation of a French-speaking Nextcloud/Framaspace community
  4. Use Nextcloud/Framaspace as an empowerment tool

This first anniversary is therefore a good time to take stock of each of these objectives.

Functional assessment: does it work or not?

Yes, it does!

While you are reading these lines, more than 700 spaces are active. This means that Framasoft provides tools to 700 associations and groups. And the feedback is very positive!

We have been able to carry out complex operations without too much difficulty. For example, we’ve carried out major upgrades of Nextcloud (from version 25 to version 26) with very limited downtime (less than 2 minutes per space).

As far as the technical infrastructure is concerned, there are occasional potholes, but the infrastructure is holding up!

For example, at the end of 2022 we noticed that there was a problem with our office suite management system. With the year-end holidays just around the corner, followed by intense preparations for the Framasoft AGM, we decided to suspend registration and take the time needed to develop a long-term solution. We reopened the registration in March 2023. So, in case you missed the news: it’s perfectly possible to register your association or collective on https://framaspace.org!

The fact that it’s Framasoft that manages the technical aspects can have certain disadvantages (we limit the number of accounts, disk space or Nextcloud plugins you can use). However, this outsourcing makes life much easier for the users (who, in most cases, would find it very difficult to maintain over time an instance of Nextcloud software that they would have installed ‘manually’).

In one year, we have gone from 0 to more than 700 spaces managed by Framasoft. We therefore consider this functional assessment to be more than satisfactory.

Illustration de DemonDrive, un monstre fantomatique orné du logo de Google Workspace
Click to support us and push Demon Drive away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Public awareness

One of Framaspace’s objectives is also to raise awareness of Nextcloud and the Framaspace offer (or similar offers elsewhere, in particular at CHATONS).

To this end, in 2023 we will:

On a report card, we could write: « Not bad, but can do better ».

« Community » review

This concerns our desire to build a community of French-speaking Nextcloud users in the long term.

To this end, we have:

This part of the project got off to a rather slow start, but that’s quite logical, because for various reasons we were not able to devote as much time to this part of the project in 2023 as we would have liked.

Empowerment assessment

This part of the project is planned for 2025. There were no plans to work on it in 2023. So it’s logical that we haven’t made any progress on it.

Slide "empuissanter" rappelant une partie des objectifs de Framaspace.
The 5 key points of this « empowerment » slide: Disseminating information / Working together to identify needs / Transforming uses / Federation / Pooling funding for certain functionalities

Project stats

Here are some numbers to give you a more objective view of the first year. If you’re not interested, you can skip to the « Review of the review » section 🙂

Typology of the structures

Breakdown by type of structure

RĂ©partition des espaces par types de structures
Breakdown of spaces by type of structure (Colours explained below)


Description :

  • 72% associations under the law of 1901(yellow);
  • 22% informal groups (pink);
  • 5% trade unions (green);
  • 1% associations under the 1907 law (mixed/cultural associations) (blue).

Breakdown by activity

RĂ©partition des espaces, par secteurs d’activitĂ©s

Description (note: organisations could choose more than one topic):

  • A first « block » of more than 250 organisations in the following sectors or themes Education/training, environment, culture, social affairs;
  • a second « block » of more than 100 organisations claiming to be active in the following sectors or themes: Friendship/Mutual Aid, Leisure, Defence of Fundamental Rights, Political Activities, Economy and Social Affairs: Amicale / Entraide, Loisirs, DĂ©fense des droits fondamentaux, ActivitĂ©s politiques, Économie ;
  • a final « block » of less than 100 organisations claiming to be active in the following sectors or themes: Sport, Health, Research, Justice, Spiritual or philosophical activities, Tourism.

Breakdown by year in which the structure was created

Répartition des espaces par année de création

Description: 50% of the 700 spaces correspond to structures created in 2017 or later. Even if a dozen structures existed before 1950, we can deduce that the Framaspace public as a whole represents rather recent structures.

Breakdown by number of persons employed

Répartition des espaces par nombre d'employé⋅es

Description and comments: 500 of the spaces (71% of the total) are structures with no employees. There are a few structures with more than 20 employees, but these are often « anomalies » (for example, the space is created for a local trade union group, which indicates the number of employees of the national trade union).

Breakdown by number of members

RĂ©partition des espaces par nombre de membres.Description: Half of the spaces represent organisations with less than 30 members. 75% say they have 100 members or less.

Breakdown by number of beneficiaries

Répartition des espaces par nombre de bénéficiaires.

Description: Half of the spaces represent organisations claiming to reach 100 people or more. There are a few organisations claiming to reach more than 25,000 people, but these are often « anomalies » (for example, the space is created for a local trade union group, which indicates the number of beneficiaries of the national trade union).

Breakdown by annual budget

RĂ©partition des espaces par budget annuel

Description: 150 organisations did not wish to answer this question. Of the remaining 550 organisations, half said they had an annual budget of less than €4,000 (around a hundred organisations even said they had a budget of €0). About 25% of the organisations reported having a budget between €4,000 and €50,000 (which can be correlated with organisations having at least one⋅e employee⋅e). A handful of organisations report a budget of more than €50,000/year, but again these are mostly ‘statistical anomalies’.

Examples of structures

NB: These associations have presented themselves publicly on the Framaspace forum, so we have no problem with their identity or purpose being made public.

For example:

« Hello. We’re the « Les petits pois sont verts » association in Clamart. Our aim is to imagine and build a way of life based on solidarity and respect for the environment by ..:

  • Bringing together people in Clamart who share the same motivations,
  • encouraging local dynamism
  • supporting projects,
  • gathering and disseminating information.

We are only a few years old and we advocate the use of free and sober digital technology.

We use the following Framasoft tools Framapad, Framadate and recently Frama.space. »

Or again:

« The Association des Cavaliers Au Long Cours (CALC) is a French-speaking association with about 200 members from all over the world (our most distant member is in Kyrgyzstan!), but mainly from Western European countries. Our aim is to develop long-distance travel with a mounted and/or covered animal (horse, donkey, mule, etc.). We also help would-be travellers with their organisation and provide assistance to travellers in difficulty ».

Other examples:

  • Plan B – Breton Pop Education Association (Rennes)
  • AMAP of St Vallier de Thiey (Alpes Maritimes)
  • La Gonette – local currency for citizens (Lyon)
  • Les amis du Portique – Journal of Philosophy and Human Sciences
  • Les Pieds Ă  Terre – environmental education (Haute-Loire)
  • Family planning in the Aude

Use of structures

Office suites used

RĂ©partition des Framaspaces entre Collabora Online et OnlyOffice
Distribution of Framaspaces between Collabora Online and OnlyOffice


NB: The overrepresentation of Collabora Online is due to the fact that it is the office suite offered by default. The administrator of the instance can switch to OnlyOffice if they wish, but very few do.

Usage stats
  • Number of active
    • Active: 700
    • Rejected: 14
    • Deactivated (by their administrators) 10
  • Accounts (admins + users): 3,356
    • Average: 4.8 accounts; Median: 2 accounts
  • Hosted user files: 760,939 for 860 GB (excluding revisions and recycle bin)
    • 131 GB in recycle bin
    • 99% of spaces have created at least one file
  • Connections:
    • 198 rooms connected in the last 3 days
    • 390 rooms connected in the last 15 days

Number of accounts

RĂ©partition des espaces par nombre de comptesDescription: almost 300 rooms have only one account (necessarily the « admin » account). This means that 40% of the spaces have no collaborative use with other users. However, we did find cases where the space admin did have collaborative uses with other people in his or her association (for example, by using shared folders, with or without passwords). This means – all the same – that 60% of the spaces have several users. 42% even have 5 or more users.

Used disk space

Répartition des espaces par espace disque occupé.

Description: almost all spaces have used their file space (only 2% have never created a file). It is interesting to note that less than 20% of the spaces use more than 1 GB (out of a maximum of 40 GB per space).

Number of files

RĂ©partition des espaces par nombre de fichiers.

Description: 50% of the rooms have more than 250 user files. This is a good « surprise » in our opinion: it means that Framaspace is quite useful (either for storing or sharing files).


Balance sheet


At present, the technical infrastructure (computer servers) of Framaspace costs us about 1,200 € per month (i.e. about 15,000 € per year). The cost of the work, estimated by the very inaccurate LaLouche Institute, is around €20,000 of investment before the launch of the project. Since the start of the project, we’ve been able to estimate this figure at around €2,000 per month (3 people involved, working very, very part-time on this project). So, roughly speaking, Framaspace has cost Framasoft around €60,000.


The income side is a bit more complex.

Framaspace is a project reserved for small associations and solidarity groups, and it is deliberately free. We don’t want the price to be a barrier to access. And we don’t want to set a « free price », because a price means a service sold, a service provided, an invoice and obligations (contractual, accounting and fiscal). We voluntarily choose to donate without expecting any financial compensation (which does not mean that we cannot hope for it 😉 ).

It is likely that some members of the associations we host have made a donation to Framasoft. However, we do not want to earmark donations for Framasoft projects. For accounting purposes, a donation earmarked for a project must go into a dedicated fund that must be used for that project. However, we would like donations to Framasoft to be able to finance « loss-making » projects, which is exactly what Framaspace is doing in this first year.

For the sake of simplicity we can say that the income is… €0! đŸ˜±

Cost per space

From the above data, we can deduce that the cost of a space (so far) is €86 per year (or €7 per month, of which €1.8 per month is infrastructure costs).

However, the infrastructure costs are not expected to change too much and the labour costs are expected to increase slightly by 2024, while the number of spaces could triple or quadruple. Let us assume a total cost of €60,000 (for 2023) + €15,000 for the servers in 2024 + €36,000 in labour costs. This gives a total of €111,000 by the end of 2024. Assuming 2,500 active spaces at the end of 2024, the total cost would be €45 per space per year (i.e. €3.7 per month, including €1/month for infrastructure costs). These costs could fall further in 2025.

It’s a significant cost, and few associations can afford this type of project, which does not aim to be profitable or even break even.

However, we believe that the political importance of this project means that we have to take this risk. We hope (more from experience than naivety) that the associations that can afford it will support Framasoft (and indirectly Framaspace) financially.

Review of the review

The news is pretty good!

MÚme Framaspace reprenant la célÚbre phrase du biologiste Richard Dawkins, au sujet de la science, affirmant "It works, Bitches".
Framaspace meme using biologist Richard Dawkins’ famous line about science, « It works, Bitches ». (context; PeerTube video)


First of all, Framaspace works 🙂
Managing 700 Nextcloud instances in one year isn’t bad, is it? Especially since outsourcing is going pretty well (for now!).

Secondly, we’ve managed to reach the audience we wanted to reach: associations (registered or de facto) that are fairly small, with small budgets. Most of them focus on education, the environment, social or cultural issues. Which is hardly surprising given Framasoft’s target audience.

Finally, Framaspace is used. More than half the spaces have regular connections. And people handle quite a lot of files (rather small files, which explains why very few spaces use more than one GB of the maximum 40 GB allowed).

We feel that our 2023 goals have been more than adequately met in terms of actions 🎉 We could even say that it’s a success given the resources we’ve invested.

Offering « locked » spaces (for example, you can’t install the Nextcloud plugins of your choice on Framaspace, and only small associations or collectives can open a Framaspace) has had the expected frustrating effect. In fact, we have regularly referred people frustrated by these limitations to friendly structures such as Zaclys, IndieHosters, Cloud Girofle, Paquerette, Arawa, etc. This shows that we’re not taking a « slice of the cake », but helping to make it bigger.

Dessin de Li, la licrone mascotte de Framaspace. Elle s'apprete Ă  lancer des bulles magiques.
Click on Li, Framaspace’s unicorn mascot, to support Framasoft. – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Framaspace in 2024 (and 2025)

As you may have read in our ‘assessment of the assessment’, Framaspace is meeting a need, and Framasoft believes the response is pretty good. It’s far from perfect, of course, but for a small association that wants to get out of the box and align its values with its digital tools, Framaspace could be the answer.

But we’re not going to stop there! Framaspace is still in beta testing (and will probably be until the end of 2025!) and many improvements are still to come 😀.


First of all, we’re going to keep hosting spaces. Now that Framaspace is more stable, we think we can pick up the pace and host 2,500 spaces by the end of 2024 (i.e. more than triple the current number. Don’t worry!).

Next, we’ll continue our outsourcing initiatives. For example, by moving from Nextcloud 26 to Nextcloud 27 in late 2023 or early 2024. Each version brings a host of new features (see our friends at Arawa who give a summary presentation here and here).

On the support side, we want to produce a bit of a special tutorial. In fact, many tutorials already exist (we highlight the Coopaname one, produced by La DĂ©rivation). But this type of tutorial doesn’t meet everyone’s needs. That’s why we want to produce a more narrative and immersive tutorial. A « tutorial in which you are the hero » (or « tricks in which you are the heroine », if you prefer). Inspired by « Books in which you are the hero« , the user⋅ice will embody a character who has to carry out various missions with his or her Framaspace room. The special feature is that certain « quests » can either be bypassed (for example, if the user⋅ice already knows how to create a user⋅ice account) or explored in more depth (for example, on file sharing).

ScĂ©nario en construction d'un « tutoriel dont vous ĂȘtes le hĂ©ros »
Scenario under construction for a « tutorial in which you are the hero ». Sorry, the translator didn’t have the courage to translate every box!


We also want to provide documentation (and facilitation tools) to facilitate migration from OneDrive, Dropbox or GoogleDrive, and to simplify import/export between Nextcloud instances. For example, an association that has reached the 50 account limit on its Framaspace space and wants to migrate to a more powerful Nextcloud with our friends at IndieHosters would be able to transfer its data – files, calendars, contacts, etc. – in a more automated way.

Finally, we are aware that one of the major weaknesses of Nextcloud (and by extension Framaspace) is the difficulty of « onboarding » novices to a (too?) rich and sometimes (very?) confusing interface. That’s why we want to integrate the free IntroJS tool into Nextcloud to highlight certain parts of the software and make it easier to learn. See the video below.



Video demonstration of how IntroJS has been integrated into Nextcloud to make it easier to learn.

Still on the subject of getting started, we’re working with designer Marie-CĂ©cile Godwin, who teaches at the Strate design school, to get her students thinking about how Nextcloud could be improved from a UX and UI perspective.

Raising awareness of Nextcloud

In 2024, we will of course continue our efforts to make Nextcloud better known in the French-speaking world.

For example, we have already subtitled a number of Nextcloud presentation videos in French. But we’d like to go further. For example, we’d like to redo the voice-overs or translate the documentation (flyers, brochures, etc.).


Video of a Nextcloud promotional video, originally in English only and subtitled by Framasoft.

Framasoft will also continue to promote Nextcloud and Framaspace through conferences, webinars, interviews, etc.

We will also continue to share our experience and feedback with the CHATONS community, many of whose members offer services based on Nextcloud. We think we’ve acquired a certain amount of knowledge and know-how around Nextcloud, but above all we know that we still have a lot to learn.

Finally, we’re going to start getting in touch with the heads of associative networks (Collectif Associations Citoyennes, Mouvement Associatif, popular education networks, but also networks such as Associations Mode d’Emploi, Solidatech, AssociathĂšque, etc.) to present Framaspace, and highlight what Nextcloud can do (or can’t do!) in terms of collaborative ethical digital technology. The ultimate aim is to assess its relevance as a « digital commons of general interest » for associations.

Framaspace & Nextcloud user community

In 2024, we will continue our work to promote, animate and coordinate a community of Nextcloud software users on the Framaspace forum.

We will also publish a website for the OPEN-L Observatory (« Observatory of Free Digital Practices and Experiences »), which will publicly host the various surveys (and their results!) that Framasoft will have conducted among its audiences. This site will be open to other organisations wishing to share their feedback. The aim is not to reinvent the wheel, but to make it easier to objectify the needs (and frustrations) of users.

Of course, we will continue to improve both Framaspace and Nextcloud. We’re lucky (and happy) to have Thomas, one of the world’s leading contributors from outside Nextcloud GmbH, on our staff.

This means that Framasoft (through Framadrive, Framagenda and now Framaspace) is taking a very active part in this digital commons that is the Nextcloud software.

On a more ‘internal’ note, in the coming months we should be increasing our capacity to work on the Framaspace project within Framasoft: Thomas, currently the lead developer on Mobilizon, will shift up to 50% of his time to Framaspace, and Pierre-Yves, currently co-director of Framasoft, will leave this role to concentrate on the association’s digital services (including Framaspace, of course).

Empowering ‘off-market’ structures

We have many policy ambitions for the Framaspace project (see our launch article – only in French, sorry!).

To achieve this, we will use surveys to gather information about the needs (both functional and more political) of the structures we host. Depending on the results, and if resources allow, we will be able to adapt Framaspace to the needs of its users.

We have noticed that in the associations we support, the issue of digital tools often lies with one or two volunteers, who sometimes struggle to implement a change management policy or convince their board. So we also want to produce « practical information sheets » to make life easier for these key people. « For example, we’ll look at how to carry out a digital diagnosis of my association, or how to convince my board to switch from Gdrive or Dropbox to Framaspace.

Finally, and we are aware of the high demand for this item, we would like to pool funding for new features in Framaspace.

We will focus on :

  • The possibility of managing your members in Framaspace (members, categories, identity card, subscriptions, membership reminders, etc.) using the (fabulous) free association management software Paheko;
  • The possibility of managing your association’s accounts (data entry, balance sheet, profit and loss, choice of chart of accounts, etc.), again thanks to Paheko;
  • the possibility of quickly creating visual communication tools using the Aktivisda software (see the example of the Alternatiba association);
  • allow associations that wish to do so to publish pages presenting their structure and activities. To do this, we want to make it possible to publish a mini-website presenting the organisation (written in Framaspace’s « Collectives » application).

Dessin dans le style d'un jeu vidĂ©o de combat, oĂč s'affronte la licorne de Framaspace et le monstre de Google Workspace.
Help Li, Framaspace’s unicorn mascot, Push back Demondrive by supporting Framasoft ! – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Moulaga needed!

As you can see, the Framaspace 2024 roadmap is already very full!

Please note: none of the items below are firm commitments on our part. They’re just our wishes, what we want to implement in the coming year. It’s all very ambitious. And like any ambition, we need to know what resources we can devote to it.

As we said, Framaspace is a project with a large deficit. That’s a good thing: it’s not intended to be profitable, much less to make a profit. However, it is the resources you entrust to us (i.e. your donations) that enable us to act.Therefore, we sincerely believe that €1 (or €100 or €1,000, eh! 😅) donated to Framasoft really does help to change things and have a positive impact on the digital world ‘outside the market’.That’s why we invite you, if you can, to support Framasoft with a donation, so that we can continue our work, and especially to maintain and develop the Framaspace project.Once again this year we need you, your support, your sharing to help us regain ground on the toxic GAFAM web and multiply the number of ethical digital spaces.So we’ve asked David Revoy to help us present this on our « Support Framasoft » page, which we invite you to visit (because it’s beautiful) and above all to share as widely as possible:

Capture d'Ă©cran de la barre de dons Framasoft 2023 Ă  8%
Click to support us – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

If we are to balance our budget for 2024, we have six weeks to raise €183,478: we can’t do it without your help!


Support Framasoft


700 assos ont dĂ©jĂ  le nez dans les nuages (libres) : bilan d’un an de Framaspace

Ce long article vise à faire le bilan du projet Framaspace (cloud associatif basé sur Nextcloud), tout juste un an aprÚs son annonce.

🩆 VS 😈 : Reprenons du terrain aux gĂ©ants du web !

GrĂące Ă  vos dons (dĂ©fiscalisables Ă  66 %), l’association Framasoft agit pour faire avancer le web Ă©thique et convivial. Retrouvez un rĂ©sumĂ© de nos avancĂ©es en 2023 sur le site Soutenir Framasoft.

âžĄïž Lire la sĂ©rie d’articles de cette campagne (nov. – dĂ©c. 2023)


Il Ă©tait une fois Frama.space

Souvenez-vous, il y a un an, nous annoncions l’un des projets les plus ambitieux de Framasoft : Frama.space

Pour celles et ceux qui n’étaient pas lĂ , oĂč qui ne s’en souviendraient pas, l’envie de mettre en Ɠuvre Frama.space partait d’un triple constat.

Le premier, c’est que c’est la merde. Politiquement, socialement, gĂ©opolitiquement, Ă©cologiquement, etc. Vous pouvez Ă©videmment penser le contraire, mais nous, nous trouvons que le monde ne tourne pas trĂšs rond

Le second constat, c’est que la sociĂ©tĂ© civile, qu’on caricaturera ici aux associations et syndicats est attaquĂ©e de toutes parts. La pression Ă  dĂ©politiser les associations, la rĂ©duction du financement de ces derniĂšres en faveur « d’entreprises Ă  impact » ou de la startup nation, les attaques contre les libertĂ©s associatives
 Tout cela Ă©puise la capacitĂ© du troisiĂšme secteur Ă  rĂ©pondre aux besoins auxquels le marchĂ© ne rĂ©pond pas. Il devient de plus en plus difficile d’équilibrer un contrat social mis Ă  mal par les entreprises comme par l’État.

MĂšme sur la position difficile de nombre d'associations, coincĂ©es entre le dilemme "Se vendre aux entreprises" ou "Se prosterner devant l'État".

Enfin, plus proche de Framasoft, le numĂ©rique est devenu un outil d’organisation des personnes, mais aussi de passage Ă  l’action. Cependant, ce constat plutĂŽt positif est contrebalancĂ© par deux observations plus nĂ©gatives. D’une part le numĂ©rique est un outil de surveillance et d’aliĂ©nation. Et d’autre part, les associations sont Ă  la traĂźne cĂŽtĂ© usages comme cĂŽtĂ© cohĂ©rence. Ainsi, des associations Ɠuvrant pour une transition Ă©cologique vont utiliser les outils et services des GAFAM, qui participent largement au problĂšme que ces associations essaient de rĂ©soudre.

Frama.space : du (Next)cloud pour les assos

Il y a un an, nous annoncions donc un nouveau service Framasoft : Frama.space

Sa mission ? Outiller la « sociĂ©tĂ© de contribution ». FormulĂ© autrement : Ă©quiper numĂ©riquement les associations et collectifs « hors marchĂ© ». Qu’il s’agisse de l’AMAP de Trifouilly-les-Oies, du cafĂ© associatif de Bernache-sur-Yvette, ou du collectif de thĂ©Ăątre queer de Cygne-lĂšs-Lavaur.

Car nous pensons que ces associations et collectifs ont besoin (et mĂȘme envie) de retrouver de la cohĂ©rence entre leurs valeurs, leurs actions, et leurs outils. Être une association qui milite pour, par exemple, le « zĂ©ro dĂ©chet » et qui utiliserait, par exemple toujours, les outils de Google ou Microsoft, nous paraĂźt en effet contradictoire.

Attention cependant : il ne s’agit pas d’un jugement de valeur de notre part. Nous comprenons parfaitement que des contradictions, ou des objections lĂ©gitimes puissent exister (on peut parfaitement ĂȘtre prĂ©occupĂ© par le sort de la planĂšte, et prendre une voiture pour amener ses enfants Ă  une activitĂ© sportive hebdomadaire situĂ©e Ă  20km).

Cependant, il nous paraissait important que ces structures aient le choix de pouvoir avoir accéder facilement à des outils qui ne reposent pas sur les mécanismes du capitalisme de surveillance.

Interface d'un Framaspace (application "Fichiers")
Interface d’un Framaspace (application « Fichiers »)

Nextcloud : une solution imparfaite (mais une solution tout de mĂȘme)

Framaspace embarque les suites bureautiques en ligne collaboratives Collabora Online et OnlyOffice. Ici, une capture Ă©cran de l'Ă©dition d'un fichier de type Tableur, directement dans le navigateur.
Framaspace embarque les suites bureautiques en ligne collaboratives Collabora Online et OnlyOffice. Ici, une capture Ă©cran de l’Ă©dition d’un fichier de type tableur, directement dans le navigateur.


Le logiciel est trĂšs perfectible (cĂŽtĂ© UX, cĂŽtĂ© dette technique, cĂŽtĂ© performances, etc.), mais
 c’est le meilleur cheval de l’écurie malgrĂ© tout.

Par ailleurs, sa communautĂ© est large (plus de 60 millions d’utilisateur⋅ices dans le monde) et plutĂŽt active, ce qui donne des espoirs pour l’avenir.

Nous avons donc dĂ©cidĂ© de baser notre offre Framaspace sur ce logiciel, en proposant une offre techniquement ambitieuse, capable Ă  terme d’accueillir jusqu’à 10 000 espaces Framaspace (et donc autant d’instances du logiciel Nextcloud). Pour cela, nous avons montĂ© une infrastructure technique consĂ©quente, et dĂ©veloppĂ© des outils logiciels « maison » (libres, Ă©videmment) permettant de valider les demandes d’inscription et de dĂ©ployer automatiquement de nouveaux espaces trĂšs rapidement, en quelques clics.

Interface de CHARON, logiciel qui nous permet de gérer les candidatures Framaspace
Interface commentée de CHARON, logiciel développé par Framasoft, qui nous permet de gérer les candidatures Framaspace.


Mais assez de rappels au passé : si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les ambitions derriÚre Framaspace, vous avez la possibilité de regarder deux vidéos :

On fait l’bilan, calmement

Frama.space devient Framaspace.org

DĂ©jĂ , nous avons dĂ» changer le nom, car l’extension « .space » augmentait la probabilitĂ© des emails contenant des adresses en « frama.space » d’ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme des spams. La faute, Ă©videmment, aux gĂ©ants du mail, mais nous ne pouvions pas accepter une solution qui nuirait Ă  l’usage normal de la plateforme. Nous avons donc fait le choix d’utiliser un nom de domaine et une extension plus classique, mais plus longue : framaspace.org.

La transition est en cours et se fera par Ă©tapes, car il n’y a pas d’urgence sur le sujet.

Par ailleurs, nous annoncions poursuivre quatre objectifs :

  1. Faciliter l’accùs à Nextcloud/Framaspace
  2. Rendre plus visible Nextcloud/Framaspace
  3. Aider à faire émerger une communauté Nextcloud/Framaspace francophone
  4. Utiliser Nextcloud/Framaspace comme outil d’empuissantement

Ce premier anniversaire est donc le bon moment pour faire un point sur chacun de ces objectifs.

Bilan « fonctionnel » : ça marche, ou pas ?

Oui !

A l’heure oĂč vous lirez ces lignes, plus de 700 espaces sont actifs. Cela signifie donc que Framasoft outille 700 associations et collectifs. Et les retours sont globalement positifs !

Nous avons pu faire des opĂ©rations complexes sans trop de difficultĂ©s. Par exemple, nous avons fait des mises-Ă -jour majeures de Nextcloud (de la version 25 Ă  la version 26) avec un temps d’indisponibilitĂ© trĂšs limitĂ© (moins de 2mn par espace).

CĂŽtĂ© infrastructure technique : il y a parfois des nids de poule, mais l’infra tient la route !

Ainsi, fin 2022, nous nous sommes aperçu qu’il y avait un souci du cĂŽtĂ© de notre systĂšme de gestion des suites bureautiques. Les vacances de fin d’annĂ©es Ă©tant proches, et Ă©tant suivies de prĂšs par une prĂ©paration intense de l’A.G. de Framasoft, nous avons prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© suspendre les inscriptions, et prendre le temps nĂ©cessaire pour dĂ©velopper une solution pĂ©renne. Nous avons rouvert les inscriptions en mars 2023. Donc, si vous aviez ratĂ© l’info : il est parfaitement possible de candidater pour votre association ou collectif sur https://framaspace.org !

Le fait que ça soit Framasoft qui gĂšre les aspects techniques peut avoir certains inconvĂ©nients (nous limitons le nombre de comptes, d’espace disque, ou de plugins Nextcloud que vous pouvez utiliser). Mais cette infogĂ©rance facilite Ă©normĂ©ment la vie des utilisateur⋅ices (qui, pour la plupart, auraient bien du mal Ă  maintenir dans le temps une instance du logiciel Nextcloud qu’iels auraient installĂ© « manuellement »).

En un an, nous sommes passés de 0 à plus de 700 espaces gérés par Framasoft. Nous estimons donc ce bilan fonctionnel comme plus que satisfaisant.

Illustration de DemonDrive, un monstre fantomatique orné du logo de Google Workspace
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Demon Drive – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Bilan « notoriĂ©té »

Un des objectifs de Framaspace est aussi de faire connaütre Nextcloud, et l’offre Framaspace (ou celles proches ailleurs, notamment chez les CHATONS).

Pour cela, en 2023, nous avons :

Sur un bulletin scolaire, nous pourrions Ă©crire : « Pas mal, mais peut mieux faire ».

Bilan « communauté »

Cela concerne notre volontĂ© de construire, Ă  long terme, une communautĂ© d’utilisateur⋅ices francophones de Nextcloud.

Dans ce cadre, nous avons :

Le bilan de cette partie lĂ  est un dĂ©marrage plutĂŽt poussif, mais c’est assez logique car, pour diffĂ©rentes raisons, nous n’avons pas pu consacrer autant de temps de travail en 2023 Ă  cette partie du projet que nous l’aurions souhaitĂ©.

Bilan « empuissantement »

Cette partie du projet est prĂ©vue pour 2025. Il n’était pas prĂ©vu de travailler dessus en 2023. Et donc, il est logique que nous n’ayons pas avancĂ© dessus.

Slide "empuissanter" rappelant une partie des objectifs de Framaspace.

Statistiques du projet

Afin d’objectiver encore un peu plus ce bilan de la premiĂšre annĂ©e, voici quelques donnĂ©es chiffrĂ©es. Si elles ne vous intĂ©ressent pas, vous pouvez dĂ©jĂ  sauter Ă  la partie « Bilan du bilan » 🙂

Typologie des structures

RĂ©partition par type de structures

RĂ©partition des espaces par types de structures
RĂ©partition des espaces par types de structures


Description :

  • 72% d’associations loi 1901 ;
  • 22% de collectifs informels ;
  • 5% de syndicats ;
  • 1% d’associations loi 1907 (associations mixtes/cultuelles).

RĂ©partition par secteurs d’activitĂ©s

RĂ©partition des espaces, par secteurs d’activitĂ©s

Description (NB : les structures pouvaient choisir plusieurs thématiques) :

  • un premier « bloc » avec plus de 250 structures se revendiquant des secteurs ou thĂ©matiques suivantes : Education/Formation, Environnement, Culture, Social ;
  • un second « bloc » avec plus de 100 structures se revendiquant des secteurs ou thĂ©matiques suivantes : Amicale / Entraide, Loisirs, DĂ©fense des droits fondamentaux, ActivitĂ©s politiques, Économie ;
  • un dernier « bloc » avec moins de 100 structures se revendiquant des secteurs ou thĂ©matiques suivantes : Sport, SantĂ©, Recherche, Justice, ActivitĂ©s spirituelles ou philosophiques, Tourisme.

Répartition par année de création de la structure

Répartition des espaces par année de création

Description : 50% des 700 espaces correspondent Ă  des structures dont l’annĂ©e de crĂ©ation date de 2017 ou plus. MĂȘme si une dizaine de structures existaient avant 1950, on peut en dĂ©duire que, globalement, le public de Framaspace reprĂ©sente plutĂŽt des structures rĂ©centes.

Répartition par nombre de salarié⋅es

Répartition des espaces par nombre d'employé⋅es

Description et commentaire : 500 des espaces (71% du total) sont des structures sans salariĂ©â‹…es. Il existe quelques structures avec plus de 20 salariĂ©â‹…es, cependant, il s’agit souvent « d’anomalies » (par exemple l’espace est crĂ©Ă© pour un groupe syndical local, qui indique le nombre de salariĂ©â‹…es du syndicat national).

RĂ©partition par nombre de membres

Répartition des espaces par nombre de membres.Description : la moitié des espaces représentent des structures de moins de 30 personnes. 75% déclarent compter 100 membres ou moins.

Répartition par nombre de bénéficiaires

Répartition des espaces par nombre de bénéficiaires.

Description : la moitiĂ© des espaces reprĂ©sentent des structures dĂ©clarant toucher 100 personnes ou plus. Il existe quelques structures dĂ©clarant toucher plus de 25 000 personnes, cependant, il s’agit souvent « d’anomalies » (par exemple l’espace est crĂ©Ă© pour un groupe syndical local, qui indique le nombre de bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires du syndicat national).

RĂ©partition par budget annuel

RĂ©partition des espaces par budget annuel

Description : 150 structures n’ont pas souhaitĂ© rĂ©pondre Ă  la question. Sur les 550 restantes, la moitiĂ© dĂ©clarent avoir un budget annuel infĂ©rieur Ă  4 000€ par an (une centaine de structures dĂ©clarent mĂȘme avoir un budget de 0€). 25% environ des structures dĂ©clarent avoir un budget entre 4 000 et 50 000€ (qu’on peut corrĂ©ler avec les structures ayant au moins un⋅e salariĂ©â‹…e). Quelques rares structures dĂ©clarent avoir un budget supĂ©rieur Ă  50 000€/an, mais il s’agit lĂ  encore pour la plupart « d’anomalies statistiques ».

Exemples de structures

NB: ces associations se sont prĂ©sentĂ©es publiquement sur le forum Framaspace, nous n’avons donc pas de cas de conscience Ă  rendre public leurs identitĂ© ou objet.

Par exemple :

« Bonjour. Nous sommes l’association Les petits pois sont verts Ă  Clamart. Notre raison d’ĂȘtre est d’imaginer et construire un mode de vie solidaire et respectueux de l’environnement en :

  • reliant les Clamartois partageant les mĂȘmes motivations,
  • encourageant une dynamique locale,
  • portant des projets,
  • collectant et diffusant des informations

Nous avons quelques annĂ©es d’existence seulement et prĂŽnons l’usage du numĂ©rique libre et sobre.

Nous utilisons les outils Framasoft suivants : Framapad, Framadate, et Frama.space depuis peu. »

Ou encore :

« L’association des Cavaliers Au Long Cours (CALC) est une association francophone regroupant des adhĂ©rents, environ 200, du monde entier (notre adhĂ©rent le plus lointain est au Kirghistan !) mais ils sont principalement basĂ©s dans les pays d’Europe de l’Ouest. Notre objectif est le dĂ©veloppement du voyage au long cours avec un animal (cheval, Ăąne, mulet, etc.) montĂ© et/ou bĂątĂ©. Nous aidons aussi les prĂ©tendants au voyage dans leur organisation et apportons une aide aux voyageurs en difficultĂ©. »

Autres exemples :

  • Plan B – asso d’éduc pop bretonne (Rennes)
  • AMAP de St Vallier de Thiey (Alpes Maritimes)
  • La Gonette – Monnaie locale citoyenne (Lyon)
  • Les amis du Portique – Revue de philo et sciences humaines
  • Les Pieds Ă  Terre – Ă©duc pop Ă  l’environnement (Haute-Loire)
  • Planning familial de l’Aude

Usage des structures

Suites bureautiques utilisées

RĂ©partition des Framaspaces entre Collabora Online et OnlyOffice
RĂ©partition des Framaspaces entre Collabora Online et OnlyOffice


NB : la surreprĂ©sentation de Collabora Online est due au fait qu’il s’agit de la suite bureautique proposĂ©e par dĂ©faut. L’admininstrateur⋅ice de l’instance peut basculer si c’est son choix vers OnlyOffice, mais trĂšs peu le font.

Statistiques d’usage
  • Nombre d’espaces
    • actifs : 700
    • refusĂ©s : 14
    • dĂ©sactivĂ©s (par leurs administrateur⋅ices) : 10
  • Comptes (admins + users) : 3 356
    • Moyenne : 4,8 comptes ; mĂ©diane : 2 comptes
  • Fichiers utilisateurs hĂ©bergĂ©s : 760 939 pour 860 Go (hors rĂ©visions et hors corbeille)
    • 131 Go en corbeille
    • 99 % des espaces ont crĂ©Ă© au moins un fichier
  • Connexion :
    • 198 espaces ont eu une connexion dans les 3 derniers jours
    • 390 espaces ont eu une connexion dans les 15 derniers jours

Nombre de comptes

RĂ©partition des espaces par nombre de comptes

Description : prĂšs de 300 espaces n’ont qu’un seul compte (nĂ©cessairement le compte « admin »). Cela signifie que 40% des espaces n’ont pas d’usage collaboratif avec d’autres utilisateur⋅ices. Cependant, nous avons constatĂ© des usages oĂč l’admin de l’espace avait malgrĂ© tout des usages collaboratifs avec d’autres personnes de son asso (par exemple par l’utilisation de dossiers partagĂ©s, avec ou sans mots de passe). Cela signifie – quand mĂȘme – que 60% des espaces comptent plusieurs utilisateur⋅ices. 42% ont mĂȘme 5 utilisateur⋅ices ou plus.

Espace disque utilisé

Répartition des espaces par espace disque occupé.

Description : quasiment tous les espaces ont utilisĂ© leur espace de fichiers (seuls 2% n’ont jamais crĂ©Ă© de fichier). Il est intĂ©ressant de noter que moins de 20% des espaces utilisent plus de 1 Go (sur un maximum de 40 Go par espace).

Nombre de fichiers

RĂ©partition des espaces par nombre de fichiers.

Description : 50% des espaces comptent plus de 250 fichiers utilisateur⋅ices. Ce qui est plutĂŽt une bonne « surprise » Ă  notre avis : cela signifie que Framaspace est bien utile (soit au stockage, soit au partage de fichiers).

Bilan financier


Actuellement, l’infrastructure technique (les serveurs informatiques) de Framaspace nous coĂ»te environ 1 200€ par mois (soit environ 15 000€ par an) Le coĂ»t du travail, estimĂ© par le trĂšs peu prĂ©cis Institut LaLouche, est d’environ 20 000€ d’investissement en amont du lancement du projet. Depuis le lancement, toujours Ă  la grosse louche, nous pouvons compter environ 2000€ par mois (3 salariĂ©s impliquĂ©, Ă  temps trĂšs trĂšs partiels sur ce projet). On peut donc dire, grossiĂšrement, que Framaspace a coĂ»tĂ© environ 60 000€ Ă  Framasoft.


CĂŽtĂ© recettes, c’est un peu plus complexe.

Framaspace est un projet rĂ©servĂ© aux petites associations et collectifs solidaires, volontairement gratuit. Nous souhaitons que le prix ne soit pas un frein Ă  l’accĂšs. Et nous ne souhaitons pas fixer de « prix libre », car qui dit prix, dit service vendu, dit prestation, dit facture, dit obligations (contractuelles, comptables et fiscales). Nous faisons le choix volontaire et assumĂ© du don sans contrepartie financiĂšre attendue (ce qui n’empĂȘche pas qu’elle soit espĂ©rĂ©e 😉 ).

Il est probable que certain⋅es membres des associations que nous hĂ©bergeons aient fait un don Ă  Framasoft. Cependant, nous ne voulons pas flĂ©cher les dons sur les projets Framasoft. Car comptablement, un don flĂ©chĂ© sur un projet doit entrer dans un fond dĂ©diĂ© qui doit servir Ă  ce projet. Or nous souhaitons qu’un don Ă  Framasoft puisse aussi financer des projets « à perte », ce qui est exactement le cas de Framaspace cette premiĂšre annĂ©e.

Par volontĂ© de simplification, on peut donc dire que les recettes sont de
 0€ ! đŸ˜±

Coût par espace

À partir de donnĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes, on peut donc dĂ©duire que le coĂ»t d’un espace (Ă  ce jour) est de 86€ annuel (soit 7€ par mois. Dont 1,8€/mois de coĂ»t d’infrastructure).

Mais le coĂ»t de l’infrastructure ne devrait pas trop bouger, et le coĂ»t du travail lĂ©gĂšrement augmenter, en 2024, alors que le nombre d’espaces pourrait, lui, tripler ou quadrupler. Si on part sur une hypothĂšse d’un coĂ»t total de 60 000€ (pour 2023) + 15 000€ pour les serveurs en 2024 + 36 000€ de coĂ»t du travail. On arrive Ă  un total de 111 000€ fin 2024. Avec une hypothĂšse de 2 500 espaces actifs fin 2024, cela porterait le coĂ»t total Ă  45€ par espace et par an (soit 3,7€ par mois, dont 1€/mois de coĂ»t d’infrastructure). CoĂ»t qui pourrait encore baisser en 2025.

C’est un coĂ»t important, et rares sont les associations qui peuvent se permettre ce genre de projet qui ne vise pas un objectif de rentabilitĂ© ou mĂȘme d’équilibre.

Cependant, nous pensons que la portée politique de ce projet implique que nous prenions ce risque. Nous espérons (par expérience plus que par naïveté) que les associations qui le pourront soutiendront financiÚrement Framasoft (et donc indirectement Framaspace).

Bilan du bilan

Les nouvelles sont plutĂŽt bonnes !

MÚme Framaspace reprenant la célÚbre phrase du biologiste Richard Dawkins, au sujet de la science, affirmant "It works, Bitches".
MÚme Framaspace reprenant la célÚbre phrase du biologiste Richard Dawkins, au sujet de la science, affirmant « It works, Bitches ». (contexte ; vidéo PeerTube)


D’abord, Framaspace fonctionne 🙂
GĂ©rer 700 instances Nextcloud, c’est pas mal en un an, non ? D’autant que l’infogĂ©rance se passe plutĂŽt bien (pour le moment !)

Ensuite, nous avons rĂ©ussi Ă  cibler le public que nous souhaitions toucher : des associations (dĂ©clarĂ©es ou de fait) plutĂŽt petites, avec des petits budgets. La plupart sont orientĂ©es vers l’éducation, l’environnement, le social ou le culturel. Ce qui n’est pas Ă©tonnant quand on connaĂźt le public de Framasoft.

Enfin, Framaspace est utilisĂ©. Les connexions sont rĂ©guliĂšres sur plus de la moitiĂ© des espaces. Et les personnes manipulent pas mal de fichiers (plutĂŽt de petits fichiers, ce qui explique que rares sont les espaces qui utilisent plus d’un Go sur les 40Go max octroyĂ©s).

Nous considĂ©rons que nos objectifs 2023, en termes d’actions, sont plus que correctement remplis 🎉 On peut mĂȘme dire que c’est une rĂ©ussite au vu des moyens que nous avons dĂ©ployĂ©s.

Le fait de proposer des espaces « verrouillĂ©s » (par exemple vous ne pouvez pas installer les plugins Nextcloud de votre choix sur Framaspace, et seules les petites associations ou collectifs peuvent ouvrir un Framaspace) a eu l’effet de frustration escomptĂ©. En effet, nous avons rĂ©guliĂšrement renvoyĂ© les personnes frustrĂ©es par ces limitations vers des structures amies, comme Zaclys, IndieHosters, Cloud Girofle, Paquerette, Arawa, etc. C’est la dĂ©monstration que nous ne prenons pas une « part du gĂąteau », mais bien que nous participons Ă  agrandir la taille de ce dernier.

Dessin de Li, la licrone mascotte de Framaspace. Elle s'apprete Ă  lancer des bulles magiques.
Cliquez sur Li, la licorne-mascotte de Framaspace, pour soutenir Framasoft. – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Framaspace en 2024 (et 2025)

Comme vous avez pu le lire dans notre « bilan du bilan », Framaspace rĂ©pond Ă  un besoin, et Framasoft estime que la rĂ©ponse apportĂ©e est plutĂŽt bonne. C’est Ă©videmment loin d’ĂȘtre parfait, mais pour une petite asso qui voudrait se dĂ©googliser et mettre en cohĂ©rence ses valeurs et ses outils numĂ©riques, l’offre Framaspace peut convenir.

Cependant, nous ne comptons pas nous arrĂȘter lĂ  ! Framaspace est toujours en phase de « beta test » (et ce sans doute jusqu’à fin 2025 !) et de nombreuses amĂ©liorations sont Ă  venir 😀


Tout d’abord, nous allons continuer Ă  accueillir des espaces. Maintenant que Framaspace est plus stable, nous pensons pouvoir accĂ©lĂ©rer le rythme et accueillir 2 500 espaces d’ici fin 2024 (c’est-Ă -dire plus que tripler le nombre actuel. MĂȘme pas peur !).

Ensuite, nous allons poursuivre nos actions d’infogĂ©rance. Par exemple en passant de Nextcloud 26 Ă  Nextcloud 27 fin 2023 ou dĂ©but 2024. Chaque version apporte son lot de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s (voir chez nos ami⋅es d’Arawa qui en font une prĂ©sentation synthĂ©tique ici et lĂ ).

CĂŽtĂ© accompagnement, nous souhaitons produire un tutoriel un peu spĂ©cial. En effet, de trĂšs nombreux tutoriels existent dĂ©jĂ  (nous mettons en avant celui de Coopaname, rĂ©alisĂ© par La DĂ©rivation). Mais ce type de tutoriel ne correspond pas Ă  tous les besoins. Nous souhaiterions donc produire un tutoriel plus narratif et plus immersif. Un « tutoriel dont vous ĂȘtes le hĂ©ros » (ou « Les combines dont vous ĂȘtes l’hĂ©roĂŻne » si vous prĂ©fĂ©rez). InspirĂ© des « livres dont vous ĂȘtes le hĂ©ros », il s’agira pour l’utilisateur⋅ice d’incarner un personnage devant remplir diffĂ©rentes missions avec son espace Framaspace. La particularitĂ© Ă©tant que certaines « quĂȘtes » pourront ĂȘtre soit contournĂ©es (par exemple si l’utilisateur⋅ice sait dĂ©jĂ  crĂ©er un compte utilisateur⋅ice) soit approfondies (par exemple sur le partage de fichiers).

ScĂ©nario en construction d'un « tutoriel dont vous ĂȘtes le hĂ©ros »
ScĂ©nario en construction d’un « tutoriel dont vous ĂȘtes le hĂ©ros »


Nous souhaitons aussi apporter de la documentation (et des outils de facilitation) pour faciliter la migration depuis OneDrive, Dropbox ou GoogleDrive, ainsi que simplifier l’import/export entre instances Nextcloud. Par exemple une asso qui arriverait aux limites de 50 comptes sur son espace Framaspace et souhaiterait migrer pour un Nextcloud plus puissant chez nos ami⋅es de IndieHosters pourrait transfĂ©rer ses donnĂ©es — fichiers, agendas, contacts, etc — de façon plus automatisĂ©e.

Enfin, nous sommes conscient⋅es qu’une des grandes faiblesses de Nextcloud (et donc de Framaspace) est la difficultĂ© Ă  « embarquer » (= onboarding en anglais) les novices dans une interface (trop ?) riche et parfois (trĂšs ?) confuse. C’est pourquoi nous souhaiterions intĂ©grer Ă  Nextcloud l’outil libre IntroJS afin de mettre en lumiĂšre certaines parties du logiciel et de faciliter ainsi sa prise en main. Cf vidĂ©o ci-dessous.



VidĂ©o d’une dĂ©monstration de la façon dont pourrait s’intĂ©grer IntroJS dans Nextcloud pour faciliter sa prise en main.

Toujours sur le plan de la prise en main, nous travaillons avec la designer Marie-CĂ©cile Godwin, qui enseigne notamment Ă  l’école de design Strate, afin de faire rĂ©flĂ©chir ses Ă©tudiant⋅es aux possibilitĂ©s d’amĂ©lioration de Nextcloud d’un point de vue UX et UI.

Accroßtre la notoriété de Nextcloud

En 2024, nous poursuivrons bien Ă©videmment les actions visant Ă  mieux faire connaĂźtre Nextcloud sur les territoires francophones.

Ainsi, nous avons dĂ©jĂ  sous-titrĂ© en français quelques vidĂ©os de prĂ©sentation de Nextcloud. Mais nous souhaiterions aller plus loin. Par exemple en refaisant carrĂ©ment les voix off, oĂč en traduisant des supports de documentation (flyers, plaquettes, etc.).

VidĂ©o d’une vidĂ©o promotionnelle de Nextcloud, originellement en anglais uniquement, et sous-titrĂ©e par Framasoft.

Par ailleurs, Framasoft poursuivra son travail de promotion de Nextcloud et de Framaspace, par le biais de confĂ©rences, de webinaires, d’interviews, etc.

Ensuite, nous poursuivrons nos partages et retours d’expĂ©rience avec la communautĂ© CHATONS, dont de nombreux membres proposent des services autour de Nextcloud. Nous pensons avoir acquis certains savoirs et savoirs-faire autour de Nextcloud, mais nous savons surtout qu’il nous reste Ă©normĂ©ment Ă  apprendre.

Enfin, nous allons commencer Ă  prendre contact avec les tĂȘtes de rĂ©seaux associatifs (Collectif Associations Citoyennes, Mouvement Associatif, rĂ©seaux d’éducation populaire, mais aussi des rĂ©seaux tels que Associations Mode d’Emploi, Solidatech, AssociathĂšque, etc.) afin de prĂ©senter Framaspace, et mettre en lumiĂšre ce que Nextcloud peut faire (ou ne peut pas faire !) au niveau du numĂ©rique Ă©thique collaboratif. L’objectif, Ă  terme, est d’évaluer sa pertinence comme « commun numĂ©rique d’intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral » pour les associations.

CommunautĂ© d’utilisateur⋅ices Framaspace & Nextcloud

En 2024, nous poursuivrons notre travail pour impulser, animer et coordonner une communautĂ© d’utilisateur⋅ices du logiciel Nextcloud sur le forum Framaspace.

Nous publierons aussi un site pour l’observatoire OPEN-L (« Observatoire des Pratiques et ExpĂ©riences NumĂ©riques Libres »), qui accueillera publiquement les diffĂ©rentes enquĂȘtes (et leurs rĂ©sultats !) que Framasoft aura conduites auprĂšs de ses publics. Ce site sera ouvert aux structures souhaitant elles aussi partager leurs retours d’expĂ©rience. L’objectif Ă©tant de ne pas rĂ©inventer la roue, et de pouvoir plus facilement objectiver les besoins (et frustrations) des utilisateur⋅ices.

Évidemment, nous continuerons Ă  amĂ©liorer Framaspace, mais aussi Nextcloud. Nous avons la chance (et le plaisir) de compter Thomas dans notre Ă©quipe salariĂ©e, l’un des principaux contributeurs mondiaux extĂ©rieurs Ă  l’entreprise Nextcloud GmbH.

Cela signifie que Framasoft (au travers de Framadrive, Framagenda, et maintenant Framaspace), participe trĂšs activement Ă  ce commun numĂ©rique qu’est le logiciel Nextcloud.

D’ailleurs, concernant les nouvelles plus « internes », nous devrions dans les mois qui viennent augmenter notre capacitĂ© de travail au sein de Framasoft sur le projet Framaspace : Thomas, actuellement dĂ©veloppeur principal de Mobilizon, basculera jusqu’à 50% de son temps de travail sur Framaspace, et Pierre-Yves, actuellement codirecteur de Framasoft, quittera cette fonction afin de se concentrer sur les services numĂ©riques de l’association (dont Framaspace, Ă©videmment).

Empuissanter les structures « hors marché »

Nous avons beaucoup d’ambitions politiques autour du projet Framaspace (cf. notre article de lancement).

Pour cela, nous allons poursuivre, par le biais d’enquĂȘtes, la collecte des besoins (fonctionnels, mais aussi plus politiques) des structures hĂ©bergĂ©es. En fonction des rĂ©sultats, nous pourrons – si nos moyens nous le permettent – adapter Framaspace aux besoins des utilisateur⋅ices.

Nous avons constatĂ© que dans les associations que nous accompagnons, la question des outils numĂ©riques repose souvent sur un ou deux bĂ©nĂ©voles, qui peinent parfois Ă  mettre en place une politique de conduite du changement, ou Ă  convaincre leur Conseil d’Administration. Nous souhaitons donc aussi produire des « fiches pratiques » afin de faciliter la vie de ces personnes clĂ©s. « Comment faire le diagnostic numĂ©rique de mon association ? », « Comment convaincre mon C.A. de passer de Gdrive ou Dropbox Ă  Framaspace ? », etc.

Enfin, et nous sommes conscient⋅es de la forte demande concernant ce point, nous souhaitons mutualiser le financement de nouvelles fonctionnalitĂ©s dans Framaspace.

Nous Ă©tudierons prioritairement :

  • la possibilitĂ© de gĂ©rer ses membres dans Framaspace (membres, catĂ©gories, fiche d’identitĂ©, cotisations, rappel d’adhĂ©sion, etc.), grĂące au (fabuleux) logiciel libre de gestion associative Paheko ;
  • la possibilitĂ© de gĂ©rer la comptabilitĂ© de son association (saisie, bilan, compte de rĂ©sultat, choix du plan comptable, etc.), lĂ  encore grĂące Ă  Paheko ;
  • ajouter la facultĂ© de dĂ©cliner rapidement des visuels de communication, grĂące au logiciel Aktivisda (cf l’exemple de l’association Alternatiba) ;
  • permettre, pour les associations qui le souhaitent, de rendre publiques des pages prĂ©sentant leur structure et leurs actions. Pour cela nous souhaitons donner la possibilitĂ© de publier un mini-site web de prĂ©sentation de la structure (rĂ©digĂ© dans l’application « Collectives » de Framaspace).

Dessin dans le style d'un jeu vidĂ©o de combat, oĂč s'affronte la licorne de Framaspace et le monstre de Google Workspace.
Aidez Li, la licorne de Framaspace, Ă  repousser Demondrive en soutenant Framasoft ! – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Moulaga needed!

Comme vous le voyez, la feuille de route 2024 de Framaspace est déjà bien chargée !

Attention : aucun des points ci-dessous n’est un engagement ferme de notre part. Il s’agit de nos envies, de ce que nous souhaitons mettre en place l’annĂ©e qui vient. Cela reste trĂšs ambitieux. Et comme toute ambition, il faut savoir quelles sont les ressources disponibles que l’on peut y consacrer.

Nous l’avons indiquĂ© plus haut, Framaspace est un projet largement dĂ©ficitaire. Ça tombe bien : il n’a pas vocation Ă  ĂȘtre rentable, et encore moins Ă  dĂ©gager des bĂ©nĂ©fices. Cependant, ce sont bien les moyens que vous nous confiez (c’est-Ă -dire vos dons) qui nous permettent d’agir.

En consĂ©quence, nous pensons sincĂšrement que 1€ (ou 100€ ou 1 000€, hein ! 😅) donnĂ© Ă  Framasoft permet rĂ©ellement de faire bouger les lignes, et d’avoir un impact positif sur le numĂ©rique « hors marché ».

C’est pourquoi nous vous invitons, si cela vous est possible, Ă  soutenir Framasoft en faisant un don, afin que nous puissions poursuivre nos actions, et notamment maintenir et dĂ©velopper le projet Framaspace.

Cette année encore, nous avons besoin de vous, de votre soutien, de vos partages, pour nous aider à reprendre du terrain sur le web toxique des GAFAM, et multiplier les espaces de numérique éthique.

Nous avons donc demandĂ© Ă  David Revoy de nous aider Ă  montrer cela sur notre site « Soutenir Framasoft« , qu’on vous invite Ă  visiter (parce que c’est beau) et surtout Ă  partager le plus largement possible :

Capture d'Ă©cran de la barre de dons Framasoft 2023 Ă  8%

Si nous voulons boucler notre budget pour 2024, il nous reste six semaines pour rĂ©colter 183 478 € : nous n’y arriverons pas sans votre aide !


Soutenir Framasoft


Let’s regain ground on the toxic web ! – Framasoft’s 2023 report

A year ago, we launched our 2022-2025 roadmap, « Collectivising the Internet, Convivialising the Internet ». The aim: to encourage the adoption of user-friendly web tools by groups that share the values of Free/Libre culture.

🩆 VS 😈: Let’s take back some ground from the tech giants!

Thanks to your donations to our not-for-profit, Framasoft is taking action to advance the ethical, user-friendly web. Find a summary of our progress in 2023 on our Support Framasoft page.

âžĄïž Read the series of articles from this campaign (Nov. – Dec. 2023)

One year on, we are proud and delighted to present this first full update on our activities, funded (as always) by your donations.


drawing of Coin-coin, the duck mascot of the Framasoft campaign. He is in a karateka position
Click on Coin-Coin to support Framasoft – Illustration CC-By David Revoy


Changing the world, one web corner at a time

Drawing of Datavöre, a dripping monster made up of 5 heads, each bearing a GAFAM logo.
Click to support us and push Datavöre away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

The actions of Collectivise / Convivialise Internet (« Collectivisons Internet / Convivialisons Internet » aka « Coin-coin » (qwack qwack, in French), hence the mascot) complement and add to the maintenance of our historical actions: online services and software tools, sharing experience, various contributions and collaborations.

As we wrote last year on this blog, the goal remains the same: to ensure that there are more and more bubbles of ethical web, in order to regain ground on the toxic digital world occupied by the tech giants.

This blogpost is a very quick summary of our end-of-year campaign. It aims to give you a general idea of what your donations are going towards. If you’re interested, we’ll be posting details of the key actions in this report on this blog every Tuesday (if everything goes well©) until the end of the year.


Support Framasoft


Framaspace, solidarity collectives get to grips with this convivial cloud

We said it back in 2022: Framaspace is our most ambitious project in this new roadmap. By the end of 2025, we aim to provide up to 10,000 collaborative cloud spaces based on Nextcloud software for small groups of people to work together.

We’ll be covering Framaspace news in detail during the week of Nov. 21st:

Illustration of DemonDrive, a ghostly monster adorned with the Google Workspace logo
Push back Demondrive by supporting Framasoft – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • The first year of Framaspace
    • A high demand, already almost 700 Framaspaces open;
and even more if you ask here for one for your (French-speaking only) collective;
    • Lessons learned from this beta release;
    • the first needs expressed by the beneficiaries;
    • technical improvements, updates, maintenance, etc.
  • In the pipeline for next year(s)
    • Preparation of tools to make it easier for newcomers to use the system;
    • Ideas for « tutorials where you are the hero » (or « schemes where you are the heroine »?);
    • future explorations: the possibility of publishing websites, or even managing members and accounts?


Support Framasoft


PeerTube: a v6 based on your ideas

We’ve been developing this software for six years, and once it’s installed on a server, it can be used to create an ethical alternative to YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo and so on.

The technical possibilities offered by PeerTube all serve the same purpose: to allow you to host and distribute your videos and live streams, even (and especially) if you don’t have the money of Google or the server farms of Amazon.


The features that we will describe in detail during the week of Nov. 28th have been selected from your ideas:

Illustration of Videoraptor, an insectoid monster whose three heads bear the logos of YouTube, Vimeo and Twitch.
Click to support us and push Videoraptor away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Version 5.1 (March 2023)
    • Moderation of account requests;
    • Back to live.
  • Version 5.2 (June 2023)
    • Major work on transcoding that can be offloaded to a remote server;
    • Replay visibility;
    • RSS feed adapted for podcasts.
  • Version 6 (end of November 2023)
    • Improved accessibility;
    • Image preview in progress bar;
    • Videos chapters;
    • Uploading a new version of a video;
    • Password protection for videos;
    • Live load & stress tests (report to be published later).


Support Framasoft


Mobilizon, the final countdown of the battle…

…for Framasoft!

After 4 years of development, we feel we’ve completed our vision for Mobilizon. Once this v4 is released, we hope that your groups will have the features they need to organise themselves around their events, and emancipate themselves from Facebook or Meetup.

That’s why during the week of Dec. 5th, we’ll be talking in detail about:

Illustration of Face Ghoûl, a dripping, clawed monster adorned with the Facebook logo
Click to support us and push Face GhoĂ»l away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Version 3.1 (March 2023)
    • Ability to enter an unlisted address;
    • Anti-spam tools.
  • Version 4 (December 2023)
    • Import events from other platforms (MeetUp, Facebook, etc.);
    • Message from organisers to participants.
  • The future
    • We will provide security updates;
    • We will maintain the French-speaking instance Mobilizon.fr;
    • Other groups already have plans to develop Mobilizon with new ambitions

and there is always room for your own vision!


Support Framasoft


PeerTube (yes, again! but…) in 2024: we’re betting big on its success

The toxicity of YouTube, Twitch and the like is becoming increasingly visible… More and more groups, institutions and content creators discover and use PeerTube. In 2023, we’ve been working hard internally to better support this burgeoning success and give PeerTube every chance to succeed.

That’s why, during the week of Dec. 12th, we’ll be talking specifically about:

Illustration of Yetube, a Yeti-like monster with the YouTube Premium logo.
Click to support us and push Yetube away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • The roadmap to PeerTube v7 (end 2024)
    • Export and import tool for your account;
    • Accessibility audit and recommendations integration;
    • Comment moderation tool (for admins and video-makers);
    • Keyword list moderation tool;
    • Separation of audio and video streams (opens up future possibilities);
    • Addition of « zero pixel » resolution (receive audio only);
    • Recategorisation of sensitive content (more detailed than SFW/NSFW);
    • Redesign of the video management area;
    • Redesigning the interface following a user experience (UX) audit.
  • Investing even more in PeerTube to give it a better chance of growing its audience, starting in 2024
    • Promote the PeerTube ecosystem (newsletter, social media, etc.);
    • Work on a « showcase » instance of PeerTube;
    • Hire a second developer (from September 2023);
      • Threefold goal: master 270,000 lines of code, encourage contributions, but above all

Official PeerTube mobile application (end of 2024)
    • Based on design work (survey, mock-ups, etc.);
    • For Android, iOS (đŸ€ž)… and ideally AndroidTV;
    • First version: discover and watch videos (search, playlists, subscriptions, notifications).


Support Framasoft


Émancip’Asso: professional training, MOOC, website

Conceived in partnership with Animafac, the Émancip’Asso project aims to train service providers to understand and support associations in their transition to ethical web tools.

A lot of work has already been done this year and we’ll be talking about it during the week of Dec. 19th:

Illustration of Toxicloud, a steamy, toxic monster with the Amazon Web Services logo.
Click to support us and push Toxicloud away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Organisation of face-to-face professional training (January 2023)
  • Publication of the MOOC « Developing a range of services to support associations in their ethical digital transition », the extended version of the face-to-face professional training course, aimed at anyone wishing to start or improve their support skills.
    • MOOC with free and independent participation;
    • Understand the non-profit sector and its digital applications;
    • To master the support methods used by non-profit organisations;
    • Design and promote a range of services tailored to this ecosystem;
    • Not forgetting networking in order to work together more effectively.
  • Design and publication of the Émancip’Asso website
    • A list of service providers who can support associations in their transition process;
    • A space for associations to help each other;
    • Access to additional resources;
  • What’s next for 2024
    • To increase the number of support services listed;
    • A campaign to promote the system to associations;
    • Active community management.


Support Framasoft


Digital empowerment with practical tools

To end the year on a high note, we’d like to talk about the hard work we’re doing on the practical, concrete tools we offer.

Whether it’s our « De-google-ify internet » services or our historical directory of free software, these tools enable more than 1.5 million people every month to break free from the tech giants and their toxic tools.

During the week of Dec. 26th, if you’ve been good (or naughty), we’ll announce:

Illustration of MS Blue Scream, a blue blob-like monster adorned with the Windows logo
Click to support us and push MS Blue Scream away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Framalibre, the free software directory
    • Complete overhaul of the directory following design surveys;
    • Still collaborative, with a priori moderation (to fight spam);
    • (under the hood) New static engine, easy to use entries;
    • Fluid and simplified interface, adapted to mobile phones;
    • Simple search (search bar, tags);
    • Software recommendations;
    • « Small sites » tool: create your own pages to recommend your favorite FOSSes.

    Illustration of Hydroffice, a serpentine monster with five heads and fangs, adorned with the logos of Google Suite tools.
    Click to support us and push Hydroffice away – Illustration CC-By David Revoy
  • « De-google-ify internet » services
    • Almost 10 years of existence!
    • Our annual usage statistics;
    • Maintenance, backups, updates;
    • Huge work to fight spam;
    • The success of Framagroupes

and the campaign to renew the services (we have lots of ideas!)


Support Framasoft


All the work we can’t describe in 7 weeks

If you’ve read through the 94 pages of our 2022 Activity Report (FR), you’ve already guessed: it’s very difficult to summarize everything our small association is doing.

But just because we won’t be devoting a week to each of the following projects doesn’t mean that nothing has happened…

So here’s what we won’t have time to go into until the end of the year:

  • CHATONS Collective (ethical web service providers)
    • Framasoft has been dedicating paid time to the collective for 6 years now;
    • Organisation of the CHATONS camp (August 2023);
    • This is our last year of coordinating the collective;
    • Major transmission and support work, allowing it to become autonomous;
    • Self-managed internal debates have already taken place;
    • Framasoft remains a member of the collective, we just stop coordinating it.
  • ECHO Network (European exchange project on ethical digital support for citizens)
    • Co-organisation of the inaugural seminar in Paris (January 2023);
    • Study visit to Berlin (March 2023);
    • Brussels study visit (June 2023);
    • Rome study visit (September 2023);
    • Zagreb study visit planned for early December 2023;
    • In 2024, pooling shared experiences into practical tools.
  • Peer.Tube (showcase of quality content broadcast on PeerTube)
    • Prioritized the development of PeerTube in 2023;
    • Work planned for 2024 (content promotion, showcase, community of curators, etc.).


Support Framasoft

Drawing in the style of a fighting video game, featuring a karateka duck and a monster with GAFAM logos.
« Coin-Coin VS Datavöre » – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Seven weeks to balance our budget for 2024

If Framasoft is able to employ not 10 but 11 people, to rent nearly 57 servers, to travel all over France (and beyond), and to finance everything it does in the digital commons… It is all thanks to your donations.

Your donations are and will remain our main source of funding, allowing us to act freely and in complete independence.

This year again, we need you, your support, your sharing, to help us regain ground on the toxic GAFAM web, and multiply ethical digital spaces.

So we’ve asked David Revoy to help us present this off on our « Support Framasoft » page, which we invite you to visit (because it’s beautiful) and above all to share as widely as possible:

Click to support us – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

If we want to complete our budget for 2024, we have seven weeks left to raise 200 000 €: we won’t make it without your help!


Support Framasoft


We sincerely hope that this report and outlook will inspire you and (if you can) make you proud to support Framasoft.

Reprenons du terrain sur le Web toxique ! – Bilan 2023 de Framasoft

Il y a un an, nous vous prĂ©sentions « Collectivisons Internet, Convivialisons Internet » notre feuille de route 2022-2025. L’objectif : favoriser l’adoption d’outils web conviviaux par des collectifs solidaires qui partagent les valeurs du Libre.

🩆 VS 😈 : Reprenons du terrain aux gĂ©ants du Web !

GrĂące Ă  vos dons (dĂ©fiscalisables Ă  66 %), l’association Framasoft agit pour faire avancer le Web Ă©thique et convivial. Retrouvez un rĂ©sumĂ© de nos avancĂ©es en 2023 sur le site Soutenir Framasoft.

âžĄïž Lire la sĂ©rie d’articles de cette campagne (nov. – dĂ©c. 2023)

Un an plus tard, nous sommes fiers et heureuses de vous prĂ©senter ce premier point d’Ă©tape complet de nos actions, qui sont (comme toujours) financĂ©es par vos dons.

dessin de Coin-coin, le canard mascotte de la campagne de Framasoft. Il est en position de karatéka
Cliquez sur Coin-Coin pour soutenir Framasoft – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Changer le monde, un coin(coin) de web Ă  la fois

Dessin du Datavöre, un monstre dĂ©goulinant composĂ© de 5 tĂȘte portant chacune un logo des GAFAM
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser le Datavöre – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Rappelons que les actions de Collectivisons Internet / Convivialisons Internet (alias « Coin-coin », d’oĂč la mascotte) complĂštent et s’ajoutent au maintien de nos actions historiques : services en ligne et outils logiciels, partages d’expĂ©rience, contributions et collaborations variĂ©es.

Comme nous l’exprimions l’an dernier sur ce blog, l’objectif reste le mĂȘme : faire en sorte de multiplier les coins de Web Ă©thiques, afin de reprendre du terrain sur le numĂ©rique toxique occupĂ© par les gĂ©ants du Web.

Si cet article rĂ©sume trĂšs rapidement notre bilan-campagne de fin d’annĂ©e, c’est pour vous donner une idĂ©e globale de ce Ă  quoi servent vos dons. Pour les intĂ©ressé·es, nous dĂ©taillerons les actions phares de ce bilan sur ce blog, chaque mardi (si-tout-va-bien©), d’ici la fin de l’annĂ©e.

Soutenir Framasoft

Framaspace, les collectifs solidaires apprivoisent ce cloud convivial

Nous l’affirmions dĂ©jĂ  en 2022 : Framaspace est notre projet le plus ambitieux de cette nouvelle feuille de route. En effet, l’objectif est de fournir, d’ici fin 2025, jusqu’Ă  10 000 espaces de cloud collaboratifs, basĂ© sur le logiciel Nextcloud, Ă  de petits collectifs solidaires.

Les infos Framaspace que nous détaillerons la semaine du 21 novembre :

Illustration de DemonDrive, un monstre fantomatique orné du logo de Google Workspace
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Demon Drive – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • PremiĂšre annĂ©e de Framaspace
    • Un besoin fort, dĂ©jĂ  prĂšs de 700 espaces Framaspaces ouverts ;
    • …et plus encore si vous en demandez un ici pour votre collectif ;
    • des enseignements tirĂ©s de cette sortie en bĂȘta ;
    • les premiers besoins exprimĂ©s par les bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires ;
    • des optimisations techniques, mises Ă  jour, maintenance, etc.
  • Dans les cartons pour la suite
    • la prĂ©paration d’outils facilitant la prise en main par de nouveaux arrivants ;
    • des idĂ©es de « tuto dont vous ĂȘtes le hĂ©ros » (ou « combine dont vous ĂȘtes l’hĂ©roĂŻne » ?) ;
    • des explorations Ă  venir : possibilitĂ© de publier des pages web, voire de gĂ©rer ses membres & sa compta…?

Soutenir Framasoft

PeerTube : une v6 réalisée à partir de vos idées

Voilà six ans que nous éditons ce logiciel qui, une fois installé sur un serveur, permet de créer une alternative éthique à YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, etc.

Les possibilitĂ©s techniques qu’offrent PeerTube ont un mĂȘme but : permettre d’hĂ©berger et diffuser ses vidĂ©os et ses directs, mĂȘme (et surtout) lorsque l’on n’a pas l’argent de Google ni les fermes de serveurs d’Amazon.

Les fonctionnalités que nous détaillerons la semaine du 28 novembre, ont été choisies parmi vos idées :

Illustration de Videoraptor, un monstre insectoĂŻde dont les trois tĂȘtes sont ornĂ©es des logos de YouTube, VimĂ©o et Twitch
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Videoraptor- Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Version 5.1 (mars 2023)
    • ModĂ©ration des demandes de comptes ;
    • Retour au direct.
  • Version 5.2 (Juin 2023)
    • Gros travail sur le transcoding dĂ©portable sur un serveur distant ;
    • VisibilitĂ© des replay ;
    • Flux RSS adaptĂ© aux podcasts.
  • Version 6 (fin novembre 2023)
    • AmĂ©lioration de l’accessibilitĂ© ;
    • PrĂ©visualisation de l’image dans la barre de progression ;
    • Chapitrage des vidĂ©os ;
    • TĂ©lĂ©chargement d’une nouvelle version d’une vidĂ©o ;
    • Protection des vidĂ©os par mot de passe ;
    • Tests de charge pour le live (publication d’un rapport Ă  venir).

Soutenir Framasoft

Mobilizon, c’est la lutte version finale…

…pour Framasoft !

En effet, nous estimons qu’aprĂšs 4 annĂ©es de dĂ©veloppements, nous arriverons au bout de la vision que nous avions pour Mobilizon. Une fois cette v4 sortie, nous espĂ©rons que vos groupes auront les fonctionnalitĂ©s nĂ©cessaires pour s’organiser autour de vos Ă©vĂ©nements, et ainsi vous Ă©manciper de Facebook ou Meetup.

C’est pour cela que la semaine du 5 dĂ©cembre, nous parlerons en dĂ©tail de :

Illustration de Face Ghoûl, un monstre dégoulinant et griffu orné du logo de Facebook
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Face GhoĂ»l – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • La version 3.1 (mars 2023)
    • PossibilitĂ© d’entrer une adresse non rĂ©pertoriĂ©e ;
    • Outils de lutte contre le spam.
  • La version 4 (dĂ©cembre 2023)
    • Import des Ă©vĂ©nements depuis d’autres plateformes (MeetUp, Facebook, etc.) ;
    • Message des organisatrices d’un Ă©vĂ©nement vers les participants.
  • L’avenir
    • Nous assurerons les mises Ă  jour de sĂ©curitĂ© ;
    • Nous maintiendrons l’instance francophone Mobilizon.fr ;
    • Il y a des projets d’Ă©volution de Mobilizon avec des ambitions nouvelles…
    • …et de la place pour votre vision Ă  vous !

Soutenir Framasoft

PeerTube (oui, encore ! mais…) en 2024 : nous misons gros sur son succĂšs

La toxicitĂ© de YouTube, Twitch et compagnie devient de plus en plus visible… Ainsi, de plus en plus de collectifs, d’institutions et de crĂ©ateurices de contenus dĂ©couvrent et utilisent PeerTube. En 2023, nous avons beaucoup travaillĂ© en interne afin de mieux accompagner ce succĂšs naissant, et de donner toutes ses chances Ă  PeerTube.

C’est pour quoi la semaine du 12 dĂ©cembre nous parlerons prĂ©cisĂ©ment de :

Illustration de Yetube, un monstre de type YĂ©ti avec le logo de YouTube Premium.
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Yetube – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • La feuille de route vers PeerTube v7 (fin 2024)
    • Outil d’export et d’import de son compte ;
    • Audit d’accessibilitĂ© et intĂ©gration des recommandations ;
    • Outil de modĂ©ration des commentaires (pour admins et vidĂ©astes) ;
    • Outil de modĂ©ration par liste de mots-clĂ©s ;
    • SĂ©paration des flux audio et vidĂ©o (ouvre de futures possibilitĂ©s) ;
    • Ajout d’une rĂ©solution « zĂ©ro pixels » (recevoir uniquement l’audio) ;
    • RecatĂ©gorisation des contenus sensibles (plus dĂ©taillĂ©e que SFW/NSFW) ;
    • Refonte de l’espace de gestion des vidĂ©os ;
    • Re-design de l’interface suite Ă  un audit de l’expĂ©rience d’utilisation (UX).
  • S’investir plus encore dans PeerTube pour lui donner plus de chances d’Ă©largir son audience, dĂšs 2024
    • Promotion de l’Ă©cosystĂšme PeerTube (newsletter, mĂ©dias sociaux, etc.) ;
    • Travail sur une instance « vitrine » de PeerTube ;
    • Embauche d’un deuxiĂšme dĂ©veloppeur (depuis septembre 2023) ;
      • Triple objectif : maĂźtriser 270 000 lignes de code, animer la contribution, mais surtout…
  • Application mobile officielle PeerTube (fin 2024)
    • Conception d’aprĂšs un travail en design (enquĂȘte, maquettes, etc.) ;
    • Pour android, iOS (đŸ€ž)… et dans l’idĂ©al AndroidTV ;
    • PremiĂšre version : dĂ©couvrir et regarder des vidĂ©os (recherche, playlists, abonnements, notifications).

Soutenir Framasoft

Émancip’Asso : la formation, le MOOC, le site web…

Conçu en partenariat avec Animafac, le projet Émancip’Asso vise Ă  former les hĂ©bergeurs de services Ă  comprendre et accompagner les associations dans leur transition vers des outils web Ă©thiques.

Un énorme travail a déjà été accompli cette année, dont nous parlerons la semaine du 19 décembre :

Illustration de Toxicloud, un monstre vaporeux et toxique avec le logo de Amazon Web Services
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Toxicloud – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Organisation de la formation en prĂ©sentiel (janvier 2023)
  • Publication du MOOC « DĂ©velopper une offre de services pour accompagner les associations dans leur transition numĂ©rique Ă©thique », la version enrichie de la formation en prĂ©senciel Ă  destination de toutes les personnes qui souhaitent se lancer ou s’amĂ©liorer en matiĂšre d’accompagnement.
    • MOOC en participation libre et autonome ;
    • Pour comprendre le monde associatif et ses usages numĂ©riques ;
    • Pour maĂźtriser les mĂ©thodes de l’accompagnement associatif ;
    • Pour concevoir une offre de services adaptĂ©e Ă  cet Ă©cosystĂšme et la faire connaĂźtre ;
    • Sans oublier la mise en rĂ©seau, pour mieux travailler dans la complĂ©mentaritĂ©.
  • Conception et publication du site web Émancip’Asso
    • RĂ©pertoire de prestataires pouvant accompagner les associations dans leurs dĂ©marches de transition ;
    • Espace d’entraide communautaire entre associations ;
    • AccĂšs Ă  des ressources complĂ©mentaires ;
  • La suite pour 2024
    • DĂ©veloppement du nombre d’offres d’accompagnement recensĂ©es ;
    • Campagne de promotion du dispositif auprĂšs des associations ;
    • Animation active de la communautĂ©.

Soutenir Framasoft

L’Ă©mancipation numĂ©rique, avec des outils concrets

Afin de finir l’annĂ©e en beautĂ©, nous comptons bien parler du travail de fond que nous poursuivons sur les outils pratiques et concrets que nous proposons.

Qu’il s’agisse des services « DĂ©googlisons Internet » ou de notre historique annuaire de logiciels libres ; ces outils permettent, chaque mois, Ă  plus d’1,5 million de personnes de s’Ă©manciper un peu plus des gĂ©ants du Web et de leurs outils toxiques.

La semaine du 26 décembre, si vous avez été (pas) sages, nous annoncerons :

Illustraiton de MS Blue Scream, monstre de type blob, bleu, orné du logo de Windows
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser MS Blue Scream – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

    • Framalibre, l’annuaire du logiciel libre
      • Refonte complĂšte de l’annuaire suite Ă  des enquĂȘtes de design ;
      • Toujours collaboratif, avec modĂ©ration a priori (pour lutter contre le spam) ;
      • (sous le capot) Nouveau moteur statique, notices facilement exploitables ;
      • Interface fluide et simplifiĂ©e, adaptĂ©e aux mobiles ;
      • Recherche facilitĂ©e (barre de recherche, tags) ;
      • Recommandations de logiciels ;
      • Outil « mini sites » : crĂ©ez vos pages de logiciels libres Ă  recommander.

Illustration de Hydroffice, un monstre serpentin Ă  cinq tĂȘtes avec des crocs, ornĂ©es des logos des outils de la Google Suite
Cliquez pour nous soutenir et aider Ă  repousser Hydroffice – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

  • Services « DĂ©googlisons Internet »

    • BientĂŽt 10 ans d’existence !
    • Nos statistiques annuelles d’utilisation ;
    • Travail de maintenance, sauvegardes, mises Ă  jours ;
    • Gros travail de lutte contre les spams ;
    • SuccĂšs de Framagroupes…
    • …et de la campagne de rĂ©novation des services (on a plein d’idĂ©es !)

Soutenir Framasoft

Tout le travail qu’on ne pourra pas dĂ©tailler en 7 semaines…

Si vous avez mis le nez dans les 94 pages de notre rapport d’activitĂ©s 2022, vous vous en douterez : c’est trĂšs difficile de rĂ©sumer tout ce que fait notre petite association.

Or, ce n’est pas parce que nous ne consacrerons pas une semaine pour chacun des projets suivants qu’il ne s’est rien passĂ©…

Voici donc ce que nous n’aurons pas le temps de dĂ©tailler d’ici la fin de l’annĂ©e :

  • Collectif CHATONS (hĂ©bergeurs de services web Ă©thiques)
    • DĂ©jĂ  6 ans que Framasoft consacre du temps salariĂ© Ă  animer le collectif ;
    • Organisation du camp CHATONS (aoĂ»t 2023) ;
    • C’est notre derniĂšre annĂ©e de coordination du collectif ;
    • Gros travail de transmission et d’accompagnement ;
    • Des dĂ©bats internes auto-gĂ©rĂ©s ont dĂ©jĂ  eu lieu ;
    • Framasoft reste membre du collectif, en le laissant s’autonomiser.
  • ECHO Network (projet europĂ©en d’Ă©changes sur l’accompagnement au numĂ©rique Ă©thique des citoyen·nes)
    • Co-organisation du sĂ©minaire d’ouverture Ă  Paris (Janvier 2023) ;
    • Visite d’Ă©tude de Berlin (mars 2023) ;
    • Visite d’Ă©tude de Bruxelles (juin 2023) ;
    • Visite d’Ă©tude de Rome (septembre 2023) ;
    • Visite d’Ă©tude de Zagreb prĂ©vue pour dĂ©but dĂ©cembre 2023 ;
    • En 2024, mise en Communs des expĂ©riences partagĂ©es, dans des outils pratiques.
  • Peer.Tube (vitrine de contenus de qualitĂ© diffusĂ©s sur PeerTube)
    • Priorisation du dĂ©veloppement de PeerTube en 2023 ;
    • Travail prĂ©vu pour 2024 (promotions de contenus, instance vitrine, communautĂ© de curation…).

Soutenir Framasoft

Dessin dans le style d'un jeu vidĂ©o de combat, oĂč s'affronte un canard karatĂ©ka et un monstre affublĂ© des logos des GAFAM.
« Coin-Coin VS Datavöre » – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Sept semaines pour nous aider Ă  boucler notre budget 2024

Si Framasoft peut employer non plus 10, mais dĂ©sormais 11 personnes, louer prĂšs de 57 serveurs, se dĂ©placer dans toute la France (et au delĂ ), et Ă©lever dans les communs numĂ©riques tout ce qu’elle fait… C’est, encore et toujours, grĂące Ă  vos dons.

Vos dons sont, et restent, notre principale source de financement et celle qui nous permet d’agir librement, en toute indĂ©pendance. L’association Framasoft Ă©tant reconnue d’intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral, un don Ă  Framasoft de 100 €, peut revenir Ă  34 € aprĂšs dĂ©ductions fiscales (pour les contribuables français·es).

Cette année encore, nous avons besoin de vous, de votre soutien, de vos partages, pour nous aider à reprendre du terrain sur le Web toxique des GAFAM, et multiplier les espaces de numérique éthique.

Nous avons donc demandĂ© Ă  David Revoy de nous aider Ă  montrer cela sur notre site « Soutenir Framasoft« , qu’on vous invite Ă  visiter (parce que c’est beau) et surtout Ă  partager le plus largement possible :

Cliquez pour nous soutenir – Illustration CC-By David Revoy

Si nous voulons boucler notre budget pour 2024, il nous reste sept semaines pour rĂ©colter 200 000 € : nous n’y arriverons pas sans votre aide !

Soutenir Framasoft

Nous espérons, sincÚrement, que ce bilan et ces perspectives vous enthousiasmeront, et (si vous le pouvez), vous rendront fier·es de soutenir Framasoft.

Collectivise the Internet : Three years to Ruffle the Feathers of Surveillance Capitalism

If the major issue in the digital world is systemic (a system called Surveillance Capitalism), then the answer cannot be limited to  » individual degoogleizing initiatives ». Our new roadmap Collectivise the Internet / Convivialise the Internet 🩆🩆  is all out on providing digital tools for non-profit organizations and collectives that work for the common good and the good of the Commons.

Let us tell you this story

This article was published in French in October 2022 as part of the launch of Framasoft’s new roadmap Collectivise the Internet / Convivialise the Internet.

Simple banquet, in a shared garden, where free-software mascot animals are being served by Collectivise, convivialise ducks - Illustration by David Revoy - Licence: CC-By 4.0
Collectivise, convivialise – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

Emancipating Ourselves from Googles’ Industrial Animal Farmland

At Framasoft, we learn by doing. With every new campaign, with every new three-year roadmap, we try to apply lessons from the past. And every time, we discover more about our own misconceptions, our mistakes and ways forward to fix them.

During the Degoogleize The Internet campaign (2014-2017), we have learned that, although our small association could not degoogleize the whole planet, there is still a great deal of people who show interest in web-based tools that respect their values and integrity. Providing Free and open-source services to a as many people as possible ensures a large-scale deployment, even if that means risking focusing the demand and expectations on us. During this time period, we also initiated the alternative hosting collective CHATONS (an acronym that also means « kitties », in French), so that other hosts could join us in this adventure.

Then, we started the Contributopia roadmap (2017-2020), in which we contributed to many collective, popular and federated project, therereby meeting like-minded contributors, with whom we share the common values of sharing, fairness, caring, and emancipation, free and open-source software (FOSS) values that attracted us. We’ve come to realize, walking down this path, gathering and relating, that digital choices are societal choices, and that the choices made by FANGs are the pillars of a system: surveillance capitalism.

Illustration Quit planet GAFAM NATU BATX , CC BY David Revoy
« Quit planet GAFAM NATU BATX » Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

Entire books are merely attempting to define what surveillance capitalism is, so what we are sharing here is just a rough summary of what it actually is. Surveillance capitalism is a system that transforms collective behaviours into data sets by prioritizing profit and power above all. The aim is to sell prediction and manipulation of our future behaviours, generally as commercial, cultural or electoral propaganda. In order to do so, some mega corporations try to establish monopolies on digital tools that maximize the acquisition and monopoly on our attention.

Simply put, surveillance capitalism creates industrial data farms, where we are the cattle. On the one hand, we are force-fed with attention mush (enriched with ads), and, on the other, part of our lives and our social behaviours are snatched from us to be resold to prosperous buyers at premium price.

That is why, at Framasoft, we have developped tools designed away from the values pushed by this system. Among the solutions we developed are PeerTube, a video platform software, and Mobilizon, a group and events management system. However, these tools require an entire group of people managing, maintaining, drafting and ensuring its editorial policy, and moderating: many small organizations do not have the human ressources to handle this in-house.

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Requiring digital tools that do not give goose bumps

From 2019 to 2022, we also ran the DĂ©framasoftisons Internet action plan. We closed several projects which were underused or available through other trusted « CHATONS » hosts. This allowed us to save some energy for future projects, to reinforce our will to take care of our organization by avoiding unreasonable growth or restructuring that would disrupt our collective and the way it operates – which has made us pretty effective so far! – but especially to promote the decentralization of ethical digital tools.

Between 2020 and 2022, right in the middle of a gobal pandemic that confirmed our general dependency on online services, we intensified our efforts in maintaining our actions. Incidentally, we revised our plans for « Let’s deframasoftize » and chose to maintain some of the tools we intended to restrain or close: Framalistes, Framagit, Framateam, Framacalc…. We made that choice because we could see little to no other alternatives, and we did not want to let so many people down.

During this period of forced isolation, a pressing need began to be voiced more and more:

I am willing to ‘degoogle-ize’ myself, but I need someone to assist me, who can be here, in person to help me throughout this transition.

a pastry chef kitten presenting a cake-cloud prepared on demand, while in the background other kittens cook another cake-cloud in the middle of their cat-scratching tree village
Emancip’Asso – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

We have been hearing this need for this kind of human, tangible support for a while, and this is not unexpected. One of the mechanisms of capitalism is to individualize (« the customer is always right ») so as to better isolate and place the responsibility on each of us. For example, the information that we name « personal data » is neither personal nor data: it is more accurately the digital harvesting of our lives linked to those of others. Those are our social behaviours.

Conversely, if so many organizations, federations, etc. are so efficient in their task for the common good (whether they help us discover knitting or fighti climate inaction), it is precisely because they rest on the enjoyment of being and doing together, on the joy of meeting and exchanging, on the human warmth we find in the collective.

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Ducking out the slump thanks to conviviality

The future Big Tech is designing for us is one where humans are being:
* isolated – so that connections between humans rely solely upon their tools
* exploited – so that more and more tools are being created for us to consume
* singled out – so that no collective action is put in place that challenges their methods
* dependent – on their system of absolute monopoly
* greedy – so our lack of money can be weaponized against us
* competing – to pit us against each other and justify the rise of their elite class

This future that surveillance capitalism is designing for us as we speak, is neither engaging nor sustainable.. It treats both people and the Earth as a liability and will lead us straight to destruction.

On the other hand, trying to step out of our comfortable FOSS-enthusiasts’ bubble to try and reach out to other communities that are changing the world, has proved to be not as desorienting as we might have thought. We found that oftentime we shared the same utopias and the same definition of society: one based on contributing.

Drawing of five isles in a circle, each with buildings from different cultures. They are communicating together using waves and echoes.
ECHO Network – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

These « Contributopians » share the same dream as us: a future where humans are proud, autonomous, emancipated, knowledgeable, sharing and helpful to each other… a future where digital tools are under control, transparent, user-friendly and enhance the emancipation of human beings.

Thus, let’s summarize the lessons learned from our previous endeavours:

  • We did not yet have tools that fit the needs of the small organizations and associations that do so much with so little, but most of all with a lot of good will.
  • We are aware of the risk of remaining isolated, singled out in our « small, individual ‘degoogleization’ initiatives » against a whole system that can only be faced effectively through collective action.
  • We can see how crucial it is to put humans back at the center, the need for human presence and kindness when assisting others throughout their transition towards ethical digital practises.
  •  We have been able to confirm that a good number of associations and organizations from civil society which are working for the commons share with us these common values.

These patrons/champions of a « society of contribution » work hard to make our common dreams a reality.

 Long story short: it’s high time we degooglized the Contributopians!

(… those who wish to be, of course. We have never forced anyone to do anything, and we won’t start now!)

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Finding warmth with the jolly fellows

The four long-term actions we introduced in the article « Convivialise the Internet » 🩆(Framaspace, Émancip’Asso, ECHO Network, Peer.tube) all serve the same purpose: to equip organizations with online tools that fit their values.

These four projects rely on the strength of the collective while also taking into account the known constraints and limits that associations face. Kindness alone cannot magically and miraculously provide people with knowledge, time and means to train to use Nextcloud, PeerTube and other ethical tools.


Sepia, PeerTube cuttlefish mascot, is by the sea shore. She invites us on the pier where many sailboats berthed. Movies are played on the sails.
Peer.Tube – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

Similarly, the 39 members that compose Framasoft (10 of whom are employees) cannot spawn everywhere to personally train each and every new organization that wants to use, let’s say Framaspace, especially as that number could rise – with the help of your generous donations – up to thousands of organizations within 3 years!

That is why all of these projects are both about building a sense of community through shared spaces and some time allocated to community-building activities and sharing practices, challenges, etc., and providing support via coaching, improvements tailored for specific needs, and learning content to help people to be more autonomous and master the different tools, etc. Going blindly ahead with preconceived notions and a “we know best what works best for you” kind of attitude does not seem to be the most suitable — let alone humane — approach.


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Let’s steer our ship into a virtuous circle

We want to be efficient, so we want our tools to actually be used. Our goal is thus to make our tools useful – yeah, because designing tools that are actually useful is what disruptive innovation is all about, to make Tech for good that is community-owned and still very much online!)

We are thus planning not to plan everything, except time and space dedicated to your feedback. We also want to be available to tackle issues we might face on each of the actions that we feel ready to take. In other words, if we already plan to develop new features, create tutorials, host webinars and draft learning content, we do not want to predefine everything upfront, so as to save some time to help our users, our main target.

A unicorn dressed as an astronaut (with a spaghetti strainer on its head) is walking on the clouds and is blowing bubbles. Inside the bubbles, we can see cubes that represent collective work (files, toolboxes, books, typewriters, abacus, etc.)
Frama.space – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

This is the virtuous circle that we defined over the course of our various experimentations and that best fits our workflow:

1. Launch a first draft of our project, although imperfect

It’s OK if the paint is still fresh, or if it’s still a rough sketch. It’s absolutely OK too to start with a very small target audience. We have 3 years ahead of us to improve all that, and we have time and resources in store to do so.

For example, while we hope to provide millions of organizations with Framaspace within 3 years, it will be a good start to offer it to 200-300 organizations by the end of 2022!

2. Take users’ feedback into account

The Frama.space forum, the PeerTube community the study programs on ECHO Network and the comments received on Emancip’Asso are all important resources to gather feedback on our tools. It’d be too easy to lock ourselves in an echo chamber and avoid the reality of those who are actually fighting on the battlefield.
We go as far as considering the creation of an Observatory of Practices and Free Open-Source Digital Experiences, basing ourselves on the organizations that make up the Frama.sapce user community. Codename: OPEN-L. Stay tuned for that… And let’s hope we manage to set it up!

3. Improve our solutions step by step

Our goal is to improve each of those actions over time. This could be done by creating documentation and pedagogical tools, moderating and facilitating user communities, working on the ergonomy or on new features to be developed.
We want to keep total freedom to improve each action depending on the feedback we get from users.

4. Link humans to tools, and to other humans

Here’s another important, yet often overlooked aspect: connections. Such a shame, considering that the Web is, by definition, designed to connect people, ideas and things. This step can take many forms. It may mean taking the time to introduce our users to the new improvements brought about by each of our actions. It may also mean broadening our user community for any given project. Finally, it may mean taking advantage of having organizations share a common tool by sharing with them, offering them and informing them on what their fellows are doing.

Additionally, it will take some journaling: to summarize experiences, the lessons learned, to gather the relevant resources… and share all of that with the community. Whatever the form, this connecting step is when we take the time to reflect, to review our actions so as to better start a new virtuous circle and launch a better version of the project.

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We ain’t no quacks. Please support us!

Ain’t gonna beat around the bush: Collectivise the Internet / Convivialise the Internet 🩆🩆 is a roadmap with a clear political purpose, in the sense that it shall contribute to changing the world (if only one byte at a time).

After eight years spent observing and informing the public on the future that Big Tech is already materializing for us day by day and the political choices that they are forcing on our societies, it feels more and more crucial to keep one corner of the Web free from their influence.

Such is « also » our role, because these new actions do not and will not replace the ones we are already conducting. All the ‘degoogleized » software already available to everyone, the development of PeerTube and Mobilizon, the FOSS collective CHATONS, the common cultural resources… All of these projects are still ongoing and will still require more work over the upcoming three years.


Portrait of a duck cheering in the foreground, while other ducks in the background are having a lantern-lit celebration among trees.
Quack-quack – Illustration by David Revoy – License: CC-By 4.0

If you agree with our set goals and strategy, if the actions that we are currently undertaking seem important to you, then we would like to remind you that Framasoft is exclusively funded by… You. It is only your kind contributions, eligible to a 66% tax cut for French taxpayers, that allow us to keep going in total independence.

If you can (as we are well aware that our current times are particularly harsh), and if you wish to, please support us.


🩆 Support Framasoft

This page has been translated from French to English by Framalang volunteers: Bastien, Bromind, Ellébore (proofreading), Goofy, GPSqueeek, Mathilde (proofreading), Stan, Susy

PeerTube v5 : the result of 5 years’ handcrafting

Late 2017, we announced our desire to create a free, decentralised and federated alternative to YouTube.

Five years later, we are releasing PeerTube v5, a tool used by hundreds of thousands people on a thousand interconnected platforms to share over 850,000 videos.

« Collectivise Internet / Convivialise Internet 🩆🩆 »
Our new 3-year roadmap is funded by your donations.

You will find a short presentation of this roadmap on our Support Framasoft website.

âžĄïž Read all blogposts of this campaign (oct. – dĂ©c. 2022, mostly in French)

Illustration PeerTube V5
Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Five years of shaping PeerTube by hand

For the past 5 years, our only developer dedicated to PeerTube (and to other tasks in Framasoft) has released one new major version per year:

    • PeerTube v1 (Oct. 2018) allows you to create a video platform with federation, peer-to-peer streaming, redundancy, search tools and multilingual interface.
    • PeerTube v2 (Nov 2019) brings notifications, playlists and plugins.
    • PeerTube v3 (Jan. 2021) adds federated search, live and peer-to-peer streaming.
    • PeerTube v4 (Dec. 2021) allows to customise each platform’s homepage, to sort and filter displayed videos, and to manage them more easily.

Throughout these years, this developer has taken care to improve moderation and federation tools, the video player, the interface, the code and the accessibility and also to fix bugs while answering community questions and needs.

PeerTube ecosytem

PeerTube is an artisanal work, in the noble sense of the word. It is a handcrafted tool that now serves a large alternative ecosystem for online video.

Once again, we would like to remind you that our small non-profit creates and maintains all this with only one developer on the project, helped by:

  • Framasoft employees and volunteers for communication, strategy, administration;
  • PeerTube community which regularly contributes to code, plugins, translations, suggestions, sharing and donations (thanks and lots of datalove to you <3);
  • Service providers in specialized areas (UX or UI design, accessibility, creation of mobile applications, etc.).

However PeerTube is only one of dozens of projects we maintain at Framasoft, even though it is one of the largest.

Like every thing we do, PeerTube is mainly funded by your donations (and donations from foundations like NLnet).

 Support PeerTube by donating to Framasoft

A year of work to make PeerTube easier to use

Since the beginning of 2022, we have been working on PeerTube to make it easier and easier to use for videomakers and their communities.

In February, version 4.1 brings several expected improvements: of the interface, of the video player on mobile devices, of the plugin system, of the search filters or of the instance customization.

In June, version 4.2 introduces two major new features: the Studio, for light video editing directly from PeerTube; and replay publication for « Twitch-like » live streams. Other new features include detailed video statistics, latency management for live streaming and subtitle editing directly from the interface.

In September, with version 4.3, you can now automate video import from a YouTube (or Vimeo) channel. We have also completely reworked the interface for creating a PeerTube account and improved the live streams display on external website.

PeerTube Studio

PeerTube v5: improving and securing to empower yourself better

It’s now December 2022, and PeerTube v5 is now available! This version enhances security in several ways.

The file system has been redesigned to secure internal and private videos. This was a fairly complex work that lays a basis for some much asked future features.

Another very emancipating technical improvement is the possibility of storing live streams in the cloud, with « object storage » system. This means that PeerTube platforms hosted on a server with limited disk storage and bandwidth are no longer limited in their ability to offer live streams.

It is now possible to use two-factor authentication to connect to a PeerTube platform. We use the OTP (One Time Password) method which allows, via an external application, to generate a unique code to validate the connection to its account.

This new version also comes with a lot of bug fixes and improvements. For example, we have added more possibilities to the API, so that PeerTube contributors can develop even more powerful plugins.

Also, the PeerTube interface has received many changes. For example, in the My Videos menu now displays channels, and a mention of the playlist in which a video has been added to.

Finally, we have now a detailed OpenTelemetry documentation (feature released in version 4.2) which brings advanced statistics and observability.

Support, intern, technical challenges and questions on our horizon

Right now, we only have a clear vision for the near future of PeerTube.

Illustration : David Revoy (CC-By)

This year again, we have supported John Livingston‘s work on PeerTube Live Chat plugin, and we can announce that the easy plugin set-up is coming very soon!

In early 2023, we plan to work on a rather technical but very exciting feature, which should reduce the servers’ load and thus to lower the power needed to create a PeerTube platform: we’ll tell you more as soon as we’ve made progress.

Also in 2023, we will welcome a developer intern. We want more and more people to become familiar with PeerTube core code. We want to expermient with temporarily expanding the team working on it.

Finally, the day after this article is published, we will answer all your questions on reddit. Join us on December 14th at 4pm (CEST) on r/opensource for an AMA (Ask Me Anything) about PeerTube and Framasoft!

 Support PeerTube by donating to Framasoft

Share your ideas for PeerTube v6!

These few points aside… we have no idea what the PeerTube roadmap will be in 2023. We need you to help us define it!

Please go to Let’s Improve PeerTube and publish your ideas (and vote for the ones you’re excited about). We want to know what the PeerTube community needs and wants, especially the « non-geek » audience who doesn’ t care about words like « server » or « instance » and just want to watch and share videos.

More than 90 ideas have been already published on Let’s improve Peertube

In early 2023, we will go through the most popular suggestions and select those that fit our vision for PeerTube and our development capabilities, in order to build the PeerTube v6 roadmap.

So it’s up to you to tell us what future you want for PeerTube!

An international tool…

This year, we were lucky enough to have two development contracts that helped us to fund some of our work on PeerTube.

The French Ministry of Education funded the Studio (a tool for editing videos) to be implemented on its platform apps.education.fr (a free-libre service platform provided by the Ministry to all teachers and staff).

Howlround, a Boston-based open platform for theatremakers worldwide, funded detailed video and live stats, but also replay feature for permanent lives.

Finally, we received an exceptional grant from the Dutch foundation NLnet to work on PeerTube v5.

…funded by French-speaking donations

Put together, these amounts represent a small half of our annual budget dedicated to PeerTube (which we estimate at 70 000 €). The other part comes from Framasoft’s budget, i.e. from the donations that our non profit receives from its mainly French-speaking community. To us, it seems almost unfair that it is mainly French speakers who finance a tool that has a truly international scope

But here’s the thing: we’re already not very good at « selling ourselves », promoting our work and getting donations, so if we have to do international marketing, we’re not out of the woods!

We don’t have a marketing department: we only have you.

So we need your help. Spread the word about our donation campaign around you, especially outside the French-speaking world.

Do not hesitate to share the address support.joinpeertube.org around you, on your PeerTube platforms, in your communities that benefit from this alternative.

At the time of publishing, we are still missing 115 000 € to finance our yearly budget and make everything we want to do in 2023 happen.

If you can (especially in these hard times) and if you want to, thanks for supporting our non-profit and our actions.

 🩆 Support Framasoft

PeerTube v5 : le rĂ©sultat de 5 ans de travail artisanal

Fin 2017, nous annoncions notre volonté de créer un outil alternatif à YouTube qui soit libre, décentralisé et fédéré.

Cinq ans plus tard, nous publions la v5 de PeerTube, un outil utilisé par des centaines de milliers de personnes sur un millier de plateformes interconnectées pour partager ensemble plus de 850 000 vidéos.

« Collectivisons Internet / Convivialisons Internet 🩆🩆 »
Les actions de notre nouvelle feuille de route étant financées par vos dons (défiscalisables à 66 %), vous pouvez en trouver un résumé complet sur le site Soutenir Framasoft.

âžĄïž Lire la sĂ©rie d’articles de cette campagne (oct. – dĂ©c. 2022)

Illustration PeerTube V5
Illustration CC BY David Revoy

Cinq années à façonner PeerTube

Depuis 5 ans, notre unique dĂ©veloppeur consacrĂ© Ă  PeerTube (et Ă  d’autres tĂąches dans Framasoft) a publiĂ© une nouvelle version majeure par an :

  • PeerTube v1 (oct. 2018) permet de crĂ©er une plateforme vidĂ©o avec fĂ©dĂ©ration, diffusion en pair Ă  pair, redondance, outils de recherche et interface multilingue.
  • PeerTube v2 (nov. 2019) apporte les notifications, les playlists, les plugins.
  • PeerTube v3 (jan. 2021) ajoute la recherche fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©e, mais surtout le streaming en direct et en pair Ă  pair.
  • PeerTube v4 (dec. 2021) permet de personnaliser l’accueil de sa plateforme, de trier et filtrer les vidĂ©os affichĂ©es, et de les gĂ©rer plus facilement.

Tout au long de ces annĂ©es, ce dĂ©veloppeur a pris soin d’amĂ©liorer les outils de modĂ©ration et de fĂ©dĂ©ration, le lecteur vidĂ©o, l’interface, le code, l’accessibilitĂ© et de rĂ©parer les bugs tout en rĂ©pondant aux questions et besoins exprimĂ©s par la communautĂ©.

L’Ă©cosystĂšme PeerTube

PeerTube est un travail artisanal, au sens noble du terme. C’est un outil façonnĂ© Ă  la main, qui sert aujourd’hui un vaste Ă©cosystĂšme alternatif pour les vidĂ©os en ligne. En voici les dĂ©tails :

Une fois encore, nous tenons à rappeler que notre petite association crée et maintient tout cela avec un seul développeur sur le projet, aidé :

  • par des salarié·es et bĂ©nĂ©voles de Framasoft pour la communication, la stratĂ©gie, l’administratif ;
  • par la communautĂ© qui contribue rĂ©guliĂšrement sous forme de code, de plugin, de traductions, de suggestions, de partages et de dons (merci et plein de datalove Ă  vous <3) ;
  • par des prestataires qui vont intervenir sur des domaines spĂ©cialisĂ©s (design UX ou UI, accessibilitĂ©, crĂ©ation d’applications mobiles, etc.).

Pourtant, PeerTube n’est qu’un projet parmi les dizaines que nous maintenons, Ă  Framasoft, mĂȘme si c’est l’un des projets les plus consĂ©quents.

Et comme tout ce que nous faisons, PeerTube est principalement financé par vos dons (et des dons de fondations telles que NLnet).

Soutenir PeerTube par un don Ă  Framasoft

Un an de travail pour faciliter les usages

Depuis le dĂ©but de l’annĂ©e 2022, nous continuons le travail sur PeerTube afin qu’il devienne de plus en plus facile Ă  aborder pour les vidĂ©astes et leurs publics.

En fĂ©vrier, la version 4.1 apporte plusieurs amĂ©liorations attendues : de l’interface, du lecteur vidĂ©o sur les mobiles, du systĂšme de plugins, des filtres de recherches, ou de la personnalisation des instances.

En juin, la version 4.2 prĂ©sente deux grandes nouveautĂ©s : le Studio, pour modifier des vidĂ©os directement depuis PeerTube ; et la publication de replay pour les directs « à la Twitch ». Notons aussi les statistiques vidĂ©os dĂ©taillĂ©es, la gestion de la latence pour les directs et l’Ă©dition de sous-titres directement depuis l’interface.

En septembre, avec la version 4.3, on peut enfin automatiser l’import des vidĂ©os depuis une chaĂźne YouTube (ou VimĂ©o). Nous avons aussi complĂštement retravaillĂ© l’interface de crĂ©ation de compte PeerTube et amĂ©liorĂ© l’affichage des directs sur un site externe.

Le studio PeerTube

PeerTube v5 : améliorer et sécuriser pour mieux vous empuissanter

Nous sommes en dĂ©cembre 2022, et la v5 de PeerTube est dĂ©sormais disponible ! C’est une version qui renforce la sĂ©curitĂ© de plusieurs maniĂšres.

Le systĂšme de fichiers a Ă©tĂ© repensĂ© afin de sĂ©curiser les vidĂ©os internes et privĂ©es. C’Ă©tait un travail de fond assez complexe qui pose les bases pour de futures fonctionnalitĂ©s trĂšs demandĂ©es.

Autre amĂ©lioration technique trĂšs Ă©mancipatrice : la possibilitĂ© de stocker les directs « sur le cloud », avec le systĂšme « object storage ». Ainsi, les plateformes PeerTube hĂ©bergĂ©es sur un serveur avec peu d’espace disque ne sont plus limitĂ©es pour proposer du live.

Il est dĂ©sormais possible d’utiliser l’authentification Ă  deux facteurs afin de se connecter Ă  sa plateforme PeerTube. Nous utilisons ici la mĂ©thode OTP (One Time Password) qui permet, via une application externe, de gĂ©nĂ©rer un code unique pour valider la connexion Ă  son compte.

Cette nouvelle version vient aussi avec son lot de corrections de bugs et d’amĂ©liorations. Ainsi, nous avons ajoutĂ© plus de possibilitĂ©s au niveau de l’API, afin que les contributrices PeerTube puissent dĂ©velopper des plugins toujours plus puissants.

De mĂȘme, l’interface de PeerTube a reçu de nombreuses Ă©volutions, avec par exemple, dans l’espace Mes VidĂ©os, l’apparition des chaĂźnes, ou la mention de la playlist dans laquelle se trouve une vidĂ©o.

Enfin, nous avons pu dĂ©tailler la documentation d’OpenTelemetry (fonctionnalitĂ© apparue dans la version 4.2) qui permet d’obtenir des statistiques de maintenance et d’observation avancĂ©es.

Soutien, stagiaire, dĂ©fis techniques et questions Ă  l’horizon

Illustration : David Revoy (CC-By)

D’une part nous avons cette annĂ©e encore soutenu le travail de John Livingston sur le plugin PeerTube Live Chat, et on peut vous annoncer que l’installation facilitĂ©e arrive trĂšs prochainement !

DĂ©but 2023, nous comptons travailler sur une fonctionnalitĂ© assez technique mais trĂšs enthousiasmante, qui devrait permettre d’allĂ©ger la charge sur les serveurs et donc abaisser la puissance nĂ©cessaire pour crĂ©er une plateforme PeerTube : on vous en dĂ©voile plus dĂšs qu’on aura avancĂ© dessus.

Toujours en 2023, nous allons accueillir un stagiaire en dĂ©veloppement. Nous souhaitons en effet que de plus en plus de personnes se familiarisent avec le cƓur du code de PeerTube. Nous allons ainsi expĂ©rimenter d’agrandir, temporairement, l’Ă©quipe qui travaille dessus.

Enfin, dĂšs le lendemain de la parution de cet article, nous rĂ©pondrons, en anglais, Ă  toutes vos questions sur reddit. Rejoignez nous le 14 dĂ©cembre dĂšs 16h (Heure de Paris) sur r/opensource pour une AMA (Ask Me Anything – demandez-nous ce que vous voulez) sur PeerTube et Framasoft !

Soutenir PeerTube par un don Ă  Framasoft

Partagez vos idées pour PeerTube v6 !

Le futur proche de PeerTube est clair Ă  nos yeux, mais pour la suite, ce sont vos suggestions qui vont nous guider. Nous n’avons pas d’idĂ©e de ce que sera la feuille de route de PeerTube en 2023. Pour la dĂ©finir, nous avons besoin de vous !

Allez proposer vos idĂ©es (et voter pour les idĂ©es qui vous enthousiasment) sur Let’s Improve PeerTube (en anglais uniquement). Nous voulons savoir quels sont les besoins, quelles sont les envies du public de PeerTube, et plus particuliĂšrement le public « non-geek », qui se fiche Ă©perdument des mots « serveur » ou « instance », et qui souhaite juste voir et partager des vidĂ©os sur cet outil.

Plus de 90 suggestions sont dĂ©jĂ  prĂ©sentes sur Let’s improve Peertube. ajoutez la vĂŽtre !

Début 2023, nous irons voir les suggestions les plus plébiscitées et nous sélectionnerons celles qui correspondent à notre vision de PeerTube et à nos capacités de développement, afin de construire la feuille de route de PeerTube v6.

C’est donc Ă  vous de nous dire quel avenir vous souhaitez pour PeerTube !

Un outil international…

Cette annĂ©e, nous avons eu la chance d’avoir deux prestations en dĂ©veloppement qui nous ont aidĂ©s Ă  financer une partie de notre travail sur PeerTube.

Le ministĂšre de l’Éducation nationale a financĂ© le Studio (outil pour modifier les vidĂ©os) afin de l’implĂ©menter sur sa plateforme d’outils libre apps.education.fr (si vous dĂ©pendez du MEN, pensez Ă  utiliser et promouvoir cette plateforme !).

Howlround, un média universitaire de Boston autour des arts scéniques, a, quant à lui, financé les statistiques détaillées des vidéos et des directs, ainsi que le replay pour les live permanents.

Enfin, nous avons bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’une bourse exceptionnelle de la fondation NĂ©erlandaise NLnet pour le travail sur la v5 de PeerTube.

…financĂ© par les dons francophones

Mises bout Ă  bout, ces sommes reprĂ©sentent une petite moitiĂ© de notre budget annuel consacrĂ© Ă  PeerTube (que nous estimons Ă  70 000 €). Le reste de l’argent provient donc du budget de Framasoft, c’est-Ă -dire des dons que notre association reçoit de son public principalement francophone. Cela nous semble presque injuste que ce soit majoritairement les francophones qui financent un outil qui a une vĂ©ritable portĂ©e internationale

Mais voilĂ  : le fait est qu’on n’est dĂ©jĂ  pas hyper douĂ©es pour « se vendre », promouvoir notre travail et aller chercher les dons, alors s’il faut faire du marketing international, on n’est pas rendus !

Nous n’avons pas de service marketing : nous n’avons que vous.

Nous avons donc besoin de votre aide. Faites marcher le bouche-à-oreille pour faire connaßtre notre campagne de dons autour de vous, spécifiquement hors de la francophonie.

N’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  partager l’adresse soutenir.framasoft.org autour de vous, sur vos plateformes PeerTube, dans vos communautĂ©s qui bĂ©nĂ©ficient de cette alternative.

À l’heure oĂč nous publions ces lignes, nous estimons qu’il nous manque un peu plus de 115 000 € pour boucler notre budget annuel et nous lancer sereinement dans nos actions en 2023.

Si vous le pouvez (eh oui, en ce moment c’est particuliĂšrement compliquĂ©), et si vous le voulez, merci de soutenir les actions de notre association.

Soutenir Framasoft

To understand and get started with PeerTube, check out the new Joinpeertube.org

2022 is definitely the year of our websites’ redesign: after the evolution of our services homepages, degooglisons-internet.org website and recently framasoft.org, it is now time for joinpeertube.org to get a makeover.

« Collectivise Internet / Convivialise Internet 🩆🩆 » Our new 3-year roadmap is funded by your donations.

You will find a short presentation of this roadmap on our Support Framasoft website.

âžĄïž Read all blogposts of this campaign (oct. – dĂ©c. 2022, mostly in French)

This website was launched on 28 February 2018 and redesigned once at the end of 2019. Its aim is to help those who have heard of PeerTube discover more about it and understand what it is. Indeed, it is not always easy for Internet users used to the web giants centralised video platforms to understand PeerTube specifics. The 2019 version of this website made possible to understand what PeerTube is for people with a good digital literacy. But we felt that was not always the case for a larger majority of Internet users.

In order to confirm this impression, we worked with the web agency La Coopérative des Internets, which conducted an audit of the website via user tests and suggested ways of improving it. The JoinPeerTube you are accessing today is the result of this collaborative work.

Let see what changed…

Less information, easier to understand

User testing revealed the homepage was too long and contained too much information, and that some informations were too technical. To give you an example, the tagline « free software to take back control of your videos » was not well understood. By using it, we assumed that people arriving on the website were familiar with the fact that software can provide online service (Software as a service mode). This is obviously not true for a large number of Internet users.

We have therefore simplified the wording: you will no longer find a mention of « software », PeerTube is now a tool that allows the creation of a video platform (and not an « instance », a term that only those in the know understood).

We have also simplified the texts so that they contain fewer explanations. This has greatly reduced the length of the homepage! And for those who would like to know more, we have added a section at the bottom of each page inviting you to consult the F.A.Q. (frequently asked questions). Very thorough and easy to use, the F.A.Q. is now directly accessible from the menu.

old and new JoinPeerTube homepages
On the left, the old JoinPeerTube homepage, on the right the new one.

A new menu to differentiate use cases

On this updated JoinPeerTube, new pages have been created, others have been deleted or modified. The aim of this restructuring is to provide more support for users in their specific use cases (e.g. not offering information about publishing content to someone who just wants to watch videos).

Old and new JoinPeerTube Menu
On the left, the old JoinPeerTube menu, on the right the new one.


The new homepage is now called What is PeerTube? because we have limited the information on it to the essentials. Useful for everyone, this page presents, in a few lines (and hopefully!), what PeerTube is. The section What do we find on PeerTube? encourages you to discover our own selection of quality content. By offering two different selections (one recommending PeerTube platforms, the other videos hosted on different platforms), we hope to provide a better understanding of the tool.

screenshot of the new section presenting our content selections (platforms and videos)
The new section presenting our content selections (platforms and videos)

The new Browse Content page allows you to search through the 600,000 videos and 1,000 platforms in the PeerTube network.This integrated search engine uses SepiaSearch, the search engine we have been maintaining since September 2020. The results are now displayed according to their type (among videos, channels and playlists), which is really convenient.

The Publish videos page is intended for video makers. After explaining in a few lines the interest of distributing your videos via PeerTube when you are a content creator, we present the two ways to join PeerTube:

  • by creating an account on an existing PeerTube platform
  • by creating your own PeerTube platform

screenshot section I'm getting started on PeerTube

The first proposal takes you to the Find a PeerTube Platform page which displays a list of platforms based on several criteria: profile type (the videomaker profile only offers platforms open to registration), topic(s), sensitive videos mode and language.

The second proposal takes you to the PeerTube technical documentation site where those with technical skills will find everything they need to start hosting their own PeerTube platform.

The PeerTube news page is still accessible from the menu. If you want to know about the features of the latest versions, and suscribe to the PeerTube newsletter, it is just one click away!

Expanding Contribution

As you know, PeerTube is a free-libre tool to which you can contribute in many ways. The PeerTube community is already very active, whether it be suggesting new features or improvements, submitting bug reports, creating plugins and themes, translating interfaces, improving documentation, creating tutorials, or responding to those who have difficulty using the tool.

By clicking on the Contribute orange button in the menu, you can discover three easy ways to contribute to the project.

screenshot page Contribute on JoinPeerTube

First way: suggest an idea or improvement on Let’s Improve PeerTube!, launched last July. We want to know what content creators, video-lovers and non-tech-savvy people miss from PeerTube or what changes/new experiences they would like to have. If you are not necessarily inspired, you can always vote for one of the 90+ ideas already posted. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who made these proposals and all those who voted.

Second way: participate in the funding of PeerTube. As you probably already know, PeerTube is a project financed by Framasoft, so funded by donations from our (mostly French and French-speaking) supporters. Framasoft is in charge of the financial management and the development of the project, among other things. The growing success of PeerTube means that we have to do more and more work to maintain and respond to the people who use it. Do you think we are going in the right direction? Then, if you have the desire and the means, we invite you to make a donation.

Third way: participate in PeerTube development. Whether you have programming skills or not, there will always be something to contribute. We have listed on a dedicated page how you can help. Don’t hesitate!

Making PeerTube easier to use

JoinPeerTube first versions highlighted how PeerTube is a great technical tool and allowed us to promote it to people with technical skills. Now that there are over 1000 PeerTube platforms, our new focus is to reach a wider, less digitally savvy audience to make it easy for them to understand what PeerTube is all about. We hope that this new version of the site will be useful and make PeerTube easier to use.

For those of you who are wondering where we are with PeerTube development, we remind you that a version 4.3 was released last September. You should also know that an RC (Release Candidate) version of V5 is now available. If all goes well, we will release the new major version of PeerTube within two or three weeks (time to fix the bugs that the RC will bring up). We will announce all the new features here very soon…

Framasoft donation bar on 2022 11 29th, at 54808€ over 200000

At the time of publishing, we are still missing 145 100 € to finance our yearly budget and make everything we want to do in 2023 happen. If you can (especially in these hard times) and if you want to, thanks for supporting our non-profit and our actions.

 🩆 Support Framasoft

Helpful links